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Dating Advice: Should You Play With Madness?
I have a friend with a big problem, a guy who needs good dating advice badly. All the women he dates are dysfunctional, and he can't figure out why. Actually, most of the women he dates aren't merely dysfunctional, they're psychotic. In fact, when came to me for some dating advice, he told a story about the last woman he dated, how she literally stalked him for three months after their relationship ended, one day calling him a "Nazi," the next calling him the sweetest guy on earth. It got so bad he decided to sell his house and move out of state. No joke, this is a true story. However, this is NOT the first woman like this he's dated. In fact, most women he's dated are like this. Now, you might think this guy is bad looking and broke, a complete loser who just can't "do any better." The truth, though is this: the guy's 6'2", in good shape, could pose for GQ, and does very well financially. And, he can be a fun, witty guy to hang out with. Why then, did this guy come to me for dating advice? There are actually several answers to this question (and we don't have time to cover all of them today), but many of them have to do with what's called "map/model of the world," both his and theirs. We'll talk about his in a later episode-for now, just realize your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Obviously he's got some work to do on his inner world, and he is taking my dating advice seriously, but for now let's talk about map/model of the women he dates. Just what is "map/model" of the world, and how will this help your dating? It's simply how each individual human being views the world-the sum total of our internal representations. Let me give you an example that will clarify this. Let's say you and I are listening to the radio and a particular song comes on. You hate it, but I like it. Why? Because we both have different maps/models of the world. Although the "input" (in this case the song) was exactly the same, the "output" (our reaction to the song) was different. Our "maps" create the differing output. How we view the world is different. How each man responds to my dating advice is different. When you're screening women to see if they're worth spending time with, you want to uncover as much of their map/model of the world as possible. Why? Because how they've behaved in the past (based on their map/model of the world) is how they will behave in the future. And if the past behavior they've exhibited is bad, their future behavior will be worse. (Take my dating advice on this one!) When my friend told me during this dating advice session about his experience with this "crazy woman" I asked how they met, what she said to him. It took me 15 minutes of listening to him for me to determine, simply based on what she said to him, that she was a "nonstarter", someone I would NEVER start a dating relationship with. Why? Because she'd described several instances of psychotic/stalking behavior in past relationships. But, since he wasn't actively uncovering her map/model of the world, and making decisions based on it, he got into a horrible relationship. I would have avoided dating her completely. So just how do you uncover a woman's map? By asking, "elicitation questions" and actively listening. You want to look for common patterns of behavior that reoccur in her past relationships. Awhile back I met a woman online and we met at Town Lake here in Austin for a walk. As we walked, I simply asked her about her online dating experiences. Over and over she said, "oh he kept following me, but he was a loser." Then I asked her about her relationships, and she kept talking about how guys "cheated on her all the time." How did she know they were cheating, I asked? Well, she said, because I would drive by their houses, and strange cars would be in the driveway. My dating advice to anyone who exhibits this attitude is... don't walk, run! Now, if I'd pursued ANY type of dating relationship with this woman, what do you think the outcome would have been? She would have driven by my house, looking for "strange cars" and then she would have accused me of "cheating." And then she would have come to my place of work at odd hours to "confront me." Why? Because that's what she did with all the guys who "cheated on her." Obviously I never met with her again, even though she was cute. But many guys not heeding this very important nugget of dating advice would have, because they were paying attention to looks, not uncovering her map or model of the world. And the next six months of their lives would have been HELL. Listening for map/model of the world is a valuable skill to develop, and some of the best dating advice I can give anyone. You will find that uncovering someone's map of the world will save you much frustration. So? I've got some homework for you guys. As you go throughout your day tomorrow, actively listen for other people's maps. Get them to tell you stories, and listen for recurring patterns of behavior, both good and bad. Develop this skill, and utilize it, and you'll be able to avoid a lot of heartache, and enjoy a lot of pleasure. About the Author: John Alanis, "The King of Let 'em Come to You", is author of the "Women Approach You" system at http://www.womenapproachyou.com. His blog is at http://www.johnalanis.com
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10 Secrets to Online Dating Success Online dating is a new way to find friends or perhaps to find your special someone. Guys, Do Your Pickup Lines Always Get Met with Turn Downs? It's unbelievable how many guys have this problem! Dating Dilemma: The Man Who Said Hed Call and Didnt You went out with the guy. You both had a great time (or at least you thought he did!). You said goodnight, and he said he'd call you. 3 Easy Steps To Online Dating Success We all know that online dating will help you to make new friends and meet your perfect partner. But, how do you get the best out of a dating site? If you are thinking of signing up, or have already joined a dating site without success, make sure you read these 3 important tips! Why Not Average Joe: Exploring Melanas Choice Admit it. You snickered, rolled your eyes and laughed out loud as the group of "Average Joes" filed out of their bus to meet Melana that first night. You probably thought "no way" as you settled in for a soap about a beautiful girl's rejection of the geeks. Indeed, Melana herself stated, "Someone is messing with my head", as the next "average" guy stepped down to meet her. How to Finally Approach the Women You Lust for We've all been there. You have been meeting her accidentally in the hall for a long time and every night you go to sleep you dream about her, you've decided a 100 times that you will stop being a wussy and that you will call her out on a date, but the moment you see her your feet are cemented to the floor and your tongue is heavy as it were made of lead. And you feel lost in space! A Dating Story From My Youth One of my first "Big Dates" was a Cotillion dance in 8th grade...or was it seventh? Cotillion was an attempt by a local "grande dame" to nurture refined manners in a group of young teens along with ballroom dancing instruction. I think it was a truly nerve wracking experience for most of us! Once a week we would walk a couple blocks from the middle school to the K of C Hall located on the 3rd floor of a downtown building. A virtual skyscraper in our town! Guys wanting a little money would hang about by the door and help the instructor out of her car ...open the door. These kind of brownie points paid a couple bucks cash! If you were really good you would carry some of her stuff up the 3 flights of worn wooden stairs. It was one of those buildings that are mystifyingly old...the major mystery to me being that they haven't burned down! Online Dating The online dating world today can be a confusing place to be. As more people flock online, there are companies ever more eager to jump on the dating bandwagon. This has lead to literally thousands of dating sites springing up online. Dating Tips: Share a Little More Personal on Yourself Have you been dating for a long time but felt that something is still lacking somewhere? Not understanding your partner well enough? The chances are, both of you are likely to be still stuck at the very initial stage of a relationship. Well give it a thought. Recall the conversations between both of you in your recent dates or so. What was it that both of you discussed about? The plot of a movie? What happened during work? The recent fashion sales? Your neighbour's new born puppies? Gossiping about your friends? Last evening soccer match? When it Comes to Multicultural Dating The Most Important Ingredient is Love Have you been only dating people from your own ethnic background, to find that no matter what you try, there just seems to be no spark or real passion occurring in the relationship? Are you just about ready to give up on finding a soul mate? Well before you lose all hope in the dating world, you may want to try exploring dating someone who comes from a different culture than you. Who knows, you may just discover that a multicultural relationship is what you need to discover that special spark you've been searching for. Look Your Best With Some First Date Grooming Tips So the big night is quickly approaching, your first big date with the cutie you have been eyeing. So what do you need to get ready for that first big date? You need to look good! First impressions are everything, and everybody likes to know that they are with someone who values and takes care of themselves, so put the extra effort into looking your best. Personal Values and Christian Dating Personal values is an important point when it comes to Christian dating. Being a Christian means that you know what Jesus Christ did on the cross and, you are trusting Him to forgive you, and trusting in His death, burial, and resurrection to be enough to cleanse you of your sin. As a result of this you have allowed Him, through the Spirit of God to begin to work some changes in your life, bringing in a new value system. Personal values should be one of the anchors for any Christian dating. Dating Advice for Those Just Getting Back on the Dating Wagon! Dating is a daunting prospect, especially for those who've been off the circuit for a while. Here's a little dating advice to help you back on the dating wagon. Unlock Your Inner Diva for Dating Success There's something sexy about a powerful, take-charge woman who knows what she wants and how to get it! To be an intriguing and sexy Decisive Diva you must develop within yourself the Three E's of Feminine Power: Erotic Power, Economic Power and Emotional Power. Learn how to unlock your own Inner Diva and power date your way to a great relationship. Dating Sites Are Bringing Millions Of Singles Together For Quality Online Relationships It's amazing how dating sites are helping over a million single men and women establish quality relationships online! Online Dating Makes Searching For a Partner Fun Some have said that online dating is an impersonal relationship. These people just don't know what they are talking about. In fact, online dating is really the best way to start a dating relationship. And, today, many people are finding the person of their dreams on the internet. And, you have nothing to lose. Online dating even with a monthly fee is probably much cheaper than finding a partner the old fashion way. So, How Big is Your Penis? As a result of dating for decades and chatting with many singles of both sexes, I've gathered some interesting and helpful insights about men and women. Here are a few: The Joy Of Dating Again: Self-Empowering Keys For some, the idea of dating again can be intimidating or even scary. For others, it means an experience full of expectations and adventures. Whatever your idea of dating again may be, one thing is clear, you want to have a joyful experience and ultimately find new love in your life. Three Keys to Wonderful Dating Experience Forget the flowers and the scent. To improve your chances of both finding a date and then having a really wonderful dating experience, probably here are three key dating tips that start at home. . Dating in the New Millenium Over the past 20 years the face of dating has gone through some noticeable changes. Traditional methods of finding a date would be to rely on friends to play matchmaker or to attend bars, various different social events and parties. We now rely on internet service providers to open the doors for romance. Whether we like it or not, the internet has changed our lives especially in the way we date and meet people. ![]() |
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