Looks or Heart?

No matter how you want to spin it, beautiful people are just that, beautiful. However, to what degree does it play into you finding your perfect match?

Seemingly, most of us are engulfed by a blitzing media that sells everything from lingerie to exotic cars with some gorgeous blonde or brunette sitting next to it. An idea that if it's candy to the eyes, it will sell to the general public more readily.

While this concept is hardly new and not far from the truth, how important of a factor does it play in landing someone that you could see yourself spending the rest of your days with?

You would be surprised how shallow many adults are!

The idea of bypassing personality for the most part and simply sizing up a prospects physical attributes for a potential long term mate, can be nothing short of disastrous.

So what is the hurt in holding out until you find a perfect match? You know, someone who has it all, personality, character, integrity, dignity, compassion, accountability, compatability, aspirations, and empathy.

Did you notice I conveniently left out a flawless face, ideal smile, and a drop dead body?

It is because in a long term relationship, the heart, character, and integrity will ninety nine times out of a hundred always win in the end.

Don't get me wrong, there are beautiful people who have the whole package, brains and beauty. Although, they are not the easiest to find and not the easiest to tame.

What I'm saying is, if a person knows they have the full gammut of qualities, they know their marketability, so 'you'd better bring your A game' if your going to spend time with them, is usually their mindset.

When speaking on the heart, intentions always come to mind. What intentions does a person have as they travel through their respective life?

Are they about others first, and then themselves, or do they want theirs first? This is a poignant question anyone can ask themselves as a soul search in order to gain additional perspective about their heart so as to know the path they are travelling down.

Once more, this is a quality to look for when screening a panel of people who you see have potential and peering through thin disguises can become a learned, efficient art.

Question: Would you pass up an opportunity to be with someone who is not your ideal physical specimen but you know they would be the perfect compliment to you and vice versa just to be with a less compatible, more attractive person?

That question is what one should sort out before delving deep into a committed relationship. Your honest intentions usually mean everything to someone else and are the very hinge a single persons future can depend on.

Being lost when understading intentions is not a viable option.

Fact: Some of the most beautiful people I have ever been around are some of the least attractive to the eyes; their caring, selflessness, attitude, and personality are impossible to overlook, leaving the more attractive person 'somewhere in a cloud of dust on a rural road in my mind.'

Their heart is like a beacon in the pitch dark where light is less than sparse. It screams without saying a word!

People with good hearted intentions are like glimmering diamonds. Finding them is not that hard if you know what your looking for. So next time you come across a less than beautiful potential mate, ask yourself, "is this person's inner beauty worth tossing away, or did you just find a gem?"

--by Brian Maloney-ValuePrep.com Want to improve your personal values? Get high-quality relationship advice from a 'Logical' standpoint. Visit ValuePrep - Relationship Advice

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