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Dont Let The Good Times Bury You
It is vital to get rid of debt while things are going well. Yet the opposite is usually the case. Human nature is such that when we find ourselves living in good times, we let down our defenses. With our lives going great we seem to make the worst decisions. It's not hard to understand why this happens. We believe things will always be better in the future, "When I'm done with school, When I get a better paying job, I'm sure I will get that promotion." With this attitude, that extra lump sum of money, or the raise at work, is used as a springboard to increase your personal debt. After all you can now afford better this, bigger that. You assume in your linear view of life that tomorrow will take care of everything. You don't become concerned with your debt load, until you no longer can make the payments. When you begin to feel the squeeze of debt, you want some quick fix to get you out of trouble. Unfortunately there are no quick fixes for debt that will leave you (or your credit report) unscarred. But why should it be any different from other areas of your life? If you know a food will give you heartburn you take a pill and, "presto," you may eat any thing you like. If you can't find time to exercise, just take a pill and watch those pounds melt away. The economy is built on the same "I want it now," principle. If you want an item, you just whip out the plastic. You need it now. You will figure out later how to pay for it. When your plastic can take no more, you want out of debt in an easy way. You begin looking for the magic pill. Unfortunately the drugstore closed a long time ago. A woman, who I know casually, had no problem taking on more debt because she saw herself able to handle the extra payments. She reasoned, if everything remained the same she could handle the drain on her income. So she bought some expensive gift items on her cards and began making the monthly payments. She found out rather quickly she could not see into the future very well. Her car gave out on her. The repairs exceeded the value of the car. She needed one for work, so she bought another. The new payment wiped out the tiny cushion she had each month and also made it impossible to pay on her credit cards and store accounts. Today she finds herself hounded by her creditors and unable to pay them anything. What she should have done, and what you should do, is pay off your debt while you can and not take on any more. Whatever extra you have each month should be applied toward getting out of debt in a systematic way. Until you are debt free, you should order your life to make it a top priority. Life's pressures are more easily handled without money worries dogging you. Then when those big promotions, with those big raises come along, you will be trained to put some aside. And without debt to take care of, you can. The goods times then, truly, will be the good times. (c)2004 David Wilding David Wilding has worked with individuals and groups to help them get rid of debt. He has, for the past ten years, attempted to change attitudes toward and the acceptance of personal debt. Visit his website http://www.debtattack.com for more ideas, tools, and strategies to make yourself debt free.
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Bankruptcy Abuse Bankruptcy is little more than a smack on the hand these days. Creditors are certainly not going to look at you as a wise credit risk after bankruptcy, but that will probably not stop them from extending credit to you anyways. It seems a bit odd that consumers appear to be rewarded for skipping out on their debts through bankruptcy. Dealing with Thingitis Debt is quickly becoming an epidemic in America. However, through the past 50 years, America has not seen such large domestic growth. Its citizens have higher salaries now than their predecessors, yet personal debt continues to rise. The Bankruptcy Code Acknowledges the Validity of the Homestead Exemption Many times the subject of bankruptcy seems baffling in its complexity. Actually the basic principals of bankruptcy are fairly simple even though the federal statuses on bankruptcy are extensive. The reason that the statutes are so complex is because in as effort at social engineering, the lawmakers want to cover every possible contingency. The very complexity of the Bankruptcy Code gives the lawyers ample opportunity to try to obtain interpretation of the law which best serves their clients interest. This results in extensive litigation and occasionally in interpretations of the Code which were not what legislature intended. This on turn results in additional legislation, which results in additional litigation and on and on. Nevertheless, the underlying principals are not as complex as the Code makes them seem. Here we will discuss the personal nature of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy ? Bankruptcy Myths Bankruptcy has long been a big question mark in the eyes of the consumer. After all they don't teach us about bankruptcy in school. More often than not, a person's view of bankruptcy is largely developed by either their parents or close relatives personal views or dealings with bankruptcy, or a persons view is based on what they see as far as ads etc. regarding bankruptcy. Too often these ads are simply put together by bankruptcy attorneys that want your business. Bankruptcy is big business. With 1,597,462 personal bankruptcy filings being made during the calendar year in 2004 you can see that there is a lot of money to be made by bankruptcy attorneys. While not all bankruptcy attorneys are in it for the money it is apparent by the plethora of advertisements online or on TV that make claims such as you'll be on your way to good credit it no time, or claims that it's easy to file that there are bankruptcy attorneys with their own personal gains at the top of their mind. Learn How to Get out of Debt Debt is becoming number one problem in the United States Today. The average American family has at least $8,000 in credit card debt and most college students who just graduate from college have $3,000 to $5,000 credit card debt in their first year after college. Debt Collectors; And what you can do to Get Them Out of your Life FTC opinion letter on validation Section 809(a) of the FDCPA, 15 U.S.C. § 1692g(a) Why You Should Get Out of Debt Today? The main reason for getting out of debt today, is because people with little or not debt have more control over their future: Mandatory Credit Counseling for Those Considering Bankruptcy Most Americans are aware of the sweeping changes in U.S. bankruptcy law that were made by Congress recently. These changes, strongly supported by the credit card industry, were designed to make it more difficult for Americans to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Federal bankruptcy code. Chapter 7 allows consumers to essentially have all of their debts wiped away by the court. While many people will still be able to file under Chapter 7, many more will have to file under Chapter 13, which requires the establishment of a repayment plan. A less publicized provision of the bankruptcy bill is the one that requires debtors who are considering filing for bankruptcy to first undergo credit counseling. What does this mean for consumers? Credit Counseling or Bankruptcy: Which is Best for You? People often get to a place where they simply can't pay their bills, especially in today's economy which is not particularly sympathetic toward the poor or even the middle class. Inflation has impacted nearly every facet of daily life including food, gas, rent, clothes, utility bills and more. At the same time, salaries, especially in the lower ranges, have utterly failed to keep pace. When you get to the place where you cannot pay your bills and have money left over for food and other necessities, there are some hard decisions that have to be faced. The options are credit counseling and debt management services, or bankruptcy. Both have their pros and cons, so which road to take depends largely on the individual and how severe his or her financial problems have grown. Home Equity ? Foreclosure Often Not Necessary in Current Market While driving around your community, you may have seen signs posted on telephone poles that offer "foreclosure help." These seemingly generous offers to help financially troubled homeowners who are in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure are actually scams. Typically, the "help" comes in the form of an offer to buy the home for a reduced price from the homeowner. The scammer offers to pay off the homeowner's existing debt and to rent the home back to the homeowner until they can afford to buy the home back. The scam comes after the owner signs the paperwork and the offer to rent the home to them abruptly disappears, leaving the scammer with an inexpensive house and the homeowner without a house or a place to live. Fortunately, the current booming real estate market has made it possible for financially troubled homeowners to avoid foreclosure on their home and the scammers. Currency Trading Fee Concept Troubles with Global Economy; Do you see future problems with our global economic plans to make a one world system, where free trade and prosperity can rein the world over. Many world leaders have agreed a one-world system is best for all. It is in the interest of third world and in the interest of our Multi-National Conglomerates, their stockholders and the citizens of the country for us all to move up. This can be done with a few changes. Many are quite confident that if we look at some of the problems of the past and manage the World Bank this river can flow in greater volumes and at quicker speeds. Dont Let The Good Times Bury You It is vital to get rid of debt while things are going well. Yet the opposite is usually the case. Human nature is such that when we find ourselves living in good times, we let down our defenses. With our lives going great we seem to make the worst decisions. It's not hard to understand why this happens. We believe things will always be better in the future, "When I'm done with school, When I get a better paying job, I'm sure I will get that promotion." Purchase Your Future Now While It Is Still Inexpensive Leaving school, getting a new job, or even a raise at your current one, has most people considering their next great purchase. Few think about the affect this could have on their future. Rather than pay down the debt they carry, many ponder, "What can I buy now"? The greatest purchase anyone can make is their future. Is Filing for Bankruptcy an Option for You? Bankruptcy laws give debtors a way to resolve debt by dividing their assets among their various creditors and in some cases will allow debtors to be freed of outstanding debts that cannot be paid, even after the division of assets. For individuals who find themselves unable to pay their debts, bankruptcy can be a viable option. As a debtor, you are entitled to file for bankruptcy. There have been recent changes to bankruptcy laws that may affect your ability to discharge your debts without credit counseling, but individuals who have found themselves unable to pay their debts can still file bankruptcy and be freed of outstanding debts. Different Ways Of Dealing With Debt Bills, creditors, debt collectors. Are you yearning for the days when all you had to worry about was the money in your piggy bank? If so, you are far from alone. Whether its illness, loss of a job, or simple overspending, it happens to the best of us. But that doesn't mean your financial situation needs to go from bad to worse. Debt Handling Solutions Sometimes debt can seem overwhelming. In those instances, or even before things get that far out of hand, get back to basics and try some of these debt handling solutions. 5 Ways to Get Out of Debt It has been said that everyday more and more people in the world are getting into unsecured debt. Once reason for this is the relative ease in which credit card companies and banks are extending credit to their customers. In fact, it was reported in the newspapers that in a test, a person was able to amass 15 credit cards in one afternoon quite easily. Think for a Change I'm not sure where it originated, but I've heard it repeated time and time again: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. As much sense as that statement makes, we often find ourselves addressing the same issue with solutions that are little more than rearranged expressions of previously failed solutions. Why can't we develop new solutions to persistent problems? Because we refuse to think! 5 Options Toward Debt Relief If you are in debt, well over your head in debt that is, there are options to help you overcome this situation. Let's examine five possible responses and uncover which ones lead to true debt relief. Credit Card Debt: How to Get Rid of It This method is simple, but requires some discipline. ![]() |
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