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Dating Tips for Matchmaking and Friend Finder Sites
Three years ago, I met my boyfriend Andy through the well known online dating agency 'Friend Finder'. Since meeting, we have moved in together and are head-over-heals in love. We decided that we wanted to help others that were in the same situation as we were - single and looking for love, so we set about creating a website aimed at reviewing matchmaking and friend finder sites from across the world. We believed that in doing this, we would give people a base to start on when looking for love. Over time, we have added to that site, as well has creating numerous articles of which this is but one. This article gives you tips on how to create a good profile, and how not to fall into the dozens of pitfalls that there are in the online-matchmaking world. Setting up your Online Dating Account or Profile When setting up your online profile, it is highly recommended that you first subscribe or sign up for a free email account which you do not use for business or personal incoming mail. This is simply because if you no longer wish to be in contact to someone, they will not have access to your primary email. Some online dating sights offer the option of signing up for a free email account after you have filled in your profile. This is a good idea, as it provides you with an email that can be specifically used for dating purposes. When you select your screen name, use something that isn't too intimidating. User names incorporating your own name or something that you enjoy is always effective. Make sure you reflect your personality in a conservative manner. Some examples are ? Craig_surfer30@heartsaffection.com the.best.kind.of.girl@heartsaffection.com Foxyfiona@heartsaffection.com fun_and_flirty@heartsaffetion.com guyforyou@heartsaffection.com alan.lawson22@heartsaffection.com How Are You Feeling Today? The completion of an online dating profile should be done in the right frame of mind. If you are feeling blue or perhaps lonely, or even not so positive the day you fill out your profile, it will come across that way. Choose a day when you feel happy and positive about your life, then sit down beforehand, grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down your interests, hobbies and your best points and traits. If you make a draft copy beforehand, you will find there are just so many wonderful things about 'you' that you want to share with others, you won't have space in your profile when you come to filling it in! Be Honest with Yourself?and Others Make sure you are honest when writing your profile. Good relationships are based on trust and honesty. If you are serious about online dating and are hoping it will lead to a meeting, you need to describe yourself and your personality accurately. There may be some parts of your identity that you wish to remain inconspicuous, but when it comes to appearance, you should describe yourself truthfully. After all, you never know when the person of your dreams will want to meet up with you! If describing your appearance is not your thing and you feel uncomfortable, just add and photo of yourself. Photos When attaching a photo to your profile, there are a few key things to consider. The photo you select should portray you accurately. This means not posting the one of you two years ago when you were out at a friends 21st and looked fantastic but had just '10 too many' drink. Is that a true representation of you? For the best results, have another person take the picture for you. This will allow them to get the best possible effects from light, angle and positioning. If you enjoy the outdoors, have a friend take a picture of you in your beautiful garden with a fresh flower pinned behind your ear. If you prefer the beach, have them take it of you under a shady palm with a huge smile! It important to appear naturel in your pictures. Dress modestly, or how you would when you were going out on a casual date. The aim is to appear naturel, yet groomed, so smile, sit up straight and be positive! This will shine out to the other person ? Gorgeous! Getting to Know Someone When you are first starting out with online dating, it can be daunting. The most important thing to remember to is remain truthful to yourself. If you get a negative feeling about a particular person, go with it. If you feel an attachment of friendship forming, see where it leads you. You must remember there is no rush or pressures to meet, fall for or even become good friends with a person, so go at your own pace. Generally, people like an honest, friendly and warm person who is fun to be with. Each individual has their own definition of these traits; it is just a matter of finding someone who is compatible with you. A good way to let someone you have been seeing online know how you feel about them is to send them an e-card or poem, according to their personal taste. I can be short and sweet, lusty or romantic; whatever you feel is appropriate and will be warmly welcome. Don't try and overwhelm another person. People do not appreciate this and will find themselves wanting to distance from you. If you are strongly connected to an online partner, feel free to send them flowers or a small gift. I hope this helps you find the person of your dreams. For free reviews of matchmaking sites, please visit http://www.heartsaffection.com Lots of love, Katie Lewis
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The Freedom to Exist This article will seem like just good old plain common sense. Yet, most people in business of giving advice in dating and seduction are not really addressing it and I know it is a problem for most men. Help! Im Single for the First Time in Years! You're back on the dating scene. But you're worried as it's been a long time since you were single or looking. Regardless of how exciting and new it all seems, it's only natural for one to feel unsure and 'out of practice' when taking the step of going on dates again. 3 Easy Steps To Online Dating Success We all know that online dating will help you to make new friends and meet your perfect partner. But, how do you get the best out of a dating site? If you are thinking of signing up, or have already joined a dating site without success, make sure you read these 3 important tips! Online Dating 101 - Online Dating Basics Online Dating 101 by Kevin Koger The Dating Game Why is it some people look at dating as a game while other look at it as serious "soul mate searching"? That all depends on what you searching for; a friend, a lover, or are you searching for a true lifetime commitment? Flowers Leading the Way Online dating is very popular and also provides a safe way in which to meet other singles with many of your same interests. Instead of trying to find that perfect someone by going out on blind dates set up by friends and family members, doing the bar scene or just plain giving up, many single people today are meeting they soul mates online. The Best First Date First dates cause anxiety and thoughts of disastrous and embarrassing moments. We all dread the awkward but necessary first date. It comes with the territory when looking for love. But it isn't necessary to feel this way. You can have the best first date experience with every new person you go out with from now on. Here are a few tips on how you can actually enjoy yourself and possibly make yourself even more attractive on each first date. Don't bring your expectations or baggage with you. The last thing your date wants to hear about are your past relationships, ex's and the problems you had with other people. You not only sound like a whiner who can't let go, but you also make yourself sound critical. If you also list what you think a relationship or person should have been, you are setting the other person up for failure because you are obviously judgmental. Your past is your past and it should stay there. You are with a person who has many aspects of their personality you can spend countless hours exploring. Look at it as an adventure instead of like a job application. Enjoy each new thing you learn about the person even if you know you don't want to see them again. You never know what you will learn or if you have found a new friend. When you leave to meet your date, remind yourself that you are your own person and this is a great opportunity for someone to get to know who you are. You are a person with dreams, ideas and intelligent thoughts that can share so much with the right person. Walk into your date comfortable in your own skin. Maintain your happy composure and keep the conversation light but honest. Don't talk about yourself in any negative terms. If you point out what you consider to be your shortcomings and flaws, they will be seen. They might have only been visible to you before you called attention to them. You will also be obvious in your insecurities and this can make other people feel uncomfortable. This is not a feeling you want someone you are interested in to associate with you. While it is absolutely acceptable to participate in conversation, remember to be just as good a listener. It means so much to people when they feel as if they have someone's undivided attention and they are important enough to have your focus. When making a comment on a topic or answering a question, you are letting them know you find them interesting and worth the time and thought. This courtesy is not always noticed on the surface, but when they think back on the date, they will feel as if you truly cared about who they are and what they have to say. Finally, show them that you have a sense of humor and have fun. Laughter and humor is attractive on its own and can only help ease the tension of a stressful meeting situation. While you might not meet 'the one' on your next first date, you will know you gave it your all and the next one won't be so bad. The Law of Large Numbers It is often said that sales is a numbers game. The more people we contact, the more chances we have to make a sale. That seems pretty obvious. The more people we contact the better chance we have of making a sale. A Revolution Has Come To Online Dating There is truly a revolution going on in the online dating services industry. And it is one that is far overdue. For years online dating has been provided by websites that provide access to dating profiles, addresses and emails for a monthly fee. Defining a Relationship How does one know when a relationship is really a relationship? Very good question for all of us to ponder don't you think? Generally, when you meet someone and decide to persue some type of relationship, you most often think if the other person agrees to go out with you multiple times, one begins to think that you "click" and that maybe, just maybe this time it might work out. Do we all live in a dream world? I must make it clear that I am not "profiling" either sex as both genders are guilty of this practice. Sometimes when you meet and things click along beautifully you just automatically assume that they are just as interested in you as you are them, not always the case and we need to be aware of the signs that tell us this. Online Dating Makes Searching For a Partner Fun Some have said that online dating is an impersonal relationship. These people just don't know what they are talking about. In fact, online dating is really the best way to start a dating relationship. And, today, many people are finding the person of their dreams on the internet. And, you have nothing to lose. Online dating even with a monthly fee is probably much cheaper than finding a partner the old fashion way. Does Online Dating Work? Dating Online is currently the Internets biggest craze, and its here to stay! But does it actually work? Find Reputable Internet Dating Services That Want To Earn Your Trust Internet dating services are popping up online like dandelions in the spring, and sometimes for a newcomer, it's hard to recognize which ones are the reputable dating sites that are willing to offer you the best Internet dating service to earn your trust, and which ones are out to take your money with false promises! How To Gain Her Trust From The Start For a woman to have sex with a guy, she must not only be attracted to him, but she must also trust him. Look at it like this: Choosing an Online Dating Service The task of choosing the best dating site to join can seem daunting at first with the thousands of possibilities out there. Yet making that choice is perhaps easier than you think. By following these few simple steps you can quickly narrow down your choices. Guys that Beautiful Girls Want: You Can Be One "Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us."- Earl Nightingale Online Dating Tips - Five Steps to Creating Your Profile Creating your online dating profile is an aspect often commonly overlooked by online daters. You sign up for a dating service, forget about it, no-one contacts you and you give up. Why? You have not marketed yourself properly - so many daters fail even to post a picture! How To Find a Great Dating Partner and Have Fun Looking Internet dating can be great fun for you. It is an easy and painless way to meet some great people you might not normally meet. It seems that today people are working much more than in the past. When you are ready to go home, you are too tired to go out everynight looking to meet someone. Dating After Divorce: Things To Think About Regarding Dating After Divorce Dating after divorce is a much debated topic due to the psychological and emotional impact it can have on people. Dating after divorce can be complex, too often divorcees don't consider the ramifications of dating after divorce before they jump into it with both feet! Compliments - A Very Powerful Dating Tool! Giving a compliment can be a very powerful tool when dating women. Of course, too many compliments can also make you look desperate and needy. There needs to be a happy medium. So, what is the key? As outlined in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" you need to give a compliment from a position of power. If you can master this one form of communication then she will see you as a powerful person and continue to crave your attention and approval. ![]() |
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