Personal Values and Christian Dating

Personal values is an important point when it comes to Christian dating. Being a Christian means that you know what Jesus Christ did on the cross and, you are trusting Him to forgive you, and trusting in His death, burial, and resurrection to be enough to cleanse you of your sin. As a result of this you have allowed Him, through the Spirit of God to begin to work some changes in your life, bringing in a new value system. Personal values should be one of the anchors for any Christian dating.

Your personal values and convictions are a part of your character. They are more than just standards you live by. They are a part of whate defines who you are. That is not to say you can decide what values you want to define who you are and begin to live by them. These changes begin on the inside as the Spirit of God begins to work change in your heart. Then as you begin to follow His lead from the inside, your life on the outside begins to change. As a Christian dating you must remain true the changes that have taken place in your life. My love advice is to remain true to the one who has set love in motion within you - Jesus.

These new personal values should be a guide for you. Everyone you meet while dating, whether online dating or the old fashion way, should be judged against the values that have begun to be instilled in you. Online dating allows you to meet a lot of people. Online Christian dating is the same. And a lot of times you meet people who claim to be Christians but given enough time they will show the contrary. Before making any kind of commitment with someone you need to know whether your personal values match up.

If your personal values do not match up with the person you are dating and there doesn't seem to be any sign of them ever doing so, you should move on. As your own personal values become part of the foundation of who you are, so does a couple's personal values together become part of the foundation that defines the relationship. If there is disagreement in the area of personal values you can expect trouble down the road. This is an extremely important aspect of Christian dating.

In a relationship the personal values of each person make up the personal value of the couple. So you need to be solid in your own personal values, and be satisfied that the person you are with meets your expectations in the personal values department. Don't think that if you stay with them and help them along you might be able to change them. More love advice ? accept people as they are, if you can't move on. Find someone who has the same values that you do. And be careful of people you meet on Christian dating sites as you would any place else.

Tony Tate the author of On line dating, a web site offering tips and advice on successful relationships and on line dating. For more information visit:

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