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The Debt Free Lifestyle
Many people have been taught that you cannot get ahead without debt. We are also inundated with advertising telling us we can have anything we want. All we need to do is put it on our credit card. We have become an impatient society, we want it right now. We have lost the ethic of working for what we want. It is not how much money you make; it is what you do with it. By living without debt you can actually have a higher income since you are not paying out interest, you are actually getting paid interest on invested money. All debt is not created equal. We will classify them as good debt and bad debt. To simplify the classification we will say that good debt is a loan for something that you could sell at any time and repay the debt. This narrows down good debt to a home loan and possibly a home equity loan. A bad debt, of course, is a loan on anything that will lose value. Let's take a look at some debts that we would consider bad debt. Home equity loans are in the gray area. They could be considered good debt if they are used to repair or improve your home, but you would be a lot better off to just save up the money for the project. Home equity loans become bad debt when used for purposes other than home improvement or maintenance. In other words a bad home equity loan is for anything that does not add to the value of your house. Do not jeopardize your home by taking out a home equity loan on unnecessary items. One possible good use for a home equity loan is when the interest rates are low. You can use a home equity loan to refinance your mortgage. Home equity loans generally have lower costs than conventional home loans. We consider school loans bad debt. If you finish school, get a good high paying job and then attack the loan like mad, a school loan may work out. The problem is that there are too many things that can go wrong. At best, even if you do graduate and get a good job there are always a lot of other expenses at this time in ones life. You are really behind financially when you start your working life in debt. Auto loans are bad loans that have become common practice to us. We pay interest on a vehicle that will only be worth one half of its original purchase price in five years. Lately it has also been common for us to borrow more than a vehicle is worth. We can trade a car in that we still owe on, and roll that owed amount over into another vehicle. This gives us a loan amount that is higher than the value of the car that we drive away. We have lost our capacity to say NO. Co-signing is a bad debt that usually and unfortunately involves family. If someone cannot qualify for a loan at a regular lending institution, they should not get a loan. The fact that they can't qualify for a loan elsewhere should tell you that they are a huge risk. Use this opportunity to teach them how they can get what they want by working harder for it and delaying the purchase. If you want to get off of the debt treadmill, you must run as far away from debt as you can. You cannot use debt to get out of debt. Even if you do, you have not changed your habits; you must change your lifestyle. John Cook is family oriented and likes to help people get off and stay off the debt treadmill and secure the financial future of their family. You can read more about securing your families finances at his website http://www.financeforfamilies.com.
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Dont Drown Your Debts, Manage Them! Are you among the millions of people who have found themselves unable to make even the minimum payments on credit cards and other unsecured debts? If so, there is relief in sight. It is no longer necessary to keep paying constantly but never really make any progress towards reducing or eliminating your debts. You can manage your debts, reduce the amount you pay each month, and begin to decrease your balances. Debt management organizations are an excellent place to start when you are searching for way to become debt free. Personal Bankruptcy ? If Its Unavoidable, File Now The Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act, signed into law by President Bush last April, promises changes to Federal bankruptcy law that have been long sought by the lending industry. The bill promises sweeping changes to Federal law, and will make it much harder for the average consumer in financial trouble to have their debts wiped out by filing for bankruptcy. Recent trends suggest that those considering a bankruptcy filing should do so now, as the line to do so is already getting rather long. Take Careful Consideration Before Filing Bankruptcy Filing bankruptcy is not fun! It is a last resort if you are interested in keeping an active and acceptable credit report. Bankruptcy is the condition of bringing all your assets and deficiencies into an insolvent state. It is a state of financial loss, where your debts are canceled and it will remain on you credit report for seven years. A creditor or mortgage company will generally not lend money with an active bankruptcy on your report. Bank Like a Banker The business of banking has changed dramatically over the last decade. Because the cost of doing business the old-fashioned way is no longer effective, banks are interested in changing their customers' behavior by encouraging electronic banking alternatives whenever possible. They have done this by charging high fees for services that were once free. If you pay $200 or more in annual fees for banking, it's time to do some competitive shopping. Bankruptcy: What the New Law Means to You On April 20 of this year, President Bush signed a bankruptcy reform law. When this law goes into effect in October of this year, it will be much more difficult for Americans to use Chapter 7 bankruptcy to get a fresh start on their financial lives. Currency Trading Fee Concept Troubles with Global Economy; Do you see future problems with our global economic plans to make a one world system, where free trade and prosperity can rein the world over. Many world leaders have agreed a one-world system is best for all. It is in the interest of third world and in the interest of our Multi-National Conglomerates, their stockholders and the citizens of the country for us all to move up. This can be done with a few changes. Many are quite confident that if we look at some of the problems of the past and manage the World Bank this river can flow in greater volumes and at quicker speeds. Is Independence Overrated? Happy Independence Day from The Money Motivator! Credit Card Debt Freedom is Possible Credit card debt have you drowning financially? You're not alone. The average American household carries $9,205 in credit card debt, according to CardWeb, an online industry tracker. Not managed properly, this debt can come to eat up all of your disposable income leaving little or nothing for bare necessities. Some people in this situation respond by charging more but that will only get you further in trouble. How to Protect Yourself: Debt Collections So you are getting collection calls? You're desk is full of unpaid bills. You dread answering the phone. You are having trouble sleeping at night because you are worrying about a bunch of bills. You feel depressed. Does any of this sound familiar? If it does then, maybe this article can help you. The Human Side - Debt Stress Creating A Realistic Budget Budgeting -- ooh, what a scary word! If you want to frighten someone whose finances are out of control, suggest that they tally up their expenses on a piece of paper. We all understand the value of such an exercise, but when it comes to the practicality of putting a budget together, we get cold feet. Budgeting doesn't have to be so painful, when you have a systematic series of steps to follow. The Five Most Popular Questions About Bankruptcy WILL MY CREDITORS STOP HARASSING ME? IVA Advice An IVA (individual voluntary arrangement) is an alternative to bankruptcy introduced by the government as part of the Insolvency Act 1986. This article provides an overview of IVAs and suggests what readers should watch out for when looking for IVA advice. A History of Money and Banking Secrets That Banks Dont Want Published A History of Money and Trade Bankruptcy: Which Chapter Do I File? There is more than one kind of bankruptcy. You should understand your options before deciding which chapter of bankruptcy you are going to file for, or if you are going to file for bankruptcy at all. Often the consequences of bankruptcy outweigh the benefits so it really is a very individualized decision and should be considered carefully. Bankruptcy should not be a rash decision. Bad Credit Home Loan To Get You Out Of Debt A "bad credit home loan" can help you climb your way out of debt and get you started back on the road to upstanding, good credit. There are many lenders who are willing to make bad credit home loans to you - a loan based on your equity in your home even if your credit has slipped or isn't as perfect as it could be. By taking out a bad credit home mortgage or home equity loan, you can consolidate all your debts, lower your monthly payment and pay a lower overall interest rate on your current debt. In fact, by paying off our current credit card and loan debt with a bad credit home loan for debt consolidation, you are taking a major giant step in the direction of repairing your credit. Is Filing for Bankruptcy an Option for You? Bankruptcy laws give debtors a way to resolve debt by dividing their assets among their various creditors and in some cases will allow debtors to be freed of outstanding debts that cannot be paid, even after the division of assets. For individuals who find themselves unable to pay their debts, bankruptcy can be a viable option. As a debtor, you are entitled to file for bankruptcy. There have been recent changes to bankruptcy laws that may affect your ability to discharge your debts without credit counseling, but individuals who have found themselves unable to pay their debts can still file bankruptcy and be freed of outstanding debts. Corporate Debt Management ? Perspective on the Why Entrepreneurs have a tough time in their formative years. They try too many things to get a foothold on this competitive business climate, and that too they try them too soon. When they enter into new fields that have great promise and bet on new products they run the risk of costly failures. New product launches are costly and sometimes may take time to click. Risk is one factor which keeps the Businesses spinning new concepts and makes money out of it. It is this risk that keeps the uninitiated away. If you can't risk and make some bets in business then it is no field for you. But sometimes folks go a little far on investing more and more in a failure with hopes that one day they may click. It is the greatest for a selected few to know when to invest further and get out soon sometime. But for the rest of us it is mostly trial and error. This is where debt shows its gory true form. Secrets to Why Debt Reduction is So Vital for Your Financial Health Living with debt is never a good idea if you want to make long-term financial plans. Every cent you use to service debt is money that could have been invested in your future. Investment is extremely important, and can lead to a more comfortable and secure retirement. Just as smart investment can lead to a more secure future, mismanaging your money and incurring debts can lead to financial difficulty down the track. Poor money management can prevent you from taking advantage of many different kinds of financial opportunities, and may effect your credit report. Whatever You Do....Dont Save Money! No, that's not a misprint. Even though falling interest rates are good when you want to get a loan, they are bad for people with savings accounts. ![]() |
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