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Mr. Cheapies Frugal Budget Tips
So you feel like a hamster spinning your wheel? The faster you run, the faster the wheel spins. Just when you get a raise, you notice the price of hamster wheels jumps! Mr. Cheapie is here with his super-charged budget-cutting tips. One of the biggest wastes of money is restaurant meals. You can cook a meal at home for about 2 cents a plate. Just put leftovers in the microwave, and Presto! Those same leftovers cost a lot more at a restaurant. They call it "the buffet", and they sell it to you for $10.95. Consider also the steak dinner that costs, say, $7 at home. At the restaurant, you pay $13.95 for the same meal. Or, if you want fancy napkins, $39.95. Plus tax. Funny thing about eating at home; you don't pay tax. But step into a restaurant, and guess who jumps in: "Hello, my name is Taxman. I'll be your waiter tonight. Would you like to start with something to drink? Perhaps a very nice glass of wine? That will be 50 cents, plus the price of the wine, of course." "Why would you tax my wine?" Mr. Cheapie wonders. "It's not like the government made it." "Who do you think keeps this country free and safe so that you can enjoy your wine?" Taxman demands. "Do you think Saddam Hussein would let you drink wine if he was still in power?" "I don't see how he could stop me." "Hah!" Taxman replies. "He has spies everywhere. He knows you drink wine and he has targeted this very bottle to self destruct." "Actually, I don't drink wine. His spies must run on the same technology as his scud missiles," Mr. Cheapie muses. "How about a steak dinner?" "An excellent choice," Taxman beams. "That will be $1.73, plus the price of the meal." "Now what?" Mr. Cheapie demands. "Are you saying that Saddam is targeting my steak." "Of course not," Taxman giggles. "We have him locked away. But watch out for North Korea." "Why?" "North Koreans are starving," Taxman explains. "They don't have steaks." "Ah, so the North Korean government wants to take my steak and give it to their citizens." "Not a chance. That would violate the official North Korean policy of starvation for all. They would never feed your steak to the people. But they would hold it up to taunt them," Taxman grins. "Then they would throw it into the fire to fuel a nuclear missile trained on this very table you are sitting at." "Which is why you need to tax my steak." "Exactly," Taxman nods. "It's like a security deposit." "That's right," Taxman smiles. "It's protection money." "You understand," Taxman winks. "It's your tip." "That's what I sa ... no it's not! It's national defense," Taxman insists. At home, you never have to tip the microwave. But, at the restaurant, your waiter expects 15%. Mr. Cheapie has discovered a legal loophole to save 15% on your restaurant bill. According to a national Mr. Cheapie survey, your plate usually has 15% too much food on it. Set aside 15% of your meal. When your waiter comes to collect his tip, pay him in food. Your waiter raved about today's special, so Mr. Cheapie is sure he will appreciate having some for himself. If Taxman is your waiter, don't actually give him the food. Just taunt him with it -- then mail it to North Korea. Then they won't have to blow up your table to get it themselves. Why pay for national defense when the postal service can protect your freedom to eat for just the cost of a stamp? Aren't you glad Mr. Cheapie offers such useful, free advice? About The Author David Leonhardt - sign up for his weekly satire column up at http://www.TheHappyGuy.com/positive-thinking-free-ezine.html or read more columns at http://www.TheHappyGuy.com/self-actualization-articles.html. Join in the happiness at http://www.thehappyguy.com, info@thehappyguy.com
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Benefits and Drawbacks of Bankruptcy Outlined below are some of the benefits and drawbacks of bankruptcy. It should be noted that bankruptcy is not to be entered into without first having sought professional advice. Bankruptcy - The New Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne's book The Scarlet Letter states in Chapter 2, "On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter A." The letter A stood for the word adulterer and represented one of the worst insults in society. One would have thought that today we are a lot more civilized than 200 years ago, but unfortunately it is not true. Society has abolished the letter A alright, but it has latched onto a new one, the letter B, which stands for bankruptcy. People do not see it on their chest and think it does not affect them, but it does. Bankruptcy is as insulting and as damaging to one's financial, emotional, mental, and even physical well- being as any major failure or stigma. Credit Card Debt & the Unfairness of the Universal Default Clause Let's look at a real world example: A woman purchased a new $4,000 large screen TV a few months ago based on the knowledge her monthly payment was going to be $175, and based on the 9% interest rate charged by her credit card company. For five months straight she made all her payments on time, but in the fifth month she was late paying her mortgage bill, for reasons unknown. She found out a month or two later that her credit card company doubled her interest rate to 18%, thus increasing the payment for the TV to about $190 per month. Even though she was never late on any other payments, she found most of her other credit cards raised their interest rates as well. Even her car insurance company raised their rates. The net effect was she ended up paying nearly $200 per month more because she was late on a single mortgage payment. What is Debt Settlement? Debt settlement is the process of negotiating with your creditors so that you are able to pay off a certain percentage of the debt amount that you owe. A debt settlement company will use different types of strategies to negotiate with your creditors so that you get the best outcome. You'll want to hire a debt settlement company that has arbitrators who are experienced and licensed so that they can negotiate a deal for you with your creditors. You can expect to lower the balances on the debt that you owe by anywhere from 40% to 60%. Debt Settlement What is debt settlement? Debt Handling Solutions Sometimes debt can seem overwhelming. In those instances, or even before things get that far out of hand, get back to basics and try some of these debt handling solutions. Utah, the Nation?s Bankruptcy Capital Congress recently passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, designed to minimize frivolous bankruptcy filings and to require debtors to repay some of their debt. Once it takes effect in October, 2005, the law will make it harder for those with problem debt to have their debt wiped away by the courts. Most will have to agree to a five-year repayment plan. In passing this new law, members of Congress suggested that our bankruptcy courts are filled with cases involving not ordinary citizens, but with reckless gamblers, shoppers, and drug abusers. Is that really the case? How to Choose a Debt Settlement Company As consumer debt continues to spiral out of control, debt relief is fast becoming a major concern for many American's. In 1999, American's made $1.1 Trillion worth of credit card purchases. In 2001, American credit card debt hovered around $690 billion. Unfortunately, in today's unstable economic conditions, many American's are being forced to turn to credit cards as a way to extend their income. Consumer debt is at an all-time high and American's need to know what they can do to get out of debt. Often, consumers are seeking the services of professional debt settlement companies to help regain control of their finances. However, prior to making such an important decision, it is important to fully understand who you are doing business with. The Human Side - Debt Stress Debt Relief -- Why Most Programs Have A 75% Failure Rate Debt consolidation, equity loans, credit counseling, debt management plans, even Chapter 13 bankruptcy ? it doesn't matter which of these debt programs you're talking about. They all suffer from one fatal flaw, the number one problem that causes most people to fail at eliminating their debts through these techniques. Can you guess the problem? Life on a Debt Management Program Signing up for a debt management program is easy; it's a matter of finding a company you feel comfortable with that is difficult. There should be no pressure added from the company you speak with, joining a DMP is your decision and you should feel like you are in a partnership with the company, meaning you both have control over your financial situation. Below you will find information on debt management programs and what they offer. Student Loans Can?t Be Swept Away Through Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is in the news these days, as Congress has finally overhauled the Federal bankruptcy law after years of talking about it. The credit card companies, rightly or wrongly, have been pressuring members of Congress to tighten the bankruptcy statutes, saying that too many people were willfully spending money they couldn't repay with the intention of avoiding paying the money back by filing for bankruptcy. That will soon change, and those with student loans may pay a heavy price. Reduce Your Debt With These 5 Tips It's never pleasant to realize that you're in financial hot water, but pretending the situation doesn't exist is NEVER the way to deal with the problem. If you're having trouble meeting monthly payments, find yourself borrowing or using credit cards to meet daily expenses, or have one or more of your credit accounts turned over to a collection agency, it's time for you to get proactive and bring your debts back under control. Below you'll find five ways to reduce your debt. Some take time, all take some level of commitment and effort - but it's worth putting in the time to start cleaning up your debt situation. Assess Your Financial Attitude and Eliminate Your Debt Forever Want to know if your attitude towards your finances is helping you or damaging your future? Take this Quiz and find out... Mr. Cheapies Frugal Budget Tips So you feel like a hamster spinning your wheel? The faster you run, the faster the wheel spins. Just when you get a raise, you notice the price of hamster wheels jumps! Fast Track Out of Debt You go to the mail box and scan - a couple fliers (nah), your magazine subscription (yes!) and bills (groan). Every month the bills show up and as you sigh and take out your check book you wonder if you will ever be free. The Effects of Consumer Debt Consumer Borrowing Yes to Less Debt Feeling stressed by the amount of debts you have? Three years ago Michelle was struggling on a nurse's salary. She had run up huge debts with a number of court judgments against her name. She longed to travel - a dream that she kept telling herself was impossible. It was clear to Michelle that she couldn't continue to run up debt, yet on payday she would rush out and buy new clothes to cheer herself up. Personal Bankruptcy ? If Its Unavoidable, File Now The Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act, signed into law by President Bush last April, promises changes to Federal bankruptcy law that have been long sought by the lending industry. The bill promises sweeping changes to Federal law, and will make it much harder for the average consumer in financial trouble to have their debts wiped out by filing for bankruptcy. Recent trends suggest that those considering a bankruptcy filing should do so now, as the line to do so is already getting rather long. Debt Elimination Is The Key to Financial Freedom If you want financial freedom, the first thing that you will need to do is to get rid of your debts. After all, as long as you owe money, you can't consider yourself to be financially free. This is due to the fact that the money you will earn in the future won't actually belong to you, as you'll have to put it toward paying off debts in the past. ![]() |
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