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Dating Opportunities Are More Abundant Than Ever Before
Dating, there are many thoughts that word brings about. Many of us have had both bad and good experiences with dating. Most of us can say that those experiences go back to our teenage years, when we first began dating. As we developed into a teenager, our maturity evolves and emerge, as does our experience with dating. Dating, the awe inspiring teenage ~thing~ to do, one of life~s greatest milestones, finally we are into it, girl meets boy or boy meets girl and suddenly we are thrown into the often exciting world of dating! So what is all the hoopla about? In times gone by, courting was the olden day version of the more modern times dating. Courting, sort of a catch me if you can type dating scenario was a societal event. Courting was time to get to know one another, to develop a friendship before the routine of a relationship were thrown into the mix. These days we call it dating, but it is a far cry from the ritualistic courting that our ancestors were accustomed to. Or is it? Maybe today we are much more open and that openness has become the big difference in courting versus dating. Dating is modern! Dating is hip! Dating is the definition of hormonal overload! Unfortunately gone are the days where impressing them was the aim of the game; whereas today, dating is much more complicated than that! With many avenues of dating available to us today, dating serves an identifiable purpose to most. Dating is about how to find your first sexual experience, how to find that life long partner that you have often dreamt about; dating is about life experience, an act where it could occur just the once or could continue for months, often years. Dating could spark romance or electrify with heartbreak. So how do we go about attracting a date? Dating services are everywhere. Every roadside billboard lists web based dating services, every evening television advertisement mentions dating chat lines, every newspaper has a personal questions column, every club offers a speed dating service. The best thing to do is to get a clear picture of what it is you are wanting in the way of a relationship. Keep that vision in mind and be alert to how synchronicity brings you opportunities for the right person to show up! The author has been through all the "normal" ways of meeting people, including blind dates. Her motto is: "dating should be done with your eyes wide open", instead of closed with your fingers crossed and hoping for the best. She has taught many people to get clear about what they are looking for in regards to a potential mate. Carmella Difonzo is passionate about dating and is the webmaster of FAS Dating
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Online Dating - 5 Essential Safety Tips So, you've decided to take the plunge and follow in the footsteps of countless other singles who know that online dating is a successful route to meeting new friends and finding the perfect partner. But, what do you do when you find someone you like? Black Professional, Educated, And Self-Reliant Woman - Why Am I Still Single? Today there are many single women over the age of thirty. The 2000 Census Bureau recorded that 2,219,489 women between the ages of 30 and 34 have never married. Googling for Love Google: (GOO.gul) v. To use an Internet search engine such as Google.com to look for information related to a new or potential girlfriend or boyfriend. Im Looking for Mr. Right, Am I Too Picky? Many of my clients that I coach are single and looking for that one perfect mate that is going to understand and love them. Most of these clients are in their 20's 30's or early 40's. Because I work as a business consultant and coach, the people I come into contact with are usually people who are open to self growth. This causes a whole new level of understanding that the clients must acknowledge. Finding a Safe Dating Site Seems like everywhere we surf on the Internet nowadays we run across this little advertisement: 'Free online personals'. They are everywhere, they are dating sites, and more are opening up shop every day. The Best First Date First dates cause anxiety and thoughts of disastrous and embarrassing moments. We all dread the awkward but necessary first date. It comes with the territory when looking for love. But it isn't necessary to feel this way. You can have the best first date experience with every new person you go out with from now on. Here are a few tips on how you can actually enjoy yourself and possibly make yourself even more attractive on each first date. Don't bring your expectations or baggage with you. The last thing your date wants to hear about are your past relationships, ex's and the problems you had with other people. You not only sound like a whiner who can't let go, but you also make yourself sound critical. If you also list what you think a relationship or person should have been, you are setting the other person up for failure because you are obviously judgmental. Your past is your past and it should stay there. You are with a person who has many aspects of their personality you can spend countless hours exploring. Look at it as an adventure instead of like a job application. Enjoy each new thing you learn about the person even if you know you don't want to see them again. You never know what you will learn or if you have found a new friend. When you leave to meet your date, remind yourself that you are your own person and this is a great opportunity for someone to get to know who you are. You are a person with dreams, ideas and intelligent thoughts that can share so much with the right person. Walk into your date comfortable in your own skin. Maintain your happy composure and keep the conversation light but honest. Don't talk about yourself in any negative terms. If you point out what you consider to be your shortcomings and flaws, they will be seen. They might have only been visible to you before you called attention to them. You will also be obvious in your insecurities and this can make other people feel uncomfortable. This is not a feeling you want someone you are interested in to associate with you. While it is absolutely acceptable to participate in conversation, remember to be just as good a listener. It means so much to people when they feel as if they have someone's undivided attention and they are important enough to have your focus. When making a comment on a topic or answering a question, you are letting them know you find them interesting and worth the time and thought. This courtesy is not always noticed on the surface, but when they think back on the date, they will feel as if you truly cared about who they are and what they have to say. Finally, show them that you have a sense of humor and have fun. Laughter and humor is attractive on its own and can only help ease the tension of a stressful meeting situation. While you might not meet 'the one' on your next first date, you will know you gave it your all and the next one won't be so bad. Want To Be A Success In Dating? Use Your 5 Senses How often do girls on the street smile to you, pay to you attention? Sometimes? Never? You wonder what you should do to make it happen? Online Dating Secret There is a simple online dating secret that can save you a lot of time and energy! 5 Quick Ways to Find Your Next Date Overwhelmed with family, school, work and volunteer obligations, woman are turning to online dating or speed-dating services to do a little of their homework for them. However, you do not have to anymore. Defining a Relationship How does one know when a relationship is really a relationship? Very good question for all of us to ponder don't you think? Generally, when you meet someone and decide to persue some type of relationship, you most often think if the other person agrees to go out with you multiple times, one begins to think that you "click" and that maybe, just maybe this time it might work out. Do we all live in a dream world? I must make it clear that I am not "profiling" either sex as both genders are guilty of this practice. Sometimes when you meet and things click along beautifully you just automatically assume that they are just as interested in you as you are them, not always the case and we need to be aware of the signs that tell us this. Dating Mistakes Dating mistakes can kill a dating relationship. Do you know what dating mistakes you have made? Do dating mistakes hold your relationship back? And, do mistakes like these get forgotten later on? Dating mistakes are simply things that you just don't do right. To avoid them, though, you have to know what your partner considers a dating mistake. Why Not Average Joe: Exploring Melanas Choice Admit it. You snickered, rolled your eyes and laughed out loud as the group of "Average Joes" filed out of their bus to meet Melana that first night. You probably thought "no way" as you settled in for a soap about a beautiful girl's rejection of the geeks. Indeed, Melana herself stated, "Someone is messing with my head", as the next "average" guy stepped down to meet her. Dating Tool: Confidence 101 I'm over it. "There's plenty of fish in the sea," they say. Well, apparently I have been using the wrong bait. Nobody said dating would be easy, but Hollywood sure likes to paint it that way, doesn't it? "There's someone for everyone," they say. Maybe that ought to translate to, "There's someone for everyone?.as long as you're a muscled pretty boy with washboard abs, and at least 6 feet tall." A Revolution Has Come To Online Dating There is truly a revolution going on in the online dating services industry. And it is one that is far overdue. For years online dating has been provided by websites that provide access to dating profiles, addresses and emails for a monthly fee. How To Gain Her Trust From The Start For a woman to have sex with a guy, she must not only be attracted to him, but she must also trust him. Look at it like this: Four Dating Rules You Must Know To Transform Your Love Life Dating is the first step to love. I am going to give you a simple guide to find your dream-lover. First of all, you will need to call the following basic equipment into full action: brain, eyes, ears, lips and hands. That's all you need, at least in the beginning. Hang on, I know what you are going to say, "are you nuts Zak forgetting the vital ones." Let me clear this mystery once and for all, which has dazzled billions for thousands of years. I am talking about love here. Before feeling the warmth of the fire, it has to be built up from a spark. Online Dating Tips - Five Steps to Creating Your Profile Creating your online dating profile is an aspect often commonly overlooked by online daters. You sign up for a dating service, forget about it, no-one contacts you and you give up. Why? You have not marketed yourself properly - so many daters fail even to post a picture! How to Get a Girl to Like You We've all had that special woman in our lives. You know... the one with the sweet personality, the really nice hair and a perfect face. She dates the more "adept" guys... but how can you get her to like you? How To Find A Dating Web Site That Is Right For You Today Starting From Scratch So at last you're sick and tired of the bar scene, and now you want to find a dating web site that's right for you, but you don't know where to begin! No worries let us take you through a few options available and see what dating site will fit your plans! Creating Your Online Dating Profile Are you considering the possibility of using an Online Dating Site to find the Date or Love of your dreams? Yes? Well, did you know that the most important part of finding your special someone through online dating is your profile. As explained in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" even if you plan on being proactive in your search, you will still need a stellar profile. Why? Mainly because anyone you email, wink or nod will most likely use your profile as a way of deciding whether or not they wish to respond to you. So, how do you create an eye grabbing profile? Here are 6 steps that will get you on your way to dating ecstasy. ![]() |
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