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Learn How to Get out of Debt
Debt is becoming number one problem in the United States Today. The average American family has at least $8,000 in credit card debt and most college students who just graduate from college have $3,000 to $5,000 credit card debt in their first year after college. I love what the founder of the wisdom center Dr. Mike Murdock says about debt, he says that "Bad debt is a sign of lack of financial wisdom." If we don't know what to do with our money, we tend to spend it on something that will lose values in times. Robert Kiyosaki calls the things that will lose value "Doo Dads" Doo Dads can be a luxury car, a boat, jewelry, expensive clothes and so on. Most people are never taught financial knowledge by their family or when they are in school. So as soon as they get out of school, they go crazy, because a lot of banks are offering them credit cards as soon as they finish their college education. They start buying things now and pay later. What they don't realize is that credit cards' interest is very high! It can be 18 to 29%. If you make late payment and go off allowed limit, the penalty period interest rate is extremely high! It will take 20 years to pay off $1000 credit card debt if you only make the minimum payment every month. So be careful and watch out before you decide to buy something. Be careful of the words "Easy low monthly payment." They are very deceiving. When you get into debt, you will have to pay the interest if you can't make the payment in full. Why the problem is getting worse? Most people rather spend their money on watching movies, eating out and buying clothes rather than buying books, tapes and videos that will teach them financial knowledge. They are not concern about their financial well being. Remember this, "What you don't respect, it will flee away from you." If you don't respect your financial life, you will find yourself deep down in poverty. Financial blessing will flee away from you if you don't respect it. Most people who are deeply in debt do not want anybody to know that they are in debt. They are scared when their friends tell them that they have been spending too much. They get offended when someone tells them to get help or to buy books, tapes or go to a financial seminar that can give them financial knowledge and information, so they can learn to dig themselves out of their debt. They never consult and discuss their financial problem with a qualified financial planner or mentor. What do I do now? Well delay of gratification is one of the solutions; don't buy it if you don't have the money to buy it! Wait, wait, and wait! I know it is very hard to fight on your emotion. You want the things you want today instead of tomorrow, but discipline yourself when it comes to buying. It doesn't make any sense to buy a coffee table that cost $200 on credit and in 1 year you have to pay the bank $800 for the coffee table because of the interest that comes from the credit card. You can't even sell the table for $200 anymore! Be smart; use your mind before you buy, not your emotion, because our emotion can deceive us. Think, think and think, before you purchase something. Pay it cash if you really want it. Don't trade your future for today's gratification. Get financial education! Get it now and don't delay it. You can always earn your money back, but you will never be able to earn your time back. The longer you delay the process of learning, the deeper you will get into debt and financial trouble. One of best financial education tool that is available today is "Choose to Be Rich Series" by Robert Kiyosaki. There 12 tapes or CDs and one video that talk about how to become financially literate. It cost $150 to $200, but its well worth it. If some people are willing to pay $20,000/year to go to college, why can't they spend $200 on financial knowledge that will teach them to be smart financially for life! Don't be stingy to yourself when it comes improving your knowledge and education. If your gas tank for your car is worth $60 to refill it, your brain is worth more than $60. Run a financial statement! You must know how deeply in debt you are! I love the depth indicator in every swimming pool. It tells me how deep the pool is, so I know what to expect. If you're not a good swimmer, you'd better stay in the pool that is not too deep, but as you become a better swimmer, you will be able to move to a deeper pool level. Many people drown because they don't pay attention on the depth indicator in a swimming pool. It can be very fatal when someone doesn't know how deep the pool is. The same thing can happen if you don't know how deeply in debt you are. You must know how deep your debt is! I am surprised that most people I talk to never look at their bank and credit card statements and they are not sure how much money they owed to the bank! When I ask them, how much do you owe the bank, they told me that they are not sure, or they are too scared to see their financial statement, but they are making their monthly payment and they don't even know the interest rate of their credit card! Write it on a piece of paper, get the total balance you owed, so you know how to set a goal in paying off your debt. Remember this; you can't hit a target that doesn't exist! You must write it down on a piece of paper, or even a computer software programs like Microsoft Money or Quicken that will help you to keep track all of your expenses. One thing that I found very useful is having a PDA (personal digital assistant) or Pocket PC to keep in track your expenses. A PDA or Pocket PC can help you balance your bank accounts, credit card accounts and manage your expenses. Look everybody makes mistakes, it's human but we can't make the same mistakes over and over again! We have to learn from our mistakes and learn from them. The difference between the have and the have not is the amount of proper applied information that they have. © Copyright 2005 http://www.pebden.com, Author: Entjik Jeffrie, All Rights Reserved.
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Questions to Ask a Credit Counseling Service about Debt Relief Debt relief is a topic on a lot of consumers' minds these days, and with good reason. American credit card debt in 2001 was $692 billion, triple the amount from 1989. In that same time period, the average credit card increase for a middle-class family was 75%. The amounts were even higher for low-income families and senior citizens. At one time, such a high amount of credit card debt would seem frivolous as buyers spent money they didn't have on luxury items such as electronics or jewelry. Today, however, in less stable economic times and a poor job market, more people are turning to credit cards as a way to extend their income. More and more debt is being rung up for everyday items such as groceries and medical bills. How can people get real help with debt relief? 5 Options Toward Debt Relief If you are in debt, well over your head in debt that is, there are options to help you overcome this situation. Let's examine five possible responses and uncover which ones lead to true debt relief. Bankruptcy: Who is to Blame? If you are considering bankruptcy as a solution to your financial problems, you are not alone. Bankruptcy is on the rise in this country as consumer debt piles higher and higher. Some people blame the creditors, making it too easy for most consumers to obtain credit. But creditors would argue that consumers have no sense of self control, taking on debt that they aren't sure they can repay. In reality, there are many different reasons that people file for bankruptcy. Learn The 15 Debt Elimination Steps You Must Take Immediately! What Everybody Needs To Know...Learn The Truth About Debt Elimination in 2005! Bankruptcy Your Best Bet? Filing bankruptcy is a common practice among the U.S. Over 2 million people file for bankruptcy every year. So many families today are swimming in debt, which is not surprising with the amount of credit that is being offered. If you pay your bills, you're given the opportunity to run up more bills. For young people, this is often too much responsibility to handle. Many people choose bankruptcy in order to gain a fresh start. Debt We all know about debt. If you don't have too much as an individual you can increase the quality of your life, but with more than you can handle it can make your life a nightmare. Getting Past The Idea Of Budgeting & Saving Money I'm sure you'll agree that budgeting, saving money, and eliminating debt are very appealing ideas. If effectively tackled, these goals can secure your financial status for the future, and allow you to live a comfortable, debt-free life. Five Hot Tips To Get Out Of Debt Forever The financial and psychological burden of being in debt causes us and our families continuous emotional stress. That stress eats away at the quality of our lives and leaves us feeling powerless, angry, depressed and helpless. Christian Debt Consolidation ? Feel Comfortable About Managing Your Debt Many Christians feel uncomfortable with the notion of being in debt, and even more so when the debt has gotten out of control. Some say that it is not acceptable for Christians to owe any money, even for such necessities as a home. Others feel that such debts are acceptable as long as debt does not place a burden on the family's finances.In recent years, the number of debt consolidation and credit counseling firms that specialize in catering to Christian clients have increased dramatically. Christian debt consolidation and credit counseling agencies are aware of the concerns Christians have about debt. They can help you consolidate your debt, establish a repayment schedule, arrange to allow you to continue tithing, and provide the additional spiritual counseling that you may need to help you stay out of debt. All of this is done in a way that is consistent with Christian beliefs and the teachings of the Bible. Creditors recognize that people who enter a debt consolidation program are trying to repay their obligations in good faith. Creditors are more willing to extend favorable terms to such clients in the hope that they (the creditor) will avoid the significant expense of turning the account over to a collections firm or avoid an extended drawn out process if the account holder goes through the expense of declaring bankruptcy.Experienced Christian Debt consolidation and credit counseling services know this, and they have experience working with creditors to ease the burden of repayment. They can help you renegotiate loans, reshape payment schedules, reduce your interest rate or obtain a loan that consolidates your debt. Many of these firms are nonprofit; they are in the business strictly so that they can help fellow Christians to get back on their feet and free from the burden of unusually heavy debt. If this sounds like something that suits your personal needs, you should consider contacting a Christian debt consolidation or credit counseling agency. New Bankruptcy Law Will Not Protect You from Identity Theft Recently passed by Congress with overwhelming support, the oddly-named Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act was designed to eliminate "bankruptcy of convenience." The perceived problem is that many compulsive gamblers, shoppers and drug users often run up huge debts on easily available credit cards with no intention of paying their bills. A relatively easy bankruptcy filing through Chapter 7 of the Federal bankruptcy code wipes all the debts clean and gives the debtor a fresh start. Studies would suggest that most people who file for bankruptcy are actually suffering from sudden illness, job loss or some other catastrophic event, but the law was passed just the same, and debtors will now have to repay at least a portion of their problem debt when the new law takes place in October, 2005.A provision of the new law that was not well publicized is the fact that the law applies to any debt, including debt which has been incurred through theft of the debtor's identity. If someone steals your credit card, or driver's license, or both, and runs up a huge amount of debt by posing as you, then you will be held responsible for the debt. Identity theft has become an increasingly large problem in the last few years, but the new legislation should make everyone aware of the problem associated with identity theft. While a determined thief can probably steal anything, a few simple steps can make it harder for someone to steal your identity.:Shred your documents. There are plenty of thieves that will sort through trash, looking for credit card receipts, bills and any document that has your signature. If you are throwing away financial documents, shred them first. Shredders can be found at any office supply store for a reasonable price. Don't give out your Social Security number to anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. Congress originally intended that the Social Security number not be used as a national identity number, but over the years it has become just that. If someone with whom you are doing business asks you for your number, inquire as to whether it is absolutely necessary that they have it. Providing the number may not be required. A thief can obtain a lot of information about you if they have your Social Security number. Guard it carefully.Don't carry more credit cards with you than is necessary. It's rarely necessary to carry 20 credit cards in your purse or wallet. Go through them and see if you can't keep a few in a secure place at home.Check your credit report once a year and look for suspicious entries. It typically takes nearly a year for someone to find out that their identity has been stolen. Look out for loans or large purchases that you don't remember making. Never give out personal financial information, especially credit card numbers, to someone that you don't know on the telephone.A few simple steps, practiced regularly, can protect you from identity theft. More importantly, these steps can protect you from having to repay thousands of dollars of debt that some thief might run up in your name. Your identity is your most valuable asset. Protect it carefully. The New Bankruptcy Law -- How Will It Affect Debt Negotiation? In April 2005, Congress made sweeping changes in U.S. bankruptcy law that will go into effect on October 17, 2005. It's called the "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005," and it means big trouble for Americans struggling with debt problems. Learn How to Get out of Debt Debt is becoming number one problem in the United States Today. The average American family has at least $8,000 in credit card debt and most college students who just graduate from college have $3,000 to $5,000 credit card debt in their first year after college. Credit Card Debt: How to Get Rid of It This method is simple, but requires some discipline. Dealing with Thingitis Debt is quickly becoming an epidemic in America. However, through the past 50 years, America has not seen such large domestic growth. Its citizens have higher salaries now than their predecessors, yet personal debt continues to rise. The Human Side - Debt Stress Debt and Your Dreams You may not realize what that credit card bill is doing to you? Home Equity ? Foreclosure Often Not Necessary in Current Market While driving around your community, you may have seen signs posted on telephone poles that offer "foreclosure help." These seemingly generous offers to help financially troubled homeowners who are in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure are actually scams. Typically, the "help" comes in the form of an offer to buy the home for a reduced price from the homeowner. The scammer offers to pay off the homeowner's existing debt and to rent the home back to the homeowner until they can afford to buy the home back. The scam comes after the owner signs the paperwork and the offer to rent the home to them abruptly disappears, leaving the scammer with an inexpensive house and the homeowner without a house or a place to live. Fortunately, the current booming real estate market has made it possible for financially troubled homeowners to avoid foreclosure on their home and the scammers. Dont Drown Your Debts, Manage Them! Are you among the millions of people who have found themselves unable to make even the minimum payments on credit cards and other unsecured debts? If so, there is relief in sight. It is no longer necessary to keep paying constantly but never really make any progress towards reducing or eliminating your debts. You can manage your debts, reduce the amount you pay each month, and begin to decrease your balances. Debt management organizations are an excellent place to start when you are searching for way to become debt free. Free Quick and Easy Money Saving Tips ? Part 2 Although many consumers would argue differently saving money doesn't have to be difficult. In fact by making just a few changes in your normal lifestyle you can find ways to free up extra cash that can be put to better use in a savings account or an investment account. Finding ways to save an additional 5 dollars a day can lead to a more secure financial future in the long run. I have compiled some tips that you can use in order to find those extra dollars. What Are The Benefits and Consequences Of Getting Rid Of Debt The Easy Way We have all experienced getting so far in debt we don't know how we're going to get out. There are many different options that you have for quick relief with benefits and consequences. You can look at the overview and see which option is the best option for you. ![]() |
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