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UK Debt When Moving Abroad
The idea of moving abroad to escape debt seems to be more of a common practice these days. People with failed businesses or swamped in debt seem to think moving abroad will give them a fresh start, free from debt and allow them to build a new life. It became obvious after reading some of the comments on various UK debt forums that there is divided opinions on this. Some people think running away from debt is too much of a risk, and believe the creditors will eventually catch up with the debtor, whilst others encourage the idea, stating that there is no way debtors will be found and seem to encourage people to move on and enjoy a new life free from the responsibilities of debt. In the past this might have been a successful way to start a new life without the worry of unpaid debt. However, creditors and courts alike seem to have caught up with the idea over the last few years and have taken action to make it more difficult for people to escape the responsibility of repaying outstanding debt. Creditors taking action Some countries, such as Germany and Canada, have reciprocal agreements when it comes to tracing debtors and debt collection practices. There is not an awful lot of information regarding which countries have reciprocal agreements and which do not. Could it be that creditors do not want people to become too clever so have not made it common knowledge? However, a search around the World Wide Web might disclose a few more countries with these agreements. A reciprocal agreement in the UK means a UK Court can enforce a CCJ (County Court Judgment) using the legal system of the other country. If there is no such agreement in place, a creditor can sell a debt to the relevant country where the debtor resides and debt recovery procedures will commence under the law of that land. Tracing a debtor The resources available to creditors nowadays when it comes to tracing a debtor are vast. Although the resources in other countries may be limited, there are still ways and means of finding people, especially once the creditor finds out which country the debtor has moved to. A creditor may have their own department in that country, or relations with other credit companies in that area. Creditors can also try a tactic or two to locate someone's whereabouts. They may go to the last known address, talk to the neighbours, family friends or relatives who could unknowingly tell them of the person's whereabouts. Once they know which country the debtor is in, their job is made much easier. Using an ATM card in another country shows us how easy it is to get information from a UK account abroad. If we can do this so simply, what other information is able to zip round the world almost instantaneously? Having resources to trace a debtor or having agreements with other countries, or even the possibility of selling the debt to an agency in the appropriate country does not automatically mean that a creditor will be successful in tracing a debtor. In some cases, people do get away with it. It is however a risk for anyone considering moving abroad to avoid debt. A creditor has a period of 6 years from the last time a person acknowledged a debt to use the legal system to recover monies. However, if a creditor has taken legal action on an account, the debt can be legally recoverable indefinitely. This means that someone could start a new life abroad and work hard for the assets they accumulated, only to find a few years down the line that a creditor has traced them! This could mean everything they have worked for is put at risk and could be taken from them to repay their debt. What are the Options? Many people who move abroad who are struggling to keep up with their repayments may not be aware of the free financial help available. They do not even need to telephone the UK, as there is free advice and help available on the web, just a quick email can put someone's mind at rest and make them realise they are not alone. There are companies such as FCL Debt Clinic, who can offer a free financial assessment and advice. FCL Debt Clinic can also refer clients to a Debt Management Company who charge no fees and can help negotiate affordable monthly repayments on their clients' behalf by setting up repayment plans with their creditors. Anyone with a UK bank account or the use of one for transferring money, with UK debts, can be helped. This way, the ever-present worry of whether a debt is still around is no longer there to haunt someone. Nicola Bullimore has been working with people who have debt problems for a number of years. For more information regarding debt issues, please visit our Debt Questions website.
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Christian Debt Consolidation ? Feel Comfortable About Managing Your Debt Many Christians feel uncomfortable with the notion of being in debt, and even more so when the debt has gotten out of control. Some say that it is not acceptable for Christians to owe any money, even for such necessities as a home. Others feel that such debts are acceptable as long as debt does not place a burden on the family's finances.In recent years, the number of debt consolidation and credit counseling firms that specialize in catering to Christian clients have increased dramatically. Christian debt consolidation and credit counseling agencies are aware of the concerns Christians have about debt. They can help you consolidate your debt, establish a repayment schedule, arrange to allow you to continue tithing, and provide the additional spiritual counseling that you may need to help you stay out of debt. All of this is done in a way that is consistent with Christian beliefs and the teachings of the Bible. Creditors recognize that people who enter a debt consolidation program are trying to repay their obligations in good faith. Creditors are more willing to extend favorable terms to such clients in the hope that they (the creditor) will avoid the significant expense of turning the account over to a collections firm or avoid an extended drawn out process if the account holder goes through the expense of declaring bankruptcy.Experienced Christian Debt consolidation and credit counseling services know this, and they have experience working with creditors to ease the burden of repayment. They can help you renegotiate loans, reshape payment schedules, reduce your interest rate or obtain a loan that consolidates your debt. Many of these firms are nonprofit; they are in the business strictly so that they can help fellow Christians to get back on their feet and free from the burden of unusually heavy debt. If this sounds like something that suits your personal needs, you should consider contacting a Christian debt consolidation or credit counseling agency. Debt Settlement What is debt settlement? Slowing Spending - The Key To Your Debt Plans Success Anyone who embarks on a debt reduction program should know the rules for success. There are two. You need to stop adding to your debt. You need to find extra money to pay it off quickly. Tips For Saving Money Still living from pay to pay? Or envying those great wealth accumulators and wondering how they did it? Every month you make a resolution of saving some dollars from your paycheck, but only end up breaking it. Looking for some magic formula for saving money? The 7 Secrets to Getting?and Staying?Out of Debt As vice president of the American Credit Foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps individuals and families manage their debt, Mike Peterson knows firsthand how financial problems can wreak havoc in one's life. Each day, counselors at the Midvale, Utah-based foundation help desperate clients dig themselves out from under piles of unpaid bills, stern notices from collection agencies and ominous foreclosure threats. IVA Information If you're thinking about an IVA, it is essential to get the best information possible. This is because although an IVA can be a manageable way to resolve your debt problems, it can also represent a commitment of up to five years. Getting good IVA information is an important part of deciding whether you want one. What is Debt Settlement and How Does it Work? Debt settlement involves negotiating with a creditor or creditors to pay off a percentage of your total debts at an agreed upon settlement amount. Often, people choose to utilize the services of a debt settlement company rather than attempting to do it on their own. Debt settlement companies traditionally employs various negotiation strategies to help settle your debts and can eliminate between 40-60% of your original balances. Mandatory Credit Counseling for Those Considering Bankruptcy Most Americans are aware of the sweeping changes in U.S. bankruptcy law that were made by Congress recently. These changes, strongly supported by the credit card industry, were designed to make it more difficult for Americans to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Federal bankruptcy code. Chapter 7 allows consumers to essentially have all of their debts wiped away by the court. While many people will still be able to file under Chapter 7, many more will have to file under Chapter 13, which requires the establishment of a repayment plan. A less publicized provision of the bankruptcy bill is the one that requires debtors who are considering filing for bankruptcy to first undergo credit counseling. What does this mean for consumers? New Bankruptcy Law Will Not Protect You from Identity Theft Recently passed by Congress with overwhelming support, the oddly-named Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act was designed to eliminate "bankruptcy of convenience." The perceived problem is that many compulsive gamblers, shoppers and drug users often run up huge debts on easily available credit cards with no intention of paying their bills. A relatively easy bankruptcy filing through Chapter 7 of the Federal bankruptcy code wipes all the debts clean and gives the debtor a fresh start. Studies would suggest that most people who file for bankruptcy are actually suffering from sudden illness, job loss or some other catastrophic event, but the law was passed just the same, and debtors will now have to repay at least a portion of their problem debt when the new law takes place in October, 2005.A provision of the new law that was not well publicized is the fact that the law applies to any debt, including debt which has been incurred through theft of the debtor's identity. If someone steals your credit card, or driver's license, or both, and runs up a huge amount of debt by posing as you, then you will be held responsible for the debt. Identity theft has become an increasingly large problem in the last few years, but the new legislation should make everyone aware of the problem associated with identity theft. While a determined thief can probably steal anything, a few simple steps can make it harder for someone to steal your identity.:Shred your documents. There are plenty of thieves that will sort through trash, looking for credit card receipts, bills and any document that has your signature. If you are throwing away financial documents, shred them first. Shredders can be found at any office supply store for a reasonable price. Don't give out your Social Security number to anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. Congress originally intended that the Social Security number not be used as a national identity number, but over the years it has become just that. If someone with whom you are doing business asks you for your number, inquire as to whether it is absolutely necessary that they have it. Providing the number may not be required. A thief can obtain a lot of information about you if they have your Social Security number. Guard it carefully.Don't carry more credit cards with you than is necessary. It's rarely necessary to carry 20 credit cards in your purse or wallet. Go through them and see if you can't keep a few in a secure place at home.Check your credit report once a year and look for suspicious entries. It typically takes nearly a year for someone to find out that their identity has been stolen. Look out for loans or large purchases that you don't remember making. Never give out personal financial information, especially credit card numbers, to someone that you don't know on the telephone.A few simple steps, practiced regularly, can protect you from identity theft. More importantly, these steps can protect you from having to repay thousands of dollars of debt that some thief might run up in your name. Your identity is your most valuable asset. Protect it carefully. Senate Passes New Bankruptcy Law The United States Senate passed a law on March 10, 2005 that changes the bankruptcy laws in America. It is expected that the House of Representatives will look to pass the same bill in April, which will send it to President Bush for his signature. Since it is well known that President Bush will sign the bill into law, a new bankrupcty law is just one step away from ratification. This law makes it much harder for Americans to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. So for those of you trying to decide whether to file bankruptcy in the next few weeks, realize you may not have the same options in a couple of months time. Debt Settlement : What You Need To Know Debt Settlement companies work with your creditors to help you reduce your unsecured debts though arbitration and negations. The important thing to realize about Debt Settlement is that it is a different type of program than Consumer Credit Counseling or Debt Reduction. Traditionally, these types of programs work with your creditors to lower your interest rates. Debt Settlement companies work with your creditors to reduce your credit card and unsecured debt balances, sometimes by as much as 40-60%! While this type of program can be quite effective, there are some major issues that must also be considered. Dont Let The Good Times Bury You It is vital to get rid of debt while things are going well. Yet the opposite is usually the case. Human nature is such that when we find ourselves living in good times, we let down our defenses. With our lives going great we seem to make the worst decisions. It's not hard to understand why this happens. We believe things will always be better in the future, "When I'm done with school, When I get a better paying job, I'm sure I will get that promotion." Bank Like a Banker The business of banking has changed dramatically over the last decade. Because the cost of doing business the old-fashioned way is no longer effective, banks are interested in changing their customers' behavior by encouraging electronic banking alternatives whenever possible. They have done this by charging high fees for services that were once free. If you pay $200 or more in annual fees for banking, it's time to do some competitive shopping. Worried About Debts? Having trouble paying your bills? Getting dunning notices from creditors? Are your accounts being turned over to debt collectors? Are you worried about losing your home or your car? Free Quick and Easy Money Saving Tips ? Part 2 Although many consumers would argue differently saving money doesn't have to be difficult. In fact by making just a few changes in your normal lifestyle you can find ways to free up extra cash that can be put to better use in a savings account or an investment account. Finding ways to save an additional 5 dollars a day can lead to a more secure financial future in the long run. I have compiled some tips that you can use in order to find those extra dollars. Five Hot Tips To Get Out Of Debt Forever The financial and psychological burden of being in debt causes us and our families continuous emotional stress. That stress eats away at the quality of our lives and leaves us feeling powerless, angry, depressed and helpless. Debt Settlement -- Why the Critics Are Wrong After October 17, 2005, a lot of people are going to become interested in debt settlement as an alternative to bankruptcy. That's the date the new bankruptcy law goes into effect, and it means a rude awakening for many consumers seeking a fresh start in bankruptcy court. What Are The Benefits and Consequences Of Getting Rid Of Debt The Easy Way We have all experienced getting so far in debt we don't know how we're going to get out. There are many different options that you have for quick relief with benefits and consequences. You can look at the overview and see which option is the best option for you. The 5 Secrets to Getting Out of Debt Fast As they stare down at a teetering pile of bills, so many consumers wonder how they racked up such a large debt. The answer boils down to simple mathematics. Budget the Luxuries First! Strictly speaking, his advice was preceded by another Heinlein maxim as well. "Sovereign ingredient for a happy marriage: Pay cash or do without. Interest charges not only eat up a household budget; awareness of debt eats up domestic felicity." Today, that advice gets abused eight ways to Sunday, as the average household is currently carrying credit card debt to the tune of over $10,000. Assuming an interest rate of 18%, this works out to about 150 bucks a month going to the credit card company. That's money NOT available for things like fresh flowers on your desk... new skis... upgrading to gourmet coffees and wines for daily consumption, or dinner out (including tips and babysitter). ![]() |
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