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What are Seduction Lairs?
Are you familiar with Seduction Lairs and how to use them to your advantage? They are around purely for your benefit if you wish to get better with women. If you want to get better with women it will help you if you find other individuals who share the same goals to keep you motivated and learn from. They are a great resource if you take advantage of them. What you really want to do if join a local lair and find others who are good with women. Copy their beliefs, mentality and attitude and you will have the sameoutcome that they have. You can also learn about all the major seduction methods in the lairs as the majority of them are open to just about anything that works. If you do not live anywhere near a city that has a local lair why don't you start one? Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/ and start a group of your own. Yeah you might not have that much skill yet but if you are actively searching for others and trying to help you will be surprised how quickly you can find some new friends. Robert Torrey who works with Fidentia has run the local San Diego lair. He also has a group in Yahoo where all the presidents of local lairs hang out to discuss running a lair politics giving each other advice on what is best for their group. If you are thinking of starting a lair go here RunningaPUAgroup-subscribe at yahoogroups dot com Send Robert Torrey aka Nightlife an email at nightlife858 at yahoo dot com that you want to start a lair and would like to join the above group. Than add your info to the database on the group. There are many suggestions in older threads of how to find members. If you join any lair please let them know you found out about them through Fidentia. To learn about the local Seduction Lairs go to this website. http://www.fidentia.org/seduction_lairs.htm This article was written by Robert Torrey. He is one of the partners in a dating confidence firm called Fidentia. Fidentia has a free newsletter available on their website providing lots of tips and advice.
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Internet Dating - Introduction So you're single. And you don't want to be single any longer. Welcome to the club. It's not an exclusive club and it's not new. In fact, it's a large club with millions of members and it's been in existence forever with a constant churn of people signing in and passing through. For as long men and women have been dating, there's always been a point when the dates no longer feel fun and meeting new people becomes a chore instead of a chance. Three Keys to Wonderful Dating Experience Forget the flowers and the scent. To improve your chances of both finding a date and then having a really wonderful dating experience, probably here are three key dating tips that start at home. . Personal Values and Christian Dating Personal values is an important point when it comes to Christian dating. Being a Christian means that you know what Jesus Christ did on the cross and, you are trusting Him to forgive you, and trusting in His death, burial, and resurrection to be enough to cleanse you of your sin. As a result of this you have allowed Him, through the Spirit of God to begin to work some changes in your life, bringing in a new value system. Personal values should be one of the anchors for any Christian dating. How to Find the Background of Your Online Date The popularity of online dating has increased dramatically over the past few years. While most online daters are honest and straightforward, some seriously misrepresent themselves. Here are some safety tips and steps to help you weed out the good from the bad and help others do the same. How to Get the Girl You Want: The Attraction Killer to Avoid and Some Strategies for Success It's one of the supreme tragedies in life. When there's just one girl you want, it becomes much tougher to get her. No matter how much of a player some guys are, we've all had that one girl we want. It could be that hot babe in your office who you've had a crush on. Or it could be that beautiful woman in your college class who you dream of having as the perfect girlfriend. You see, a lot of times guys mess themselves up by focusing on just one girl. That's because having that narrow focus kills whatever attraction she might have for you. This attraction killer is... FEELING NEEDY AND DESPERATE. When you're needy and desperate, and you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, then you become like the cartoon lover skunk Pepe Le Pieux chasing the cat. And your odds of success are about the same as his. So with that in mind, in this article you'll learn strategies for how exactly to stop killing the natural attraction that special girl has for you. Then you'll learn how to maximize your chances to get the girl you want. Strategy #1: Realize That Other Girls Are Just As Special As She Is Do not sweat it about that one girl. I promise you that although she may be awesome, there are tons of other girls out there who are just as great as she is. No matter what good quality she has (silky hair? good in the kitchen? a sense of humor?), there are millions of other hot women with that exact same good quality. This comes from massive experience... not only from my own two and a half decades dating hundreds and hundreds of women, but from comparing notes with other guys who are good with girls. Believe me when I tell you, there is literally NOTHIN that any woman has that is unique ONLY to her. So don't worry about how special she is. Of course she's special -- lots of girls are! The last thing you ever want to have going through your mind when you're around a girl is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She's irreplaceable!" So, you're free to think she's amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you won't become too needy. Strategy #2: Date Other Women to Get That One Girl Now, I know it's tough to not worry about a woman if she's the only dating prospect in your life right now. So the solution is to make yourself hang out with other girls. This will also pay benefits to you in other ways, using a basic principal of psychology to increase your "value." I'll explain. You see, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction. Psychologically, this is known as the "social proof" phenomenon... and it's much more powerful in women than men. To women, the most attractive guy is the one who's surrounded by other women. So, ironically, the best way to get this special girl attracted to you is for her to discover that she'd have to compete with other women. That way you become a challenge. She's the one who has to win your affections, not the other way around. Strategy #3: Change Your Mindset About Women to Get That Girl A simple change in your attitude will cure your feelings of neediness and desperation for any particular woman. Warning: it's politically incorrect. However, it's effective and, ironically, will maximize your chances of getting her. That change is this... start viewing chicks as "one woman with many faces." That way you won't get too wrapped in any ONE chick. If you get to know players -- you know, those guys who've slept with dozens of women and can get any chick they want -- you'll find that's the exact attitude that every one of them has. So forget coming from a frame of neediness. A better frame to come from is the mindset that you have high value, and any attention you give her has been EARNED by her. That way, even though she is the one girl you want, you'll avoid the attraction killer and have the best odds of success. Why Do So Many People Date Online? Once upon a time, online dating was a last resort, a joke of sorts for singles. Today, that is no longer the case. Millions of singles are now looking online for relationships. The reasons behind this new trend in dating are numerous. She Rejected You: Some Reasons Why It Happened & What You Can Do? There is just something that makes women NOT get attracted to men who have lower STATUS than themselves. There is always tension when a lady is taller than her man, she makes more money than him or when a guy is being 'led around' by his girlfriend or wife.. Men On Dating- Timing, Turn-offs and Keepers Dear Relationship Coach- If You Want A Date, Promote Yourself! How to find a date? Promote yourself! That's one of the key you should consider. It sounds too planned, too contrived, right? You probably wonder whereas the romance; where are all the rainbows, fireworks and stars? Dating Dilemma: The Man Who Said Hed Call and Didnt You went out with the guy. You both had a great time (or at least you thought he did!). You said goodnight, and he said he'd call you. Friday Night Fitness Dates Close your eyes and imagine this romantic setting: an intimate picnic on the beach, you and your mate enjoying strawberries from a fresh fruit salad, and both of you enjoying the ocean breeze as plans are being made for your next date. All of this, of course, after you jogged with your sweetie on the beach at sunset. That's right, "jogged"! How to Get a Girl to Like You We've all had that special woman in our lives. You know... the one with the sweet personality, the really nice hair and a perfect face. She dates the more "adept" guys... but how can you get her to like you? The Joy Of Dating Again: Self-Empowering Keys For some, the idea of dating again can be intimidating or even scary. For others, it means an experience full of expectations and adventures. Whatever your idea of dating again may be, one thing is clear, you want to have a joyful experience and ultimately find new love in your life. Getting The Most From A Romantic Relationship Romantic relationships happen because of the hopes and dreams a couple has for a happy life together. Being concerned with what is good about the relationship is what makes the relationship good. Being too concerned with the problems that a relationship has will take away from the enjoyment that the relationship can provide. How to Flirt and Never Get Rejected! When it comes to flirting, you can get your point across very easily just using your eyes. Take a moment and watch people who are in love. See how they look at each other - they stare directly into each other's eys for extended periods of time. Look at mere friends. See their eyes? They seem to flit back and forth, making eye contact, but never extended eye contact. The Cyber Lothario Are you writing to someone who is romancing you off your feet? Does this guy seem to know just what to say or write that gets you a step or two further down the garden path? Married and Unhappy ... Married women need to feel Love and Married men need to be desired by their partners period !! Dating a Non Christian Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? -2 Corinthians 6:14 Change Your Body Language to Be Relaxed When Approaching Somebody New Get a Girl To Seduce You By Changing Your Body Language. The Five Worst Date Places Food in teeth, nausea, childhood stories and exposing your pot belly are all things you ought to avoid on first or second dates. You run the risk of experiencing these and other humiliating incidents if you choose the wrong place to bring your date. Good places are memorable, different, unique, cost-effective, and relevant to both of you in some way. Bad date places have none of these qualities and the worst places not only lack these things, but also embarrass you and assure that you'll never get another date with the person again. ![]() |
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