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Debt Relief Information |
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What is Bankruptcy?
Personal bankruptcy is a legal way to give people with overwhelming debt a fresh financial start. However, it is important to realize that certain forms of debt, such as student loans, are not forgiven through the bankruptcy process. Bankruptcy can have a devastating impact to your credit report and credit score. Bankruptcy will often remain on your credit report for as long as 10 years. During this time it can be next to impossible to obtain loans or any type of credit. If you are able to find a lender that is willing to do business with you, you will pay the highest possible interest rates allowed by law. Quite often, lawyers are quick to suggest bankruptcy but, they don't always explain how damaging bankruptcy can be. Why would a lawyer do this? The answer is simple; If you don't file for bankruptcy, they don't get paid. The best thing that you can do is obtain independent information if you are considering bankruptcy. This way you become informed in an unbiased manner. There are two forms of bankruptcy: Chapter 13 involves reorganizing your debt in such a way that you a can keep the property you might otherwise lose, For example, a car or home. Chapter 13 will allow you 3-5 years to pay-off the items you have as opposed to losing them entirely. Chapter 7 is the most straightforward form of bankruptcy. It involves liquidating all of your assets. However, this can depend upon the laws for the state in which you live. Traditionally, a court appointed representative will sell your personal property or it will simply be returned to the creditors that you owe money to. Federal law only allows consumers to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy every six years. Alan Barnes
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Debt Recovery Can be Easy OK, so you are up to your head in debt. You are stressed out, it is now affecting the way you function and absorbing most of your daily thoughts. You have no idea what to do. Is There A Way Out Of Your Debt Problems? Do you have multiple debts? Do you have just one large debt which you could afford, but your circumstances have since changed? Are you finding it harder each month to meet the payments on your debts? Assess Your Financial Attitude and Eliminate Your Debt Forever Want to know if your attitude towards your finances is helping you or damaging your future? Take this Quiz and find out... Get Debt Free If you once have been caught in the debt trap, how do you come out of it and be debt free? We are different and each of us has our own lifestyle and our own financial state, so the way to debt elimination is different from person to person. One plan will be good for some, but not for others. You have to be certain that the plan you choose, whether it is debt consolidation or another plan, will be the best for you with regard to saving both time and money. Bankruptcy: What the New Law Means to You On April 20 of this year, President Bush signed a bankruptcy reform law. When this law goes into effect in October of this year, it will be much more difficult for Americans to use Chapter 7 bankruptcy to get a fresh start on their financial lives. Life After Debt ? Strategies for Dealing with Problem Debt Honorably and ethically rid yourself of burdensome debts using the little known Negotiation Strategy, without having to experience the loss of control and privacy associated with filing for bankruptcy, consolidation, or credit counseling. What Does A Bankruptcy Trustee Do? Once you file bankruptcy a court appointed bankruptcy trustee will oversee your case. The new law also requires that the bankruptcy petitioner to take a debtor education course and receive credit counseling from a U.S. Trustee approved non profit credit counseling agency. A History of Money and Banking Secrets That Banks Dont Want Published A History of Money and Trade The Simple $10 Debt Elimination Solution Ask a friend what resolutions they made for 2004 and your bound to hear them reply "Pay off my credit cards." Ask them how they planned on reaching that goal and many of them will not have a clear cut answer. Bankruptcy: Which Chapter Do I File? There is more than one kind of bankruptcy. You should understand your options before deciding which chapter of bankruptcy you are going to file for, or if you are going to file for bankruptcy at all. Often the consequences of bankruptcy outweigh the benefits so it really is a very individualized decision and should be considered carefully. Bankruptcy should not be a rash decision. Hide That Car! Fighting the Repo Man Vehicle repossession may appear justified in circumstances where a person is generally being irresponsible and otherwise able to meet this financial obligation. However, what about that hardworking guy or gal who paid their automobile note dutifully for three years, and missed one payment? Why should their car be repossessed? Do It Yourself Debt Relief With mounting bills and unforeseen hardships, you may be considering some form of debt relief. There are many options to help you, but the best may actually be you helping yourself. Here are some suggestions for starting debt relief and becoming more solvent. Going Bankrupt in the World It all starts by defaulting on an obligation: Money owed to creditors or to suppliers is not paid on time, interest payments due on bank loans or on corporate bonds issued to the public are withheld. It may be a temporary problem - or a permanent one. Debt We all know about debt. If you don't have too much as an individual you can increase the quality of your life, but with more than you can handle it can make your life a nightmare. Eliminating Credit Card Debt The overwhelming task of eliminating your debts can often seem like an uphill battle. Without the knowledge and expertise of a professional on your side, unfortunately, the odds are not in your favor. In order to reduce your debt, you have several options; however, if you want to maintain a "good credit rating", you have to pay you bills on time; anything else will cause your credit score will suffer. With that being said please consider the following: How To Get Out Of Debt If you have found yourself in a position where you are in serious debt and cannot think of a way out of the situation, then take a few minutes to read these few tips. Some may seem obvious but do put them into practise as they will help. Christian Debt Consolidation ? Feel Comfortable About Managing Your Debt Many Christians feel uncomfortable with the notion of being in debt, and even more so when the debt has gotten out of control. Some say that it is not acceptable for Christians to owe any money, even for such necessities as a home. Others feel that such debts are acceptable as long as debt does not place a burden on the family's finances.In recent years, the number of debt consolidation and credit counseling firms that specialize in catering to Christian clients have increased dramatically. Christian debt consolidation and credit counseling agencies are aware of the concerns Christians have about debt. They can help you consolidate your debt, establish a repayment schedule, arrange to allow you to continue tithing, and provide the additional spiritual counseling that you may need to help you stay out of debt. All of this is done in a way that is consistent with Christian beliefs and the teachings of the Bible. Creditors recognize that people who enter a debt consolidation program are trying to repay their obligations in good faith. Creditors are more willing to extend favorable terms to such clients in the hope that they (the creditor) will avoid the significant expense of turning the account over to a collections firm or avoid an extended drawn out process if the account holder goes through the expense of declaring bankruptcy.Experienced Christian Debt consolidation and credit counseling services know this, and they have experience working with creditors to ease the burden of repayment. They can help you renegotiate loans, reshape payment schedules, reduce your interest rate or obtain a loan that consolidates your debt. Many of these firms are nonprofit; they are in the business strictly so that they can help fellow Christians to get back on their feet and free from the burden of unusually heavy debt. If this sounds like something that suits your personal needs, you should consider contacting a Christian debt consolidation or credit counseling agency. Two Ways To Debt Relief There are many debt relief programs out there both off line and online. Sometimes it can be difficult to chose one from the other. To make a reasonable choice, you need to know Debt Management - Is It the Right Choice For You? Debt Management plans offer credit counseling clients a different and new approach to tackle their finances. Finding out if a debt management plan is right for you can take some time. However looking into the pros and cons now will help you know if entering into a debt management plan is right for you. Dont Let The Good Times Bury You It is vital to get rid of debt while things are going well. Yet the opposite is usually the case. Human nature is such that when we find ourselves living in good times, we let down our defenses. With our lives going great we seem to make the worst decisions. It's not hard to understand why this happens. We believe things will always be better in the future, "When I'm done with school, When I get a better paying job, I'm sure I will get that promotion." ![]() |
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