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How to Become Debt Free
In today's consumer society it is all too easy to get into debt. If you have a few credit cards, car loan, mortgage and possibly student loans it can easily add up. If your income is reduced for any reason you could find yourself in serious financial difficulty. Your goal should be to become debt free. It is possible but will require a major change on how you think about money. You will also have to change your spending habits and spend less money than you make each month no matter what. If you have a tendency to over spend, limit your spending by relying on cash instead of credit cards or store cards. Set a monthly spending budget. Next you need to pay off your high interest unsecured loans, credit cards and store cards. You can use a debt consolidation loan or if you own your own home, get a home equity loan. A debt consolidation loan enables you to replace all your current high interest loans and credit card debt with one low interest loan which can cut your monthly repayments by up to 50% and put money in your pocket. Debt consolidation is a very useful tool if you know what you are doing and understand how you got into debt in the first place. It is all pointless if you continue with your old spending habits as chances are you will end up in even more debt in just a few years. For more information on debt consolidation and becoming debt free see Get out of Debt (c) Noel Hynes, 2005. Reprint rights granted to copy and publish this article as long as the article and by-line are reprinted intact.
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Debt Free Living - 5 Tips To Get Out Of Debt A few times I wonder what sort of credit system moved the global economy 200 years ago. If the intention of getting into a business is meant to 'help' fulfill the needs and wants of someone, I don't see how credit card salesmen can drove more people into debt and backruptcy. Clearly most people fail to have a good understanding of the increasingly sophisticated (and complicated) terms and conditions behind the card they apply for, how it benefits the bank more than the applicant and what the ubiquitous card is best used for. Your Secret Weapon... A Budget For many, the word 'budget' immediately sends shivers down the spine. Why in the world would anyone need or want to budget their money? Should You Invest In Savings Or Payoff Your Debts? I have faced this financial question 8 years ago and recently I have friends asked me this same question. I think I should write it up so that it may help some of you that having the same situation. Out of Credit Card Debt - Without Filing Bankruptcy To be out of credit card debt is your dream and you're tired of the redundant advice to live within your means. Look no further. Individual Voluntary Arrangements- A New Alternative to Bankruptcy This May, the Department of Trade and Industry in the UK found that there were 10,091 bankruptcies in the first quarter of 2005. This represents an increase of 24.5% on the corresponding quarter of last year. Get Debt Free If you once have been caught in the debt trap, how do you come out of it and be debt free? We are different and each of us has our own lifestyle and our own financial state, so the way to debt elimination is different from person to person. One plan will be good for some, but not for others. You have to be certain that the plan you choose, whether it is debt consolidation or another plan, will be the best for you with regard to saving both time and money. Debt Help and Advice for the UK At some time or another during our lives most of us will overspend and get into debt. Sometimes we can get our finances back on an even keel by cutting down on a few luxuries. Mr. Cheapies Frugal Budget Tips So you feel like a hamster spinning your wheel? The faster you run, the faster the wheel spins. Just when you get a raise, you notice the price of hamster wheels jumps! Bank Like a Banker The business of banking has changed dramatically over the last decade. Because the cost of doing business the old-fashioned way is no longer effective, banks are interested in changing their customers' behavior by encouraging electronic banking alternatives whenever possible. They have done this by charging high fees for services that were once free. If you pay $200 or more in annual fees for banking, it's time to do some competitive shopping. Help to Get Out of Debt Debt Help is the stepping stone to debt elimination and financial recovery. Debt help analysis guides you to save thousands of dollars in interest charges. Consolidation of your credit card debts and other unsecured bills will allow you to get out of debt as quickly as possible, save money on interest and late fees, stop creditor harassment, save your good credit rating or begin immediately to repair bad credit or negatives on your credit report. Hide That Car! Fighting the Repo Man Vehicle repossession may appear justified in circumstances where a person is generally being irresponsible and otherwise able to meet this financial obligation. However, what about that hardworking guy or gal who paid their automobile note dutifully for three years, and missed one payment? Why should their car be repossessed? 5 Ways to Get Out of Debt It has been said that everyday more and more people in the world are getting into unsecured debt. Once reason for this is the relative ease in which credit card companies and banks are extending credit to their customers. In fact, it was reported in the newspapers that in a test, a person was able to amass 15 credit cards in one afternoon quite easily. New Bankruptcy Law Will Not Protect You from Identity Theft Recently passed by Congress with overwhelming support, the oddly-named Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act was designed to eliminate "bankruptcy of convenience." The perceived problem is that many compulsive gamblers, shoppers and drug users often run up huge debts on easily available credit cards with no intention of paying their bills. A relatively easy bankruptcy filing through Chapter 7 of the Federal bankruptcy code wipes all the debts clean and gives the debtor a fresh start. Studies would suggest that most people who file for bankruptcy are actually suffering from sudden illness, job loss or some other catastrophic event, but the law was passed just the same, and debtors will now have to repay at least a portion of their problem debt when the new law takes place in October, 2005.A provision of the new law that was not well publicized is the fact that the law applies to any debt, including debt which has been incurred through theft of the debtor's identity. If someone steals your credit card, or driver's license, or both, and runs up a huge amount of debt by posing as you, then you will be held responsible for the debt. Identity theft has become an increasingly large problem in the last few years, but the new legislation should make everyone aware of the problem associated with identity theft. While a determined thief can probably steal anything, a few simple steps can make it harder for someone to steal your identity.:Shred your documents. There are plenty of thieves that will sort through trash, looking for credit card receipts, bills and any document that has your signature. If you are throwing away financial documents, shred them first. Shredders can be found at any office supply store for a reasonable price. Don't give out your Social Security number to anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. Congress originally intended that the Social Security number not be used as a national identity number, but over the years it has become just that. If someone with whom you are doing business asks you for your number, inquire as to whether it is absolutely necessary that they have it. Providing the number may not be required. A thief can obtain a lot of information about you if they have your Social Security number. Guard it carefully.Don't carry more credit cards with you than is necessary. It's rarely necessary to carry 20 credit cards in your purse or wallet. Go through them and see if you can't keep a few in a secure place at home.Check your credit report once a year and look for suspicious entries. It typically takes nearly a year for someone to find out that their identity has been stolen. Look out for loans or large purchases that you don't remember making. Never give out personal financial information, especially credit card numbers, to someone that you don't know on the telephone.A few simple steps, practiced regularly, can protect you from identity theft. More importantly, these steps can protect you from having to repay thousands of dollars of debt that some thief might run up in your name. Your identity is your most valuable asset. Protect it carefully. Credit Counseling ? Signs That You May Need Help Credit counseling is a viable option for those who are feeling the stress of being overwhelmed by debt. Credit counseling primarily offers assistance with working out a credit and debt repayment plan for an individual to gain control of their finances by creating a structured budget for an individual to follow. Credit counseling offers an individual the option to repay their debts, if needed, through a credit counseling debt repayment program. This is where the credit counseling organization becomes in contact with an individuals creditor to ask for lowered interest rates and for the credit provider to stop any late and over the limit fees that may be attached to a particular credit card. Credit counseling organizations that provide a no charge credit and money management education program for an individual typically have the individual consumer's best interest on their mind. Reducing Debt Before Its Too Late - How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Creeping Debt Reducing debt usually isn't a high priority for people until they have already gotten into trouble with overspending. Using a few basic guidelines, and debt calculations, can help you see when your debt load is getting into the danger zone. Questions to Ask a Credit Counseling Service about Debt Relief Debt relief is a topic on a lot of consumers' minds these days, and with good reason. American credit card debt in 2001 was $692 billion, triple the amount from 1989. In that same time period, the average credit card increase for a middle-class family was 75%. The amounts were even higher for low-income families and senior citizens. At one time, such a high amount of credit card debt would seem frivolous as buyers spent money they didn't have on luxury items such as electronics or jewelry. Today, however, in less stable economic times and a poor job market, more people are turning to credit cards as a way to extend their income. More and more debt is being rung up for everyday items such as groceries and medical bills. How can people get real help with debt relief? The Five Most Popular Questions About Bankruptcy WILL MY CREDITORS STOP HARASSING ME? Drowning in Debt? Tips and Tricks for Getting Out of Hot Water with Creditors Do you, like millions of other Americans, feel like you're sinking in an ocean of credit card debt? Well, fear not--there are many options for reducing your debt way before you have to be concerned about receiving notices or daunting telephone calls from debt collectors. The important thing to remember is to be proactive in handling your credit card debt. Unmanaged debt can ultimately lead to lawsuits, loss of property, and tarnished credit reports. What the Mail on Sunday Said Anyone considering Bankruptcy may have experienced fear after reading an article written in The Mail on Sunday with the headline "Bankruptcy cheats face crackdown". But, how much of what was written was in context of the reality of Bankruptcy as it is today? Eight Ways to Consolidate Debt Next to winning the lottery, a debt consolidation loan is a debtor's dream. With one monthly payment and a fixed monthly payment schedule, you can actually see an end to those monthly payments. ![]() |
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