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Why I Prefer Online Dating
The next most likely place to meet your match is the place where you regularly hang out. However, if your idea of socializing is hanging out at the local pub or bar with a couple of buddies, choices are pretty much limited and you'd be competing with all the guys for the limited number of girls. The bar is not exactly the best place to get to know a girl. Here's some reason why ... It doesn't take a genius to deduce that half of the bar patrons are usually roaring drunk. And it is also a known fact that the highest quality people don't frequent bars regularly. Even if you are not roaring drunk, you can hardly hear yourself let alone see clearly in a bar with the loud music and barely there lights. What is illustrated above is a very common scenario for the thirty something who is still single and available. This group forms the biggest group in the single and available population. They are financially stable, with a career that is definitely going places. In fact, about the only thing lacking in their life is having that special someone to share their success with. Are you also part of this group? If so, where does that leave you? Time and NOT money is the biggest constraint for this group? How do you solve this problem? Money may be able to buy you many things but certainly not time. Does this mean that all is lost for the thirty something singles? Destined to live their final days in solitary? Fortunately not! Thanks to some savvy business minded people, what was once a problem is now a commercially viable business. As a matter of fact, it is a booming business for some. It all started with a simple idea of pooling together all the singles people and match make them based on the information garnered from them or post their information and let other members who have interest look them up. Another way of looking at it is as an avenue for singles to advertise their availability and an avenue for them to response to the advertisements posted. If you dwell on the nature of this business, it actually creates a win-win situation; the singles get a date for a fee and the business makes a profit from their fee. The best part of this solution is, you are not constraint by time. The service is there 24/7, 365 a year. All you have to do is signed up with an online dating agency, post some background information about yourself and also some basic qualities that you look for in a partner and bingo? you'll be served with a list of singles that match your wish list. Piece of cake, huh ? Think about it, you don't have the time? Here is a solution that has no time constraints. You do this at your own time and pace; whenever you are free and wherever you are as long as you have connection to the Internet and a notebook. Take a look at Try Online Dating to learn more about my own experience. Visit http://Try-Online-Dating.com for more tips and tricks based on my own personal experience.
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Avoiding the Grand Manipulator Let's face it...some women can be ruthless. There are certain women in the world men simply DO NOT want to get mixed up with. I call these women "grand manipulators" because they will use every trick they can think of to get you to do what they want, when they want, and how they want. Top Ten Ways to Set Appropriate Expectations for Dating 1) Give yourself time to get back into the groove of dating Googling for Love Google: (GOO.gul) v. To use an Internet search engine such as Google.com to look for information related to a new or potential girlfriend or boyfriend. Great Tips For A Safe Online Dating Experience Dating can be scary no matter how or where you meet. Maybe he hasn't shaved in five years. Perhaps, she has a reputation as the Black Widow after never being called back for a second date. Any date is a toss up. Dating is sort of how Forrest Gump described life; it's like a box of chocolates because you never know what you're going to get. Online Dating: How I Met My Mate Do you think online dating is only for the young and the foolish? Not true! Lots of men and and women of all ages are finding the love of their life through online dating. I did it and so can you. Oh, No, Single Again! When I separated from husband number three, I was 47 years old and plenty scared that I would never find a good man to love. I read all those stories about how a woman over 40 has a better chance of being hit by lightning than getting married again. It's all nonsense. Your life is determined by the state of your consciousness. When you end an unhappy chapter of your life, it means you've got some soul-searching and spiritual work to do. If you are willing to do the work required to heal your emotional hurts and resentments, you can write a new chapter with a very different ending. I went through a real "Dark Night of the Soul" following my third divorce, but I had such a big, stubborn ego that the only way I was going to learn the lessons I needed to learn was to be completely humbled. Married and Unhappy ... Married women need to feel Love and Married men need to be desired by their partners period !! Christ-Centered Life on Dating In a contemporary Christian world, there is a hidden reality that believers today set aside some of the moral issues regarding dating and relationships. The tradition and belief of early Christians that is supposed to be adopted by every believers of every generation is vanishing in an alarming rate. Several factors can be 'blamed' for this but one major factor that can be blamed is the societal openness on issues regarding premarital sex. With the fast growing society and ever expanding information about everything including the issues on sex, the real deal on the meaning of sex in Christian decree is more often than not, remained unnoticed. The great combined influence of media, peers, environment, and sometimes even the family, indulges each Christian dating couple to desecrate the sacredness of sex in the context of marriage. The Torah commands us to marry before we engage in sexual relations. Sexual intercourse, when done properly, is a holy act. Marriage means inviting God into the relationship. Premarital sex reduces a holy act into a base, animalistic desire. Cut Cupid Some Slack Valentine's Day! Should You Go on a Dating Hiatus? Looks or Heart? No matter how you want to spin it, beautiful people are just that, beautiful. However, to what degree does it play into you finding your perfect match? 8 Things That Maketh Not The Lady 1. Tattoos. Surprise Your Love Has dating unknowingly become just a habit to you? Becoming not as fun and exciting as before, as when the both of you just started going out together? Well, I am not suggesting that there's any problem in your relationship. In fact this is something very common. Along time, as a couple get to know and understand each other better, they naturally enter into a comfort zone with one another. It's within this comfort zone that they begin to share with one another more of their own personal life, building a mutual trust and a stronger bond in the relationship. However, it's also at this time when all the surprises and excitements somehow get lesser and lesser during their dates. Both have got so comfortable with one another that there's basically not the need for them to impress one another as during their initial dates anymore. Sadly, dating has become more of like a routine and habit to them. Dont Procrastinate when It Comes to Meeting Single Women Has this ever happened to you? You're at a bar or nightclub and you see this lovely lady across the way that you're attracted to and dying to meet. Online Dating Dating has become easier for everyone due to the emergence and success of online dating websites. You can choose the site that suits you best, look for people who have the features you desire along with common interests and contact them immediately. Some dating sites are featuring their own instant messaging for members to instantly communicate with each other. This is a great way to make contact and get excited about a new 'date'. But when you start chatting back and forth, the other person is typing recognizable words along with small clusters of letters here and there. What are they saying? These are considered to be 'Net Lingo' and are commonly used Internet acronyms. The Best First Date First dates cause anxiety and thoughts of disastrous and embarrassing moments. We all dread the awkward but necessary first date. It comes with the territory when looking for love. But it isn't necessary to feel this way. You can have the best first date experience with every new person you go out with from now on. Here are a few tips on how you can actually enjoy yourself and possibly make yourself even more attractive on each first date. Don't bring your expectations or baggage with you. The last thing your date wants to hear about are your past relationships, ex's and the problems you had with other people. You not only sound like a whiner who can't let go, but you also make yourself sound critical. If you also list what you think a relationship or person should have been, you are setting the other person up for failure because you are obviously judgmental. Your past is your past and it should stay there. You are with a person who has many aspects of their personality you can spend countless hours exploring. Look at it as an adventure instead of like a job application. Enjoy each new thing you learn about the person even if you know you don't want to see them again. You never know what you will learn or if you have found a new friend. When you leave to meet your date, remind yourself that you are your own person and this is a great opportunity for someone to get to know who you are. You are a person with dreams, ideas and intelligent thoughts that can share so much with the right person. Walk into your date comfortable in your own skin. Maintain your happy composure and keep the conversation light but honest. Don't talk about yourself in any negative terms. If you point out what you consider to be your shortcomings and flaws, they will be seen. They might have only been visible to you before you called attention to them. You will also be obvious in your insecurities and this can make other people feel uncomfortable. This is not a feeling you want someone you are interested in to associate with you. While it is absolutely acceptable to participate in conversation, remember to be just as good a listener. It means so much to people when they feel as if they have someone's undivided attention and they are important enough to have your focus. When making a comment on a topic or answering a question, you are letting them know you find them interesting and worth the time and thought. This courtesy is not always noticed on the surface, but when they think back on the date, they will feel as if you truly cared about who they are and what they have to say. Finally, show them that you have a sense of humor and have fun. Laughter and humor is attractive on its own and can only help ease the tension of a stressful meeting situation. While you might not meet 'the one' on your next first date, you will know you gave it your all and the next one won't be so bad. A Date With A Stranger Well, I have decided to move forward once again. I have had two relationships that I thought were it, believed I got all the signs, thought I had found my soulmate. Just to be slapped back into reality once again. I am so tired of the whole dating game. I am now 31 yrs old. I really miss having a family life. I have my son, but I am yearning for so much more. I guess my whole outlook on life was love. That was the most important thing to me. I have since decided that maybe I am putting way to much emphasis on finding the right one and not putting enough effort into meeting new people as friends and possibly potentials. I was just never a dating girl I guess. Dating Personals! Find Out How To Write A Knockout Personal Ad If you're about to leap into dating personals and don't know how to begin to write that knockout dating personal ad, then read further on for some simple steps that will help develop a strategy to create a dating profile that works. Keep in mind this information is based on my personal opinions, and are not taken from any professional dating avenues, so I suggest you read at your own risk! Dating Dilemma: The Man Who Said Hed Call and Didnt You went out with the guy. You both had a great time (or at least you thought he did!). You said goodnight, and he said he'd call you. Black Professional, Educated, And Self-Reliant Woman - Why Am I Still Single? Today there are many single women over the age of thirty. The 2000 Census Bureau recorded that 2,219,489 women between the ages of 30 and 34 have never married. Im Looking for Mr. Right, Am I Too Picky? Many of my clients that I coach are single and looking for that one perfect mate that is going to understand and love them. Most of these clients are in their 20's 30's or early 40's. Because I work as a business consultant and coach, the people I come into contact with are usually people who are open to self growth. This causes a whole new level of understanding that the clients must acknowledge. ![]() |
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