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Pay Off Your Student Loans and Reduce Your Debts
Financing a college education is one of the more expensive debts you may incur. Student loans can take years or even decades to pay off. Making late payments or missing payments all together can result in a poor credit rating and collections on your accounts. Millions of people have found themselves owing large sums of money due to student loans and other unsecured debts. Finding a way to eliminate your debts and pay off student loans is the primary thought on the minds of many people. For some, student loans are the only way to get a college education. The large sums of money you may have borrowed to finance your education are not repaid nearly as quickly as the amount of time it took you to finish college. Debt consolidation, negotiation, and credit counseling may be a good way to begin paying off your student loans and living a debt free life. If your student loans are in default or you are having difficulty making the monthly payments, there is a way out. Student loans can often be renegotiated. The federal government offers programs to individuals who are having trouble making their student loan payments. One option is forbearance. This is a temporary postponement or a reduction in your payments for a period of time due to financial difficulties. Your interest will continue to accrue but you will get some relief from the amount you have to pay each month. There are also income sensitive and graduated payment plans available for those who are having trouble repaying their student loans. The amount of money you pay on your student loans will rise and fall with your income when you enroll in one of these programs. If you student loan is already in default, you may want to enlist the services of a debt consolidation organization who may be able to help you reduce the interest and fees you owe on your student loans and help you pay down the balance quickly. Ken Austin is the webmaster at http://www.hazeydee.com and http://creditrelief.kraustin.com
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You Can Make Financial Resolutions Anytime The New Year often brings with it a desire to right the wrongs in your life. From this desire springs the tradition of New Year resolutions. You should take advantage of this to change your financial situation. Debt Management - Is It the Right Choice For You? Debt Management plans offer credit counseling clients a different and new approach to tackle their finances. Finding out if a debt management plan is right for you can take some time. However looking into the pros and cons now will help you know if entering into a debt management plan is right for you. Secrets to Why Debt Reduction is So Vital for Your Financial Health Living with debt is never a good idea if you want to make long-term financial plans. Every cent you use to service debt is money that could have been invested in your future. Investment is extremely important, and can lead to a more comfortable and secure retirement. Just as smart investment can lead to a more secure future, mismanaging your money and incurring debts can lead to financial difficulty down the track. Poor money management can prevent you from taking advantage of many different kinds of financial opportunities, and may effect your credit report. Future Secured? Oh Really? A headline for a retirement annuities flyer declares "Future Secured!" Was your reaction like mine? Yea, sure! How to Reduce Your Debt in 5 Easy Steps If you have incurred substantial personal debt, consider these options: budgeting, debt consolidation, credit counselling from a reputable organization and working with your creditors. You will need to choose a debt reduction method that will work best for you? The method you use will depend on your level of debt, how much spare money you have, your level of discipline, and how quickly you want to get out of debt. How to Negotiate Debt Settlement People over extend themselves financially as a result of a change in their lifestyle. In today's economy were company mergers, and such; creates a displacement and hardship to the major of the workforce. This event leaves good people without a decent source of income to sustain their lifestyle and cope with everyday living expenses. Good people such as these are looking for alternatives to solve their current dilemma. Debt Free Settlement, owners of http://www.debtfreesettlement.com, is gaining attention nationwide for providing information and alternative solutions to the consumers. Bankruptcy: What You Need to Know Personal bankruptcy is a legal way to give people with overwhelming debt a fresh financial start. Many people do not realize that there are five types of bankruptcy options available under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; however, for most consumers there are really only two viable options; Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. 5 Options Toward Debt Relief If you are in debt, well over your head in debt that is, there are options to help you overcome this situation. Let's examine five possible responses and uncover which ones lead to true debt relief. The Simple $10 Debt Elimination Solution Ask a friend what resolutions they made for 2004 and your bound to hear them reply "Pay off my credit cards." Ask them how they planned on reaching that goal and many of them will not have a clear cut answer. Bankruptcy Abuse Bankruptcy is little more than a smack on the hand these days. Creditors are certainly not going to look at you as a wise credit risk after bankruptcy, but that will probably not stop them from extending credit to you anyways. It seems a bit odd that consumers appear to be rewarded for skipping out on their debts through bankruptcy. Two Ways To Debt Relief There are many debt relief programs out there both off line and online. Sometimes it can be difficult to chose one from the other. To make a reasonable choice, you need to know Life After Debt ? Strategies for Dealing with Problem Debt Honorably and ethically rid yourself of burdensome debts using the little known Negotiation Strategy, without having to experience the loss of control and privacy associated with filing for bankruptcy, consolidation, or credit counseling. How to Deal with Bill Collectors So you've screwed up. You're drowning in debt. Maybe the credit card was burning a hole in your pocket and you just had to get the HDTV. Or maybe you or a family member had a medical emergency while you we laid off. It doesn't matter to your creditors; they lent you the money and now they want it back. Free Quick and Easy Money Saving Tips ? Part 1 With the high cost of gasoline and the amount of money needed to lead a comfortable life slowly increasing many consumers may be worried about how to make ends meet. Fortunately there are lots of ways to save money in a variety of areas. Using any of the 5 tips outlined below will leave a little something extra in your bank account at the end of month and eventually could influence the quality of lifestyle you lead. Debt Validation: Do you have to pay ? It happens all the time. Debt collectors try to collect on debts that consumers have no knowledge of or never owed in the first place. So, what do you do when a bill collector demands payment in full on a debt that you never knew existed? You need to request a validation of debt. What is Bankruptcy? Personal bankruptcy is a legal way to give people with overwhelming debt a fresh financial start. However, it is important to realize that certain forms of debt, such as student loans, are not forgiven through the bankruptcy process. Bankruptcy can have a devastating impact to your credit report and credit score. Bankruptcy will often remain on your credit report for as long as 10 years. During this time it can be next to impossible to obtain loans or any type of credit. If you are able to find a lender that is willing to do business with you, you will pay the highest possible interest rates allowed by law. The Last Debt Solution Should Be Bankruptcy A debt solution like bankruptcy should really only be used as a last possible solution. The problem with this solution of debt problems is that it includes a lot more than simply eliminating debt. When someone declares them self bankrupted, all debt collection actions against that person are prevented. The court grants an "automatic stay", which - with a few exceptions means that creditors cannot come after the money owed to them. The 5 Secrets to Getting Out of Debt Fast As they stare down at a teetering pile of bills, so many consumers wonder how they racked up such a large debt. The answer boils down to simple mathematics. 5 Ways to Get Out of Debt It has been said that everyday more and more people in the world are getting into unsecured debt. Once reason for this is the relative ease in which credit card companies and banks are extending credit to their customers. In fact, it was reported in the newspapers that in a test, a person was able to amass 15 credit cards in one afternoon quite easily. Credit Repair? Its All Up to You Log onto to a search engine such as google.com and type in the term credit repair. It's likely that Google will return more than 25 pages of listings, many of which will be companies claiming they can "erase bad credit," "create a new credit identity ? legally," " credit problems ? no problem." "quick credit repair," and on and on. ![]() |
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