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Think for a Change
I'm not sure where it originated, but I've heard it repeated time and time again: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. As much sense as that statement makes, we often find ourselves addressing the same issue with solutions that are little more than rearranged expressions of previously failed solutions. Why can't we develop new solutions to persistent problems? Because we refuse to think! Chris Argyris first articulated the concept of double-loop learning. Stop; don't close the window... this is easier than it sounds. Once you get a handle on it, you will be better prepared to address the problems you face with solutions that might actually work! Let's back into the idea. Let's say you have a persistent problem in one area of your life--for instance, finances. You always seem to come up short in your cash flow. That is a consequence of a strategy based on assumptions. There are the three parts to the process. Many times, people experience negative consequences so they develop new strategies. After a while, they discover that the new strategies produced the same results as the old strategies. So, they lapse into an endless cycle of strategizing to overcome failed efforts. In personal finance, people find themselves in debt, so they borrow money to get out of debt. Note: the strategy that caused the problem won't often be the solution to that problem! The real solution to the problem requires a careful evaluation of the assumptions upon which the failed strategies are based. This is tough because it requires people to change their minds and their actions. Yet, real solutions can't be developed apart from this process. In personal finance, an individual must determine that personal debt is not the solution to the problems encountered at the end of the month. Granted most people carry huge loads of debt; but most people are broke! It's not working for them, why will it work for you? The consequences you face are a result of the strategies you develop. The strategies are rooted in your assumptions about the way things really are. If you want to solve problems and stop pretending to be a victim of your circumstances, you'll embrace a new way of thinking. Otherwise, you're doomed to repeat encounters with the same negative consequences. Get control of your thinking or someone will be glad to think for you! Dr. Terry Hadaway is author of 30 Seconds to Chaos: Mastering the Art of "What If" Thinking and numerous articles. Visit http://www.30secondstochaos.com for more information on Dr. Hadaway and his straightforward approach to winning at life!
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Should You Invest In Savings Or Payoff Your Debts? I have faced this financial question 8 years ago and recently I have friends asked me this same question. I think I should write it up so that it may help some of you that having the same situation. The Bankruptcy Code Acknowledges the Validity of the Homestead Exemption Many times the subject of bankruptcy seems baffling in its complexity. Actually the basic principals of bankruptcy are fairly simple even though the federal statuses on bankruptcy are extensive. The reason that the statutes are so complex is because in as effort at social engineering, the lawmakers want to cover every possible contingency. The very complexity of the Bankruptcy Code gives the lawyers ample opportunity to try to obtain interpretation of the law which best serves their clients interest. This results in extensive litigation and occasionally in interpretations of the Code which were not what legislature intended. This on turn results in additional legislation, which results in additional litigation and on and on. Nevertheless, the underlying principals are not as complex as the Code makes them seem. Here we will discuss the personal nature of bankruptcy. Fast Track Out of Debt You go to the mail box and scan - a couple fliers (nah), your magazine subscription (yes!) and bills (groan). Every month the bills show up and as you sigh and take out your check book you wonder if you will ever be free. Debt Consolidation Versus Debt Negotiation Debt consolidation versus debt negotiation are two options that are available to you if you need debt assistance. When your monthly bills become too much for you to handle, it makes sense to use debt consolidation or debt negotiation for solving debt and credit problems. Credit Counseling or Bankruptcy: Which is Best for You? People often get to a place where they simply can't pay their bills, especially in today's economy which is not particularly sympathetic toward the poor or even the middle class. Inflation has impacted nearly every facet of daily life including food, gas, rent, clothes, utility bills and more. At the same time, salaries, especially in the lower ranges, have utterly failed to keep pace. When you get to the place where you cannot pay your bills and have money left over for food and other necessities, there are some hard decisions that have to be faced. The options are credit counseling and debt management services, or bankruptcy. Both have their pros and cons, so which road to take depends largely on the individual and how severe his or her financial problems have grown. Pay Off Your Student Loans and Reduce Your Debts Financing a college education is one of the more expensive debts you may incur. Student loans can take years or even decades to pay off. Making late payments or missing payments all together can result in a poor credit rating and collections on your accounts. Millions of people have found themselves owing large sums of money due to student loans and other unsecured debts. Finding a way to eliminate your debts and pay off student loans is the primary thought on the minds of many people. Is Independence Overrated? Happy Independence Day from The Money Motivator! Should You Join a CCCS - Consumer Credit Counseling Service for Debt Relief and Financial Freedom? Do You Need to Join a CCCS - Consumer Credit Counseling Service? How to Become Debt Free In today's consumer society it is all too easy to get into debt. If you have a few credit cards, car loan, mortgage and possibly student loans it can easily add up. If your income is reduced for any reason you could find yourself in serious financial difficulty. Stop Debt Collectors Can you stop debt collectors ? . . .You better know you can Questions to Ask a Credit Counseling Service about Debt Relief Debt relief is a topic on a lot of consumers' minds these days, and with good reason. American credit card debt in 2001 was $692 billion, triple the amount from 1989. In that same time period, the average credit card increase for a middle-class family was 75%. The amounts were even higher for low-income families and senior citizens. At one time, such a high amount of credit card debt would seem frivolous as buyers spent money they didn't have on luxury items such as electronics or jewelry. Today, however, in less stable economic times and a poor job market, more people are turning to credit cards as a way to extend their income. More and more debt is being rung up for everyday items such as groceries and medical bills. How can people get real help with debt relief? How to Protect Yourself: Debt Collections So you are getting collection calls? You're desk is full of unpaid bills. You dread answering the phone. You are having trouble sleeping at night because you are worrying about a bunch of bills. You feel depressed. Does any of this sound familiar? If it does then, maybe this article can help you. The Last Debt Solution Should Be Bankruptcy A debt solution like bankruptcy should really only be used as a last possible solution. The problem with this solution of debt problems is that it includes a lot more than simply eliminating debt. When someone declares them self bankrupted, all debt collection actions against that person are prevented. The court grants an "automatic stay", which - with a few exceptions means that creditors cannot come after the money owed to them. Is There A Way Out Of Your Debt Problems? Do you have multiple debts? Do you have just one large debt which you could afford, but your circumstances have since changed? Are you finding it harder each month to meet the payments on your debts? How to Get Money When You Are Broke (Money You Don't Have to Pay Back) The Debt Free Lifestyle Many people have been taught that you cannot get ahead without debt. We are also inundated with advertising telling us we can have anything we want. All we need to do is put it on our credit card. Deal with All Your Debts with Care! Lots of people take a large ammount of loans and suddenly they discovered that they're in debt and life seems pretty gloomy for them, in this situation please don't despair. Most people have been there and know just how easily it can creep up on us. Most of us try to ignore it until it becomes such a crisis that we go into panic and don't know what to do now. Bankruptcy: Which Chapter Do I File? There is more than one kind of bankruptcy. You should understand your options before deciding which chapter of bankruptcy you are going to file for, or if you are going to file for bankruptcy at all. Often the consequences of bankruptcy outweigh the benefits so it really is a very individualized decision and should be considered carefully. Bankruptcy should not be a rash decision. How To Avoid Medical Collections With medical collections costing doctors millions upon millions of dollars in unpaid bills and collection fees, many people have just one question: Who are these people who are trying to stiff the doctors who delivered them from great physical pain (or the flu, hypochondria, not-so-white-teeth, or a nose that didn't look enough like Brad Pitt's)? What the Mail on Sunday Said Anyone considering Bankruptcy may have experienced fear after reading an article written in The Mail on Sunday with the headline "Bankruptcy cheats face crackdown". But, how much of what was written was in context of the reality of Bankruptcy as it is today? ![]() |
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