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Debt Elimination
If you're reading this article right now I'm sure that you are looking for a debt elimination system that will help you get out from under you personal mountain of debt. Hopefully you're not looking for the magic pill that will suddenly dissolve your debt problem. I'm afraid that I have to tell you that there is no magic debt elimination system. We get into debt either by our poor spending habits or by not being prepared for unexpected expenses and often a combination of the two. It is not uncommon to hear of someone who has poor spending habits and a somewhat manageable debt load who has had an unfortunate event that puts them into a financial tailspin. To get out of debt and stay out of debt you must change your attitude about how you spend money or you will never stay out of debt. Getting a debt consolidation loan or going bankrupt will not help you. You must change your spending habits. You have to make up your mind that you will spend less than you earn or you will just go back into debt again. There also are those who do not excessively overspend but they are not prepared for unexpected expenses. They may have little or no debt when suddenly something happens that takes them deeply into debt. This can be an illness, an engine blowing up in your vehicle, a tree falling on your house or any number of catastrophes. Knowing this, the first step in getting out of debt is to change your attitude. You must decide that you will no longer accept living in debt and unprepared for life's uncertainties. You must decide that whatever it takes, you will do it. Without this intensity it will be difficult for you to succeed. Without this intensity new cars and the shiny advertisements will draw you back into debt. Remember, the first step to staying debt free must be an attitude change. John Cook is the author of Finance For Families.com, a website designed to assist families in making smart financial decisions. The burden of seemingly insurmountable debt is destroying too many families. You can read more at http://www.financeforfamilies.com
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Questions to Ask a Credit Counseling Service about Debt Relief Debt relief is a topic on a lot of consumers' minds these days, and with good reason. American credit card debt in 2001 was $692 billion, triple the amount from 1989. In that same time period, the average credit card increase for a middle-class family was 75%. The amounts were even higher for low-income families and senior citizens. At one time, such a high amount of credit card debt would seem frivolous as buyers spent money they didn't have on luxury items such as electronics or jewelry. Today, however, in less stable economic times and a poor job market, more people are turning to credit cards as a way to extend their income. More and more debt is being rung up for everyday items such as groceries and medical bills. How can people get real help with debt relief? New Bankruptcy Law Makes it Harder to Stop Foreclosure On October 17, 2005 President Bush's sweeping bankruptcy reform law goes into effect forever changing the rules of debt collection in this natiion. Consumer advocates and the public appear to be completely unaware of the total and complete victory of the creditors under the new legislation. This article opens the door to the Trogan Horse so that consumers can prepare themselves for the worse. Do It Yourself Debt Relief With mounting bills and unforeseen hardships, you may be considering some form of debt relief. There are many options to help you, but the best may actually be you helping yourself. Here are some suggestions for starting debt relief and becoming more solvent. Debt: Dont Pay Your Minimum Balance Almost all Americans carry credit card debt. Actually, over 40% of US families spend more than they earn. If you're like most of us, you try not to think about how much money you owe and what that debt is really costing you. If you did, you might not sleep too well. However, by not fully understanding your current financial situation you are only prolonging the problem. In order to rid yourself of unsecured debt, you need to face the uncomfortable and often painful fact: it is very possible that your current debts may take you 30 years to pay off. Future Secured? Oh Really? A headline for a retirement annuities flyer declares "Future Secured!" Was your reaction like mine? Yea, sure! Bankruptcy Interest Increases as Deadline Approaches Congress recently passed sweeping legislation that will significantly reform American bankruptcy law. Designed to eliminate the "convenience bankruptcy" of compulsive gamblers and the financially irresponsible, this legislation will make it more difficult for those seeking bankruptcy protection from the courts to have their debts relieved. Personal Bankruptcy ? If Its Unavoidable, File Now The Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act, signed into law by President Bush last April, promises changes to Federal bankruptcy law that have been long sought by the lending industry. The bill promises sweeping changes to Federal law, and will make it much harder for the average consumer in financial trouble to have their debts wiped out by filing for bankruptcy. Recent trends suggest that those considering a bankruptcy filing should do so now, as the line to do so is already getting rather long. Repair Bad Credit Yourself In March 2005, the U.S. financial services industry succeeded in hammering the first nail in their plan to overhaul the nation's bankruptcy system. Repairing bad credit yourself will be more necessary than ever. After contributing millions of dollars to elect Republican candidates sympathetic to their big money interests, banks, credit unions, credit card companies and major retailers have succeeded in making it more difficult to file for bankruptcy relief. About half of those filing do so due to medical catastrophe. You can still get help and repair bad credit yourself. How To Avoid Medical Collections With medical collections costing doctors millions upon millions of dollars in unpaid bills and collection fees, many people have just one question: Who are these people who are trying to stiff the doctors who delivered them from great physical pain (or the flu, hypochondria, not-so-white-teeth, or a nose that didn't look enough like Brad Pitt's)? What is Bankruptcy? Here is a useful guide to bankruptcy. It should be noted that bankruptcy is not to be entered into without first having sought professional advice. A History of Money and Banking Secrets That Banks Dont Want Published A History of Money and Trade Tips For Saving Money Still living from pay to pay? Or envying those great wealth accumulators and wondering how they did it? Every month you make a resolution of saving some dollars from your paycheck, but only end up breaking it. Looking for some magic formula for saving money? Debt Handling Solutions Sometimes debt can seem overwhelming. In those instances, or even before things get that far out of hand, get back to basics and try some of these debt handling solutions. Is There Any Way To Get Out Of Debt? In this era where we are bombarded daily with commercials on television, radio, billboards, through email, not to forget the flyers slipped under the car's wiper blades while shopping at the mall, it's no surprise that so many of us find ourselves endlessly in debt to the services and products offered by others. How can we refuse, when we're baited with the juicy orange carrot of '0% APR' up to a certain amount or for a specified time, or 'no money down' and 'easy installments' of just so much per month? New Bankruptcy Law Will Not Protect You from Identity Theft Recently passed by Congress with overwhelming support, the oddly-named Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act was designed to eliminate "bankruptcy of convenience." The perceived problem is that many compulsive gamblers, shoppers and drug users often run up huge debts on easily available credit cards with no intention of paying their bills. A relatively easy bankruptcy filing through Chapter 7 of the Federal bankruptcy code wipes all the debts clean and gives the debtor a fresh start. Studies would suggest that most people who file for bankruptcy are actually suffering from sudden illness, job loss or some other catastrophic event, but the law was passed just the same, and debtors will now have to repay at least a portion of their problem debt when the new law takes place in October, 2005.A provision of the new law that was not well publicized is the fact that the law applies to any debt, including debt which has been incurred through theft of the debtor's identity. If someone steals your credit card, or driver's license, or both, and runs up a huge amount of debt by posing as you, then you will be held responsible for the debt. Identity theft has become an increasingly large problem in the last few years, but the new legislation should make everyone aware of the problem associated with identity theft. While a determined thief can probably steal anything, a few simple steps can make it harder for someone to steal your identity.:Shred your documents. There are plenty of thieves that will sort through trash, looking for credit card receipts, bills and any document that has your signature. If you are throwing away financial documents, shred them first. Shredders can be found at any office supply store for a reasonable price. Don't give out your Social Security number to anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. Congress originally intended that the Social Security number not be used as a national identity number, but over the years it has become just that. If someone with whom you are doing business asks you for your number, inquire as to whether it is absolutely necessary that they have it. Providing the number may not be required. A thief can obtain a lot of information about you if they have your Social Security number. Guard it carefully.Don't carry more credit cards with you than is necessary. It's rarely necessary to carry 20 credit cards in your purse or wallet. Go through them and see if you can't keep a few in a secure place at home.Check your credit report once a year and look for suspicious entries. It typically takes nearly a year for someone to find out that their identity has been stolen. Look out for loans or large purchases that you don't remember making. Never give out personal financial information, especially credit card numbers, to someone that you don't know on the telephone.A few simple steps, practiced regularly, can protect you from identity theft. More importantly, these steps can protect you from having to repay thousands of dollars of debt that some thief might run up in your name. Your identity is your most valuable asset. Protect it carefully. What You Should Know About Bankruptcy Filing bankruptcy is not only a last resort legal action; it is also a very complicated legal action that definitely needs the expertise of a lawyer. When thinking about bankruptcy, you first need to decide if bankruptcy is right for you. If it is, then you need the help of an attorney to decide which type of bankruptcy is required for your particular situation. Can You Escape the Trap of Ever Growing Debt? It's difficult not to be concerned when facing numbers like these: Why You Should Get Out of Debt Today? The main reason for getting out of debt today, is because people with little or not debt have more control over their future: New Bankruptcy Legislation May Make it Harder to Find an Attorney The recently passed Bankruptcy Abuse prevention and Consumer Protection Act will make it harder for people with problem debt to have their debt eliminated through filing for bankruptcy. This new legislation will make it harder to have debts wiped out by the courts, and will require more debtors to pay back some or all of their debts. Considered by many to be a gift from Congress to the major credit card companies, this new law has many people rightly concerned about how to best deal with their debt problems. An additional concern that few have considered is that it not only will be more difficult to file for bankruptcy, it may also be difficult to find legal assistance once the new law takes effect in October, 2005. The Last Debt Solution Should Be Bankruptcy A debt solution like bankruptcy should really only be used as a last possible solution. The problem with this solution of debt problems is that it includes a lot more than simply eliminating debt. When someone declares them self bankrupted, all debt collection actions against that person are prevented. The court grants an "automatic stay", which - with a few exceptions means that creditors cannot come after the money owed to them. ![]() |
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