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Immigration and Clear Thinking
I get a lot of "reader comments" on the issues I choose to write about. This is a good thing for my editors since this means more readers and more readers mean more advertising revenue. It is good for me too in the sense that I do get some of the greatest writing topics from readers who write me. It can also be a bad thing?sometimes a very bad thing. What I enjoy are those readers' comments in which readers will take the time to attempt to offer me counter-arguments to the particular position I take in the op-ed pieces I write. What I mean is that there are some readers who realize that the process of clear and linear thinking is not an easy task. It takes work-hard work. One is not always successful-especially your humble columnist. And, when a reader takes the time to carefully craft and linearly constructed counter-argument, I appreciate it to no end. I appreciate the effort. I enjoy the challenge. However, most readers' responses I get are NOT carefully crafted, well-constructed counter-arguments. Without fear of contradiction, the vast majority of readers' responses I get are not just poorly constructed but are not counter-arguments at all. Let me give you an example. Here is someone who was attempting, and I credit her for the attempt, to challenge some pieces I wrote on the illegal alien issue: "And by the way, everything - the numbers, and the data I stated here - I can prove to you if you want me to. It is all true." This person believed that if she backed the dump truck up, pulled the lever, and dumped a deluge of "stats and facts" that this would constitute "proof" for her Minuteman Project position. She apparently believed that the "preponderance" of "facts" she could provide me constituted "proof" that she was right and I was wrong. Let me say that I did appreciate this person's attempt. Never once did she resort to the usual fare I encounter: threats to my life, wild profanity, ad hominem, asking what rock I crawled out from under, etc? She tried. The problem with her reasoning, and which vexes me that Americans do not seem to be able to engage in critical thinking to see this, is that she really sincerely believed her own self-proclamation, "It's all true". A proclamation of something being true does not constitute proof of a claim. This person is assuming that her evidence is so overwhelming that only a nimrod, a ding-dong could doubt the claims she is supporting with "the data". However, unless this person's "data" can be shown to be the result of the "test of experimentation" then it would be mere speculation and thus the reader would be committing the fallacy of "Selective Use of Evidence". The issue I think the Minuteman folks seems to miss completely is that when they attend their conferences where their gurus stand before them to rally the forces how do they know whether they are being fed correctly obtained data? How do they know when they are being told the truth and not rehashed rhetoric that is committing the "selective use of statistics" error in critical thinking? This is a hard question and it is a hard thing to solve. How do we know that we are using proper and honest statistics in the point we are trying to prove or in the axe we are trying grind? My Minuteman Project readers often miss this point entirely in that they kept sending me e-mail after e-mail with attachments, texts, and entire PDF e-books from so-called experts. I couldn't possibly read them all! Those I did read were mainly the rehashing of the same quoted truckload of unproven claims. And they were all some form or another of a work by an "expert" with more degrees behind their names than the weather. What was lacking in the stats sent to me was the "test of experimentation". And when there were studies quoted there was a total absence of "peer review". In other words, no one replicated (or was able to replicate) the studies. "The secret language of statistics, so appealing in a fact-minded culture, is employed to sensationalize, inflate, confuse, and oversimplify," warns Huff.[1] Frankly, I do not believe my Minuteman Project readers get that point at all. Nor do I believe that my Minuteman Project readers understand that because someone is an M.D. or a Ph.D. that they are immune to biases and even dishonesty. Even so-called experts can and do have ulterior motives in reporting "studies" in an attempt to support their biases. The example I reported is that the Minuteman and their kind will tell you in no uncertain terms that all of America is on the verge of being wiped out of existence by tuberculosis. Yet, when I contacted the CDC, they were not of that opinion. The Minuteman will use quotes from degreed individuals but who never cite the studies from which they originated nor the "peer reviewed" studies and subsequent results. This is so vital that I cannot risk overstating it: Honest scientists INSIST upon repeatable experiments! This means that properly conducted experiments have to be able to have their steps repeated by objective third-party scientists-who have no axe to grind--who will come up with the same results in order to establish REAL facts and not just speculations! You cannot have the PROPER use of statistics if you do not have PROPERLY OBTAINED statistics to quote. Proper stats are the direct result of the properly constructed TEST OF EXPERIMENTATION! I honestly do not believe that the Minuteman and all their kind get that! Maybe they never will. If they are committing themselves to the Proper Use of Evidence then they should be able to show how that evidence was obtained! They should be able to show, from start to finish, the test constructed to obtain the data, the replication studies, what the result could or could not mean, etc? To date I have seen nothing of the kind! [1] America's Anti-Mexican Xenophobia, by Doug Bower Freelance writer, Syndicated Columnist, and book author, Doug Bower, has written a compelling new book titled, AMERICA'S ANTI-MEXICAN XENOPHOBIA. Have you wondered if the Minuteman Project is really on the "up and up"? Have you wondered if they represent all that is good and right with America-paragons of patriotic virtue? Doug Bower may have the answers you've been looking for. FREE CHAPTER: http://www.lulu.com/content/140958
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1000 Proof Liquor Each and every woman is an actress in their own way, and many of the methods that they use to trick us are so built into their psyches that there is a good chance they are not even aware of the fact that they are being deceptive. A wide range of techniques fall into this category, however, I'm only going to be talking about one that has particularly attracted my interest. I like to call this behavior "1000 proof liquor". How To Have Sex On A First Date Guys have all different motives for trying to be successful with women. Personally, I love relationships, because why would I want to sleep with a chick just once? Immigration and Clear Thinking I get a lot of "reader comments" on the issues I choose to write about. This is a good thing for my editors since this means more readers and more readers mean more advertising revenue. It is good for me too in the sense that I do get some of the greatest writing topics from readers who write me. It can also be a bad thing?sometimes a very bad thing. Dating On-line in Safety Dating online can be great fun, stimulating and exciting. So let's first get it into perspective. Some of us just like to have fun but are sick of the singles bars and other similar nite spots that are the last resort for finding a decent partner or lover. They often result in the wrong person even if you are lucky enough to meet someone. Or, you may have once upon a time met someone that 'fitted the bill' but over time this has proved not to be the case any longer, so.......long story short, you are now once again looking for a better fit. You might be just plain lonely or recently dumped by that someone who promised to be there forever. If you're senior in years, you may just be seeking a companion or someone who has similar interests. These days, it's quite likely that you are someone who's busy most of the time and don't have the time to go galavanting around the place looking for a date and attending dinner parties with the hope that your friends have selected a decent blind date on your behalf. No More Desperation Dating When you think about what you find attractive in a person, what comes to mind? Tall, dark and handsome? Blonde and curvaceous? Tips For Becoming Fluent In The Non-Verbal Language Of Dating We are all too familiar with the term "body language". There have been books, workshops and endless discussions spawned by it. Online Dating Tips - Five Steps to Creating Your Profile Creating your online dating profile is an aspect often commonly overlooked by online daters. You sign up for a dating service, forget about it, no-one contacts you and you give up. Why? You have not marketed yourself properly - so many daters fail even to post a picture! COMING SOON??Online Attractions In my attempts to find the love of my life, I knew that they were not going to be found in the town where I lived, so I took to the Internet. My first experience was the result of a television commercial. They looked so darn happy, you couldn't help but wonder if this could also work for you, so I tried it. Put it this way, finding my "Mr. Right" may have ended up costing me a small fortune! Web Spinning I've been toying around with this technique that I call "Web Spinning" for a while now and it has been working wonders for me, plus I've had quite a bit of fun during the process... I think you will too. This is how it works: The First Impression is a Lasting Impression The first date is the most apprehensive, nerve wreaking event in the beginning of any relationship and it is also the "first impression" and the one thing in life that can never be changed! The Truth About Women Revealed Have you ever imagined what it would be like to read a woman's to mind - especially a woman you want to get into your bed? How about just being able to fake it enough that she thinks you can read her mind? Online Dating - Six Ways to Protect Your Privacy in Cyberspace Online dating is becoming more and more mainstream, as people from all walks of life plug in and find their soul mate in cyberspace. Here are six tips to finding that special someone while still maintaining your privacy and safety online. Relationship Red Flags You Shouldnt Avoid All relationships are clearly not meant to be. Only a few really deserve your time and your efforts. Sometimes we have clouded judgment and fail to recognize warning signs that are clearly apparent. Everyone deserves to love and be loved in a relationship. Often relationships start out wonderfully and turn sour while dating. You should invest your time with those people who respect you and will treat you well. Yet, sometimes we may overlook some of the warning signs that may save us much heart ache in the end. Online Dating 101 - Online Dating Basics Online Dating 101 by Kevin Koger Body Language Next to your internal mindset (which should be relaxed, confident, and sexual), body language is the most important aspect when it comes to dating women. Quality Adult Personals Quality adult personals are becoming harder to find these days. The recent growth in the online dating world has created a polluted industry, leaving only a handful of good quality sites. When searching for an adult personals site to join, you should set a quality standard. Sites meeting this standard should offer a minimum of the following features: 1. Create a Free Profile ? A free profile is almost a must these days. Sites that do not offer this may be trying to rip you off. 2. Upload photos - To accompany your profile, you should also be able to post photos free. 3. Quick Search ? At the least, you should be able to search by age, zip code, gender, and interest. Today's top adult personals provide you with these tools to help you find exactly what you are looking for. 4. View Member Photos ? Yes, for many people, looks do matter. You should be able to view members' photos before even talking to them, eliminating those who don't meet your standards. 5. Feel Secure - Most important, the environment of a quality adult personals site should make you feel safe. Professionally designed sites usually make you feel secure. So there you have the quality standard. Don't waste your time on sites that do not offer the features mentioned above. Today's top adult personals are able to provide you with them for free. You can find a list of sites meeting these standards at AdultPersonalsDirectory.com Creating An Effective Personals Ad That Gets Results: Dos and Donts Creating a great ad means selling your strengths and attributes. Think of this as creating your personal resume. Many of the online systems provide a multiple choice matching along with an essay. After someone finds you with a "match", it is your essay portion that can make you shine. It is crucial to fill out the essay completely, with at least 2 or three sentences per question asked. You can come back to the essay later on many systems. You will spend 45 minutes to an hour filling this out. People who do not fill out the essay are not taking seriously and get passed on for other profiles that are more forthcoming. Be honest in your ad. Hot Women And Eye Contact For a while now I've been wondering why some women always make eye contact and hold it longer than others, and in most cases, the women who fail to maintain eye contact are the best looking. Each woman is unique, so their reasons for not maintaining eye contact could be any of a variety of things. However, after a lot of thought and research I've found out why these "dimes" or perfect 10's tend to make eye contact much less than other women. Read on and be enlightened. Love Could Be An Errand Away You have signed up on several large dating sites and posted a great profile. So far, you've had some nice responses, but these haven't led to a meeting yet. Someone told you about a singles group at your church and there is an organization in your city for singles who want to volunteer, and hopefully meet other like-minded people. You've lost count of all the parties, happy hours and clubs you've been to, hoping to meet compatible singles. Whew! It's a lot of effort just to be in the right place at the right time with the right people. 10 Impressions on Online Dating Are you a little uncomfortable with the idea of Internet dating? Have you thought about how great it is for busy people; how convenient? Don't ever be duped by an online dating suitor. There are tales of deceit and heartbreak, don't be one of them. ![]() |
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