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I Found Love On a Online Dating Site
Over the past few years, I discovered a few personality traits about myself that I wanted to change. When it comes to relationships I have had a hard time changing. I am stubborn. And, I don't like change. Sometimes, when you are set in your ways, change is hard. Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that special woman that I will wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but then the bubble would burst. I discovered that what I wanted from the relationship and what I actually had was vastly different. Probably my expectations were too high. I just wanted love, to be loved and to share my life with a special person. The women I tend to fall in love with tend to have different ideas. Some of the women wanted to be supported, some seemed to just want a friend and then some really didn't know what they really want. I found that I tended to stay in the relationship too long. I didn't leave when I knew I should. I did this because I always had hoped that the relationship would change for the better. I had discovered that this is a false hope and never got better. My problem is that I am was easy. What people call a pushover. It probably is a combination of low self esteem, shyness and having a really easy personality. I try to take life in stride. Even though I think I know what is happening, it is still really easy to take advantage of me. My love life had gotten so bad that after my last relationship I decided I never wanted another relationship again. I was finished with this search that I have been told from childhood. It was the fantasy that I must seek and find the right woman to share a life with, to support and take care of. I came to believe that that was "garbage" advice. I would take care of these woman buy they never gave back to me. But, Internet dating helped me slowly understand and change my personality traits. I registered with a few online dating sites that I had researched on Google and found on dating site directories. I did not go to to the big boys, like eHarmony or Match. I stayed with the smaller sites, to learn and get comfortable with this new form of finding a companion. I first started with a dating site, which is now out of business, because it had a forum area. In the evenings after work I would go and log into the forum to meet new people. I met both men and woman and many had similar experiences to me. I felt comfortable, because, I was anonymous, and could make myself known only when I wanted. I guess this is the shyness in me. I then moved onto another site I found on Google and sounded fun. It turned out to be a good decision. I found a community of people with similar interests that I quickly started to make friends with. I also was able to find friends in my local city and we started to hang out. We occassionally as a group would meet in restaurants and other times meet for drinks. It was a comfortable setting for me and a lot of fun. Well, about 3 months after joining the dating site forum, I met a woman that seemed to share similar interests as myself. We made each other laugh and actually we both were in no hurry to meet face to face. We were having so much fun on the internet with each other we were afraid it wouldn't last if we met face to face. This went on for 7 months until I got up the nerve to invite her out to one of our groups get-togethers at a local restaurant. To my surprise meeting her in person for the first time was like meeting someone I always knew. It was a very comfortable feeling to meet someone the first time, but know all about her because we had been conversing on the forum for so long. Well, to make a long story short, we went out with the group a few more times before deciding to go it alone by ourselves. It has been 2 years with this wonderful woman and I have never been happier. It took me 30 years to find the woman of my dreams. And, I am very happy. Without the internet and doing some life searching and changing some of my personality traits, I don't know if I would have ever had the courage to really search for happiness. I believe there are people like me who are also lost when it comes to dating. The best advice I could give them is find a dating site you are comfortable with a step in one foot at a time and find happiness. Good Luck! Ken Katz runs the onlne dating information site: Web4love.com. His goal in life is to help everyone meet the partner of their dreams. Please include a link to my site: http://www.web4love.com
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How to Get the Girl You Want: The Attraction Killer to Avoid and Some Strategies for Success It's one of the supreme tragedies in life. When there's just one girl you want, it becomes much tougher to get her. No matter how much of a player some guys are, we've all had that one girl we want. It could be that hot babe in your office who you've had a crush on. Or it could be that beautiful woman in your college class who you dream of having as the perfect girlfriend. You see, a lot of times guys mess themselves up by focusing on just one girl. That's because having that narrow focus kills whatever attraction she might have for you. This attraction killer is... FEELING NEEDY AND DESPERATE. When you're needy and desperate, and you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, then you become like the cartoon lover skunk Pepe Le Pieux chasing the cat. And your odds of success are about the same as his. So with that in mind, in this article you'll learn strategies for how exactly to stop killing the natural attraction that special girl has for you. Then you'll learn how to maximize your chances to get the girl you want. Strategy #1: Realize That Other Girls Are Just As Special As She Is Do not sweat it about that one girl. I promise you that although she may be awesome, there are tons of other girls out there who are just as great as she is. No matter what good quality she has (silky hair? good in the kitchen? a sense of humor?), there are millions of other hot women with that exact same good quality. This comes from massive experience... not only from my own two and a half decades dating hundreds and hundreds of women, but from comparing notes with other guys who are good with girls. Believe me when I tell you, there is literally NOTHIN that any woman has that is unique ONLY to her. So don't worry about how special she is. Of course she's special -- lots of girls are! The last thing you ever want to have going through your mind when you're around a girl is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She's irreplaceable!" So, you're free to think she's amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you won't become too needy. Strategy #2: Date Other Women to Get That One Girl Now, I know it's tough to not worry about a woman if she's the only dating prospect in your life right now. So the solution is to make yourself hang out with other girls. This will also pay benefits to you in other ways, using a basic principal of psychology to increase your "value." I'll explain. You see, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction. Psychologically, this is known as the "social proof" phenomenon... and it's much more powerful in women than men. To women, the most attractive guy is the one who's surrounded by other women. So, ironically, the best way to get this special girl attracted to you is for her to discover that she'd have to compete with other women. That way you become a challenge. She's the one who has to win your affections, not the other way around. Strategy #3: Change Your Mindset About Women to Get That Girl A simple change in your attitude will cure your feelings of neediness and desperation for any particular woman. Warning: it's politically incorrect. However, it's effective and, ironically, will maximize your chances of getting her. That change is this... start viewing chicks as "one woman with many faces." That way you won't get too wrapped in any ONE chick. If you get to know players -- you know, those guys who've slept with dozens of women and can get any chick they want -- you'll find that's the exact attitude that every one of them has. So forget coming from a frame of neediness. A better frame to come from is the mindset that you have high value, and any attention you give her has been EARNED by her. That way, even though she is the one girl you want, you'll avoid the attraction killer and have the best odds of success. Coming Out... As an Internet Dater A few weeks ago I was having lunch with a casual acquaintance. As we were chatting, she mentioned her new boyfriend, Adam. "Oh," I asked. "How did you two meet?" She looked around and said, "Well, I guess I can tell you. I mean, he tells everyone." And then she lowered her voice slightly, "We met online." Flattery Will Get You Everywhere Flattery will get you everywhere! Always compliment women and they will always feel good about you, but don't overdue it or they will think your just trying to score points (which you are, but you don't want them to know that). Saying What You Really Want To Say Have you ever been talking to someone you are interested in dating and wished you had put your shoe in your mouth instead of saying anything at all? Or have you wanted to tell someone that you like them, but not known how to do it? If you have you are normal. Seriously, many people donīt always say things the way they want to say them. If you want to overcome this problem consider the following suggestions. Online Dating 101 - Online Dating Basics Online Dating 101 by Kevin Koger Overcoming Your Nervousness About Talking to Women Standing at the magazine rack thumbing through Cosmo, she has the most gorgeous face you've ever seen. Her hair is silky blond. Her skin looks so radiant and so incredibly soft. You would be on top of the world if you could pick her this girl up. Does No mean Yes? A recent sexual assault on our campus was a wake-up call to those who thought that our small-town university was safe. But rape by strangers is only one aspect of the problem. What about acquaintance rape and date rape? Use This Rule To Survive A Loss The intent of this article was to ease any trauma caused by break ups or permanent separations between two persons. Dating at Midlife: Whats First? More American women over 45 are single, than ever before. According to the latest population surveys, someone turns 50 every 8 seconds in the U.S. and more than half of that figure is female. The Best First Date First dates cause anxiety and thoughts of disastrous and embarrassing moments. We all dread the awkward but necessary first date. It comes with the territory when looking for love. But it isn't necessary to feel this way. You can have the best first date experience with every new person you go out with from now on. Here are a few tips on how you can actually enjoy yourself and possibly make yourself even more attractive on each first date. Don't bring your expectations or baggage with you. The last thing your date wants to hear about are your past relationships, ex's and the problems you had with other people. You not only sound like a whiner who can't let go, but you also make yourself sound critical. If you also list what you think a relationship or person should have been, you are setting the other person up for failure because you are obviously judgmental. Your past is your past and it should stay there. You are with a person who has many aspects of their personality you can spend countless hours exploring. Look at it as an adventure instead of like a job application. Enjoy each new thing you learn about the person even if you know you don't want to see them again. You never know what you will learn or if you have found a new friend. When you leave to meet your date, remind yourself that you are your own person and this is a great opportunity for someone to get to know who you are. You are a person with dreams, ideas and intelligent thoughts that can share so much with the right person. Walk into your date comfortable in your own skin. Maintain your happy composure and keep the conversation light but honest. Don't talk about yourself in any negative terms. If you point out what you consider to be your shortcomings and flaws, they will be seen. They might have only been visible to you before you called attention to them. You will also be obvious in your insecurities and this can make other people feel uncomfortable. This is not a feeling you want someone you are interested in to associate with you. While it is absolutely acceptable to participate in conversation, remember to be just as good a listener. It means so much to people when they feel as if they have someone's undivided attention and they are important enough to have your focus. When making a comment on a topic or answering a question, you are letting them know you find them interesting and worth the time and thought. This courtesy is not always noticed on the surface, but when they think back on the date, they will feel as if you truly cared about who they are and what they have to say. Finally, show them that you have a sense of humor and have fun. Laughter and humor is attractive on its own and can only help ease the tension of a stressful meeting situation. While you might not meet 'the one' on your next first date, you will know you gave it your all and the next one won't be so bad. Life isnt Sex and the City A couple of weeks ago, I watched a Sex and the City episode, in which Charlotte, in her never-ending quest to find true love, attends a seminar to teach her how to do just that. From Pen Pal Romance to Online Dating While dating in person usually starts with physical attraction, dating online or pen pal romance often starts with the echo of souls. When the appearance and thoughts are in harmony, we fall in love and have a happy ending. Your heart was pounding when you saw the smiles on her eyelashes. You could have a sleepless night after reading his emails. Whether you find your date online or in person, you could end up with a true love or a broken heart. Pen pal romance or online dating wouldn't change how men and women love, it changes the way how they fall in love. The Final Solution to Dating I run a blog where I discuss the topic of the many games people play in the dating arena. I've posted hundreds of articles, many of which point out many of these troubles. Even if you haven't read the blog, you probably are aware of some of these schemes. While I wish it were easy to sum everything up into one neat, overlying problem, it's not that simple. Let me point out just a few of the issues. Love Discrimination Why is it people, especially the media, thinks that looking for love on the internet is shameful? The discrimination is particularly evident if you are looking for a foreign bride. I met my wife, Eileen, who is Filipina, on the internet. The narrow-minded nay sayers like labeling this media as "mail order bride" They seem to believe these ladies are enslaved by Western men who are seeking a foreign wife. And if by chance a relationship of this sort does go sour, they use this as all-inclusive evidence that looking for love on the internet is morally wrong. Blind Date Very few singles have ever gone through life without having a friend, relative or coworker try to set them up on a blind date. While a blind date is sometimes referred to as a 'first impression' date, people shouldn't associate so much pressure with a blind date. While it is always a good idea to look nice on any first date including a blind date, it is far more important for people to be themselves. If a person is seriously looking for a person to have a relationship with, they are not going to want to attract a person for pretend behavior and unnatural looks. Online Dating Tips For Success So the search for the perfect relationship is tuff. You have tried the grocery market, the coffee houses, blind dates, social gatherings and the Barnes & Nobles. Nothing seems to work. Revealed: What Women Want When It Comes to a Guys Looks As part of my research for a guide to style, I put together a focus group of 6 randomly chosen hot, single women between 21 and 33, to find out what styles in men they considered hot. Why Date Online? More and more people in the UK are turning to the internet to find a date. The advantages are perhaps obvious; it is easy, it widens your choice of partner and you can do it from the confort of you own living room. How To Write A Successful Personal Ad No one would know how good you are if you would not let them know about it. Whether you are promoting yourself for a job or for a date, you have to advertise yourself well. Online Dating For Dummies Whether you have been dating for years, getting back in the game, or just starting out, you could always use a bit of dating advice. Not the kind you get from your mother, but rather the kind that actually might get you past the first date, on to the 2nd and perhaps on to a happily ever after. ![]() |
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