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10 Keys to Getting Along With Single Women For Successful Dating, Seduction
1. When with a woman on a date, under no circumstances whatsoever, look at and flirt with other women. This is just plain rude and disrespectful. It's very degrading to a woman and makes her feel very unimportant. It really hurts their feelings, especially if she is attracted to you. 2. Don't play head games - Don't just use single women for sex and string them along with no intentions for emotional commitment. The worse thing you can do is to tell them that you love them and not even mean it. And, even worse is to tell them that you love them just to get them in bed for sex. Don't get involved with a woman you have no interest in or desire to have a relationship with and suddenly tell her after several dates and sexual relations, "I don't want a girlfriend right now" or "I'm not interested in having a relationship." They will feel used, hurt and abused. If all you want from a woman is just sex, just be honest and up front with her and tell her, "I'm not interested in being tied down in a relationship with you and I would prefer to have a sexual relationship only with no strings attached." 3. Don't make women feel self-concious by making comments on things that she is self-concious about such as her weight, her big ass, large nose, small eyes, hairy arms, pale skin, bony legs, big thighs, her protruding stomach, birthmark, stretch marks, acne, blemishes, etc. 4. Listen to women when they talk. Focus all your attention on every word she says. Don't talk to her while on the telephone and try to watch television at the same time. Pay attention to her and make her feel important and special. Women do not like to be ignored. 5. Be considerate of a woman's family and friends. In this imperfect world, we are not exactly crazy about everyone we meet, but at least make your best effort possible to get along with and form a bond with her family and friends. Here's why: If you get along fine with them, they won't be so inclined to pressure her to dump you. You would be surprised what an influence her friends and family have on her relationships with men. Also, keep in close touch with your own friends and relatives. They will resent her for you forgetting about them and spending all your time with your girlfriend. 6. Remember that single women are unique individuals - They are not a combination of all the women that you have dated and had relationships with. Maybe you had women cheat on you or act crabby and bitchy all the time. You think all single women are like this. 7. Get rid of this attitude immediately! You just can't judge all single women by your experiences of the past. All women are different and don't judge all women as being mean because of a few bad experiences. There's lots of sweet and lovely single women out there that will treat you right. You just have to find them. 8. Treat single women like ladies - Literally, treat them like a queen. Open doors for them, light their cigarettes, pour their champagne, tell them how pretty and sexy they look, compliment them on their clothes, offer them your arm. Just make them feel special and desirable. And giving her, flowers, gifts, cards, and poetry is a good idea too. Treat a woman like a lady and you will melt her heart and make her want to become intimate with you. 9. Act like a human being when around a single woman - Do your belching and farting in private. And don't make sick comments about your desire for killing cats, kicking dogs, shooting animals, and any other off the wall comments. 10. Here's a real no-no: If a woman is acting crabby and bitchy, you say, "You must be getting your period." Women are very sensitive to a remark like this and make her resent you. There are other factors that contribute to a woman feeling a little cranky. It can be stress from work, family, friends, and maybe even you getting on her nerves. Always apply the Golden Rule around women - Treat her like you want to be treated. Follow these ten important keys to getting along with women and I guarantee you that you will have more success in getting women more interested in you. Even to the point that she may fall for you and want to share her warm and writing body with you for some hot passionate sex. I'm sure this is one reward you won't mind receiving for your efforts. This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with women, please visit his website at: http://www.getgirls.com - This article is copyright (c) 2005 by Don Diebel and may be reprinted in it's entirety as long as his website, byline, and copyright statement is included.
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