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Debt Relief Information
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Debt and Financial Optimism in the UK Continue With £1.3 trillion pounds worth of debt in the UK, Scotland's Citizens Advice Bureau has welcomed a new Bill to regulate lenders and protect borrowers from creating un-repayable levels of personal debt. Credit Card Debt & the Unfairness of the Universal Default Clause Let's look at a real world example: A woman purchased a new $4,000 large screen TV a few months ago based on the knowledge her monthly payment was going to be $175, and based on the 9% interest rate charged by her credit card company. For five months straight she made all her payments on time, but in the fifth month she was late paying her mortgage bill, for reasons unknown. She found out a month or two later that her credit card company doubled her interest rate to 18%, thus increasing the payment for the TV to about $190 per month. Even though she was never late on any other payments, she found most of her other credit cards raised their interest rates as well. Even her car insurance company raised their rates. The net effect was she ended up paying nearly $200 per month more because she was late on a single mortgage payment. Benefits and Drawbacks of Bankruptcy Outlined below are some of the benefits and drawbacks of bankruptcy. It should be noted that bankruptcy is not to be entered into without first having sought professional advice. Help for the Single Mother with Managing Credit and Debt Today's consumers benefit drastically from the usefulness of credit. Credit cards are especially useful for large purchases, emergency situations, making reservations, identification, and protection from fraud. Unfortunately, millions of consumers abuse credit cards beyond their financial earnings. The use of credit results in costly interest payments and late fees, impulse buying, overextended lifestyles, and the unnecessary stress from harassing telephone calls from collectors. Debt Elimination 2 The First Step To Debt Elimination Creating A Realistic Budget Budgeting -- ooh, what a scary word! If you want to frighten someone whose finances are out of control, suggest that they tally up their expenses on a piece of paper. We all understand the value of such an exercise, but when it comes to the practicality of putting a budget together, we get cold feet. Budgeting doesn't have to be so painful, when you have a systematic series of steps to follow. Debt Management Systems What is a debt management system, and when do you need it? Like any kind of management system, debt help systems can be good or bad. We will take a look at what you can do to manage your debt better. One element is paying off debt, but that's not the only one. It is much more than paying off your credit cards, and doesn't end when you pay off your mortgage or car loan either. You have to make a system of good money management, and follow this system in your daily life. Here are the key elements in such a system: Assess Your Financial Attitude and Eliminate Your Debt Forever Want to know if your attitude towards your finances is helping you or damaging your future? Take this Quiz and find out... Debt: Dont Pay Your Minimum Balance Almost all Americans carry credit card debt. Actually, over 40% of US families spend more than they earn. If you're like most of us, you try not to think about how much money you owe and what that debt is really costing you. If you did, you might not sleep too well. However, by not fully understanding your current financial situation you are only prolonging the problem. In order to rid yourself of unsecured debt, you need to face the uncomfortable and often painful fact: it is very possible that your current debts may take you 30 years to pay off. Debt Settlement -- Why the Critics Are Wrong After October 17, 2005, a lot of people are going to become interested in debt settlement as an alternative to bankruptcy. That's the date the new bankruptcy law goes into effect, and it means a rude awakening for many consumers seeking a fresh start in bankruptcy court. Is There Any Way To Get Out Of Debt? In this era where we are bombarded daily with commercials on television, radio, billboards, through email, not to forget the flyers slipped under the car's wiper blades while shopping at the mall, it's no surprise that so many of us find ourselves endlessly in debt to the services and products offered by others. How can we refuse, when we're baited with the juicy orange carrot of '0% APR' up to a certain amount or for a specified time, or 'no money down' and 'easy installments' of just so much per month? Christian Debt Consolidation ? Feel Comfortable About Managing Your Debt Many Christians feel uncomfortable with the notion of being in debt, and even more so when the debt has gotten out of control. Some say that it is not acceptable for Christians to owe any money, even for such necessities as a home. Others feel that such debts are acceptable as long as debt does not place a burden on the family's finances.In recent years, the number of debt consolidation and credit counseling firms that specialize in catering to Christian clients have increased dramatically. Christian debt consolidation and credit counseling agencies are aware of the concerns Christians have about debt. They can help you consolidate your debt, establish a repayment schedule, arrange to allow you to continue tithing, and provide the additional spiritual counseling that you may need to help you stay out of debt. All of this is done in a way that is consistent with Christian beliefs and the teachings of the Bible. Creditors recognize that people who enter a debt consolidation program are trying to repay their obligations in good faith. Creditors are more willing to extend favorable terms to such clients in the hope that they (the creditor) will avoid the significant expense of turning the account over to a collections firm or avoid an extended drawn out process if the account holder goes through the expense of declaring bankruptcy.Experienced Christian Debt consolidation and credit counseling services know this, and they have experience working with creditors to ease the burden of repayment. They can help you renegotiate loans, reshape payment schedules, reduce your interest rate or obtain a loan that consolidates your debt. Many of these firms are nonprofit; they are in the business strictly so that they can help fellow Christians to get back on their feet and free from the burden of unusually heavy debt. If this sounds like something that suits your personal needs, you should consider contacting a Christian debt consolidation or credit counseling agency. The Credit Card Debt Termination Scam "Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in 4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of program that has spread via the Internet over the past few years. It's called "Credit Card Debt Termination," and victims are paying $1,000s for this bogus service. One victim I spoke with lost more than $15,000! In this article, I'll review the principles behind this program and explain exactly why it's a scam to be avoided. Bankruptcy - The Easy Option? Incredibly, since the changes in the bankruptcy law in April 2004, debtors are more likely to petition for their own bankruptcy rather than their creditors! You would think that most people who have been threatened with the prospect of being made Bankrupt would be riddled with fear of the possibility. It is more widely referred to as the "Big B" rather than the dreaded word itself. However, is this a thing of the past? Since the changes in The Enterprise Act 2002 took place in April 2004 it would appear a lot more people are inclined to petition for their own bankruptcy as a solution to their debt problems. Dont Drown Your Debts, Manage Them! Are you among the millions of people who have found themselves unable to make even the minimum payments on credit cards and other unsecured debts? If so, there is relief in sight. It is no longer necessary to keep paying constantly but never really make any progress towards reducing or eliminating your debts. You can manage your debts, reduce the amount you pay each month, and begin to decrease your balances. Debt management organizations are an excellent place to start when you are searching for way to become debt free. The Effects of Consumer Debt Consumer Borrowing How Do I Lower My Debt Burdens? How do I lower my debts? Debt Settlement : What You Need To Know Debt Settlement companies work with your creditors to help you reduce your unsecured debts though arbitration and negations. The important thing to realize about Debt Settlement is that it is a different type of program than Consumer Credit Counseling or Debt Reduction. Traditionally, these types of programs work with your creditors to lower your interest rates. Debt Settlement companies work with your creditors to reduce your credit card and unsecured debt balances, sometimes by as much as 40-60%! While this type of program can be quite effective, there are some major issues that must also be considered. What is Debt Settlement? Debt settlement is the process of negotiating with your creditors so that you are able to pay off a certain percentage of the debt amount that you owe. A debt settlement company will use different types of strategies to negotiate with your creditors so that you get the best outcome. You'll want to hire a debt settlement company that has arbitrators who are experienced and licensed so that they can negotiate a deal for you with your creditors. You can expect to lower the balances on the debt that you owe by anywhere from 40% to 60%. Take Careful Consideration Before Filing Bankruptcy Filing bankruptcy is not fun! It is a last resort if you are interested in keeping an active and acceptable credit report. Bankruptcy is the condition of bringing all your assets and deficiencies into an insolvent state. It is a state of financial loss, where your debts are canceled and it will remain on you credit report for seven years. A creditor or mortgage company will generally not lend money with an active bankruptcy on your report. ![]() |
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