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How To Have A Successful Conversation With Any Woman!
To have a successful conversation with any woman you must know what to say, and what not to say. Once you have mastered this, your actions or words will never be misinterpreted again. So, why are you talking to the beauty sitting beside you? Maybe you want a relationship, a one night stand, or simply good old "Hot Sex". Well, whatever the reason is you will need to use conversation as a way to get closer to her. To establish an intimate relationship with her. As explain in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" a women will generally evaluate a relationship on how well she relates to a person. This means, how she interacts with you, and how you make her feel about herself. And, if you want to see her again it is important for you to get along well with her. Talk to her about her likes, her dislikes, ask her questions, answer her questions and offer your opinions. Doing this will make her feel like you think she is special enough to start up a real honest to goodness conversation with her, and that you are not just playing her. This will make her feel closer to you. The main goal of this first conversation is to build the foundation for a possible relationship with this woman. To become personally involved with her, build her trust in you and to obtain curtain bits of information about her. O.K., so what information are you looking for from her? Having a relationship with this woman will totally depend on whether or not you can get this information. Success or failure here will determine whether you ever see her again. If you are interested in her and you think you would like to see her again make it your priority to obtain the following... #1 - Her Name When you go up to a woman and introduce yourself to her, ask for her name as well. Then be sure to use her name in the next sentence or two. This will show her you were paying attention, and you are interested in her. It will also help youto remember her name, and make sure you heard it right. #2 - A Common Denominator Find a way the two of you can be connected. By this I mean something that you both have in common. It could be a mutual friend, the same drink, something about your surrounding, same brand of watch, anything that could link the two of you together. Use this common denominator to relate to her, and help her to form a trust in you. #3 - Her Phone Number This one can be a bit tougher, but before the conversation ends you must make sure you have a means of getting in touch with her again. A phone number or an email address. Even if she has taken your phone number you still want to get hers as well. Be direct when asking for this information. Tell her you would like to see her again to take her out. Use simple, straight forward language, make eye contact and tell her you would love to see her again. Now back to the basics. Fact is men and women think and talk differently. Men think and talk facts. Women think and talk feelings. So if you want to talk successfully to a woman you will need to express emotions by telling her how you are feeling. Generally men are not too good at doing this. Therefore, the first thing you should do in your conversation with her is to listen. Yes, listen. Listen and relate to her conversation. Ask questions about what she is telling you. Share your personal experiences to create an intimate connection. Too often men will just ramble on about other things leaving the woman feeling bored and ignored. When a man really listens, pays attention to what the woman is saying and participates in her conversation, she will feel that this man is genuinely interested in her for her. This will make her feel really good about you. Women are not interested in a guy who only talks about himself, what prank he and his friends pulled. She also has a no interest in someone who is only trying to get her into bed. Now, while this maybe your ultimate goal, you'll need to play it cool with any woman until she feels comfortable with you. In your conversation with this woman make sure she realizes you are paying attention to her. Use some verbal comments like "uh-huh", "Oh yeah", "Oh really" or "Is that right!". Once she feels you are trying to understand her and you want to get to know her better, she will become more relaxed with you. As you speak be attentive. Ask her questions like What? and How?. But, never ask Why? This will put her on the defensive. Get some back ground information on her as you participate in the conversation. Did she grow up in this city/town? Where did she go to school? Did she move here? What was it that brought her here? Show an interest and get involved in the conversation. You will surely impress her. Good Luck! Marie Clare specializes in writing about Dating, Relationships and Romance. Check out her lastest Best Selling eBook "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" plus reviews of the Best Online Dating Sites, FREE Articles, Tips and Advice at http://www.lifematesnow.com
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