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1 Step You Should Take to Alleviate Anxiety When Meeting Women
Has a similar scenario like this one ever happened to you before? You've met a pretty lady on a matcher maker website and you've both planned to hook up at a local coffee shop to meet in person for the first time. You're quite excited by this meet and greet as you think she is quite a hottie. But once you get there, anxiety kicks in and you feel your heart about to jump out of your throat as you head to approach her. Yes, she is even more beautiful then the pictures she had shown you, this has in turn created even more anxiety, and as you go to greet her suddenly, your mind draws a blank, you look for some words desperately to pull from your mind to say to her, you've managed to stutter out a sentence and your not even sure if it had made any sense! Well, maybe you haven't experienced that exact same scenario; however I'm sure you've probably experienced something similar. That is just one of many examples of anxiety when approaching women. The good news is, there are ways of eliminating this type of anxiety. I will show you one of the methods you can use right now in order to put a stop to your mind drawing a blank. The first thing you need to do is to pre-plan some of your conversations with the lady in question. The absolute best way to do this is to get a piece of pen and paper to write down what you plan to talk about. Writing it down, will help it sink into your subconscious so you're less likely to draw a blank when you approach her. Also, after you have written down some topics you plan to speak with her about, read it over and over again, and play the scenario over in your mind. 1. Plan Your Greeting ? Make sure you make eye contact and stand with good posture. Making good eye contact and standing with good posture will give her the impression that you have high confidence ? women are very attracted to a man that is confident. And you will feel more relaxed when you the positive reaction she will give when you exert this type of confidence. 2. Write down some questions you would like to ask her. This is good for a number of reasons. It helps you get to know her better ? this is quite an important detail if you want it to go further (possible relationship), you will begin to feel more at ease as you get to know her and she's going to be as happy as a sperm whale is in squid infested waters because she gets a great opportunity to speak about herself. Women love talking about themselves. 3. Prepare to tell a story. Everyone enjoys a good story and it often triggers a memory for them to reciprocate one in return. Here is one of my stories that may help you trigger some memories for yourself. So you can begin planning some of your stories. This back dates to when I was 5. I love telling stories about my childhood; I was adventurous and really quite devious. I had not long started school, (I wasn't particularly fond of school when I first started, in fact I even told my mother on the first day of returning home from school that they didn't need me to go anymore, I told her they already had enough kids in the class). We were living in a house on stilts is what I'd call it. But back in those days, they were pretty popular (the-in-thing). There were two stairways. One was through the back door and one through to the front door. My brother, Daniel was a few years younger then myself so he would wait at home for me each day by the front door, but would never see me come through it. So curiosity got the better of him and he asked me how I get inside the house after I finish school each day. I told him I had magical powers and that I could walk through walls. He was totally amazed and asked if I could give him the power to walk through walls as well. I obliged, waved my hands around a bit and said "there, now you got the power too, what you got to do is run as fast as you can into the wall". You could just imagine his disappointment when he planted face first into the wall only to discover there was no magical power of walking through walls ;-) © Joanne King - http://www.anxiety-panic-free.com/approachwomen.html About the Author - Joanne King is a former sufferer of Anxiety & Panic Attacks. She is the author of two books "How to Overcome Anxiety & Panic Attacks" & "How to Overcome Anxiety When Approaching Women" She has helped other sufferers WorldWide to eliminate their Anxiety & Panic. http://www.anxiety-panic-free.com Get your FREE e-book "The 5 Tell-Tale Body Language Secrets You Must Know about Women" at http://www.anxiety-panic-free.com/approachwomen.html
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Or perhaps you are conducting a psychological experiment on the people you date, and trying to keep the environment constant... It is at least good your haven't just given up on trying yet! Perhaps this is not quite you, but you do feel bored with your dating life, or you stopped dating all together. Quality Adult Personals Quality adult personals are becoming harder to find these days. The recent growth in the online dating world has created a polluted industry, leaving only a handful of good quality sites. When searching for an adult personals site to join, you should set a quality standard. Sites meeting this standard should offer a minimum of the following features: 1. Create a Free Profile ? A free profile is almost a must these days. Sites that do not offer this may be trying to rip you off. 2. Upload photos - To accompany your profile, you should also be able to post photos free. 3. Quick Search ? 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Internet Dating Tips for Beginners There are lots of Internet dating sites available. Some are completely free and others are payable sites. Both type of sites has its own benefits, but lets discuss about the situation, where you have found your possible dating candidate already. I will write this article from a men's point of view, because I'm a male myself. ![]() |
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