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Debt Handling Solutions
Sometimes debt can seem overwhelming. In those instances, or even before things get that far out of hand, get back to basics and try some of these debt handling solutions. BASICS ? Lower insurance deductibles for your homeowners, renters and vehicles policies where appropriate and save money. Don't take chances on bouncing checks; instead get covered with overdraft protection and pay about the same as what it would cost for one bounced check to cover our account for an entire year. Ask your banker about packaged account services. Many offer free savings and checking accounts with free overdraft protection and checks, free online bill paying and more. When you shop, check your receipts, even for groceries. Many times items ring up at incorrect prices. Sometimes store policy allows for no errors, meaning you get the items free if it wrings up wrong. So carry along a handheld calculator or pencil with small notepad to tally up your charges. REACH OUT- If you have medical debt, the first thing healthcare offices try to do is get you to charge the bills or refinance your home, etc. STOP. Before you take such a drastic step, check with legal counsel. There are often other steps to take first. For example, notify the billing parties and tell them you need to apply for financial aid. Many have forms to complete, and although they may be lengthy, remember they're for free money to pay your bills. Reach out, take forms and fill them out. Then set up minimum payment arrangements for the remaining balances, even if it's just $10 a month for 30 years. Healthcare bills are not like credit card debt and do not need to be reported to the credit bureau in the same manner. Also reach out with merchandise and return any recently purchased items that you can for a refund. Credit cards and mail order companies generally allow you 30 days to inspect your purchase. Return any you can for refunds. If purchases are beyond the 30 days and for various reasons don't hold up to their end of the "bargain;" i.e. they broke already or never worked right to begin with, get on a letter writing campaign pronto. Write the place of purchase and copy the manufacturer, the distributor, the Better Business Bureau and your state Attorney General's Office. State the reasons our product is faulty and that you want a refund. It's often rewarding to get help with other entities like these. No need to go it alone! So before your debt gets out of hand, take charge and get back to basics. Put some of these debt handling solutions into practice and make the most out of what you have. Masni Rizal Mansor is a successful webmaster and publisher of http://www.1st-usa-credit-cards.com. He provides tips on how to apply credit card online.
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How Do You Spell Debt Relief? Of all the problems possible in a marriage, finances cause the most marital discord. Many singles consider finances to be their most worrisome issue. Many times this is due to a heavy debt burden. Several options exist to help people get debt relief from their unsecured debts. (Unsecured debt is not linked with a physical asset. Therefore, credit cards and medical bills are unsecured debts; a car loan or a mortgage are secured debts.) Debt Free and Carefree Are you still clearing a mountain of debt amassed last Christmas or even during last year's summer holiday? The Effects of Consumer Debt Consumer Borrowing New Bankruptcy Law ? Five Essential Things to Know Last April, Congress passed the Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act, the most sweeping reform of our nation's bankruptcy laws in more than twenty-five years. Proponents of the bill argue that most consumers who file for bankruptcy do so simply because they do not wish to pay their bills. That is an arguable point, as studies show that most bankruptcy filers have suffered illness, injury or job loss. Regardless of the reasons, Congress has made the changes, and millions of Americans will be affected when the new law takes effect on October 15. Yes to Less Debt Feeling stressed by the amount of debts you have? Three years ago Michelle was struggling on a nurse's salary. She had run up huge debts with a number of court judgments against her name. She longed to travel - a dream that she kept telling herself was impossible. It was clear to Michelle that she couldn't continue to run up debt, yet on payday she would rush out and buy new clothes to cheer herself up. The Road to Debt Relief Living with debt is not something someone hopes for, but it happens and it usually becomes far more severe than it should before something is done to eliminate it. Once many individuals realize they have a problem with debt, they are too embarrassed to ask for help so they let themselves dive further into debt. Being embarrassment and ashamed are regular emotions many encounter when they realize they are in debt however you are not alone so you shouldn't feel embarrassed. Think for a Change I'm not sure where it originated, but I've heard it repeated time and time again: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. As much sense as that statement makes, we often find ourselves addressing the same issue with solutions that are little more than rearranged expressions of previously failed solutions. Why can't we develop new solutions to persistent problems? Because we refuse to think! Bankruptcy Interest Increases as Deadline Approaches Congress recently passed sweeping legislation that will significantly reform American bankruptcy law. Designed to eliminate the "convenience bankruptcy" of compulsive gamblers and the financially irresponsible, this legislation will make it more difficult for those seeking bankruptcy protection from the courts to have their debts relieved. Is Filing for Bankruptcy an Option for You? Bankruptcy laws give debtors a way to resolve debt by dividing their assets among their various creditors and in some cases will allow debtors to be freed of outstanding debts that cannot be paid, even after the division of assets. For individuals who find themselves unable to pay their debts, bankruptcy can be a viable option. As a debtor, you are entitled to file for bankruptcy. There have been recent changes to bankruptcy laws that may affect your ability to discharge your debts without credit counseling, but individuals who have found themselves unable to pay their debts can still file bankruptcy and be freed of outstanding debts. Dont Drown Your Debts, Manage Them! Are you among the millions of people who have found themselves unable to make even the minimum payments on credit cards and other unsecured debts? If so, there is relief in sight. It is no longer necessary to keep paying constantly but never really make any progress towards reducing or eliminating your debts. You can manage your debts, reduce the amount you pay each month, and begin to decrease your balances. Debt management organizations are an excellent place to start when you are searching for way to become debt free. How to Reduce Your Debt in 5 Easy Steps If you have incurred substantial personal debt, consider these options: budgeting, debt consolidation, credit counselling from a reputable organization and working with your creditors. You will need to choose a debt reduction method that will work best for you? The method you use will depend on your level of debt, how much spare money you have, your level of discipline, and how quickly you want to get out of debt. IVA Information If you're thinking about an IVA, it is essential to get the best information possible. This is because although an IVA can be a manageable way to resolve your debt problems, it can also represent a commitment of up to five years. Getting good IVA information is an important part of deciding whether you want one. Student Loans Can?t Be Swept Away Through Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is in the news these days, as Congress has finally overhauled the Federal bankruptcy law after years of talking about it. The credit card companies, rightly or wrongly, have been pressuring members of Congress to tighten the bankruptcy statutes, saying that too many people were willfully spending money they couldn't repay with the intention of avoiding paying the money back by filing for bankruptcy. That will soon change, and those with student loans may pay a heavy price. What Is A FICO Score? Your FICO score or credit score as it's commonly called is a very important calculation that can control whether or not you are eligible to receive credit and if eligible the terms you can receive credit under. Failure to understand the impact this score can have on you future purchasing power and lifestyle can be disastrous. This article will break down all the information you need to know regarding your FICO score. Is Independence Overrated? Happy Independence Day from The Money Motivator! Are You Beating Up On Yourself About Debt? When you hear the word "debt", whats the first thought or feeling that comes to you? For most people debt is "bad" or it becomes the "enemy" and is something that should be avoided like the plague. Eliminating Credit Card Debt The overwhelming task of eliminating your debts can often seem like an uphill battle. Without the knowledge and expertise of a professional on your side, unfortunately, the odds are not in your favor. In order to reduce your debt, you have several options; however, if you want to maintain a "good credit rating", you have to pay you bills on time; anything else will cause your credit score will suffer. With that being said please consider the following: What Is A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Many consumers that are bogged down in debt frequently turn to bankruptcy as a form of restoring their financial status back to a zero balance. Unfortunately many of these same consumers are confused when it comes to the difference between a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This quick article will explain what a Chapter 13 bankruptcy actually is and what it does for a consumer that files this form of debt relief. What is Bankruptcy? Personal bankruptcy is a legal way to give people with overwhelming debt a fresh financial start. However, it is important to realize that certain forms of debt, such as student loans, are not forgiven through the bankruptcy process. Bankruptcy can have a devastating impact to your credit report and credit score. Bankruptcy will often remain on your credit report for as long as 10 years. During this time it can be next to impossible to obtain loans or any type of credit. If you are able to find a lender that is willing to do business with you, you will pay the highest possible interest rates allowed by law. Credit And Debt Relief--A One Stop Solution Amy Wright, 34, was extatic when her realtor showed her the three bedroom townhome overlooking the lushious golf course. It was exactly the home she was looking for. The interior was sunny and bright, with a newly remodeled kitchen, spacious bedrooms, and the perfect little study area to set up her new home office. It had a spectacular pool and a lovingly tended flower garden. Best of all-the seller had to move immediately, so the home was a steal and miraculously within her budget! Amy was already making moving preparations when suddenly, a devastating blow paralyzed her plans. Her credit application for a mortgage had been denied. She couldn't understand how this had happened-just a year ago, her credit had been almost perfect! The last year had been a little tight, and sure she had a few late payments here and there?but she had no idea it was so bad that now she couldn't even get the home of her dreams. ![]() |
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