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Stress and Depression are Killing Us!
A short generation ago, families could set their watch by the time the father got home from work each day. My dad always walked through the front door at precisely 6 PM and supper was served at 6:10. We'd all sit around the table discussing the events of the day and then go out on the street to spend time with the neighbors when the kitchen chores were done. On hot summer nights my parents would sit on the veranda with a cool soft drink and spray the kids with a hose as we darted about the front lawn. Life was simple then ? but not anymore! Who among us has not felt a little betrayed by George Jetson's vision of what the future was 'supposed' to be? We all know the Jetsons was just a cartoon but it did entice us into believing the workday of the future would only be a few hours, sitting in a comfy chair, pushing a couple buttons, while the lovely-wife got even lovelier, spending most of her time at the beauty salon. He lied to us! The sad reality is the future we live in today is the exact opposite of Mr Jetson's. Fathers work harder, longer and with more responsibilities and stress than any generation in all of history. Mothers have little time to get lovelier because they're trying to balance the needs of the children along with a full-time job. Most families don't sit around the dinner table anymore because they're all on different schedules, stressed to the teeth, just trying to keep up with this generation's pace of life. Is it any wonder then, it's not uncommon anymore to see near epidemic numbers of people succumbing to stress related illnesses? Current studies in Canada and the USA purport one in four people in North America are 'currently' suffering from some form of Chronic Fatigue or Chronic Depression. They also predict that eight out of ten people in the current generation and the one to follow, will fall victim to chronic illnesses like these, in their lifetime. Tragically too, many of them will never recover! The financial impact from stress related illnesses is alleged to be in the Billions of Dollars with devastating effects on business and healthcare costs. But there is still a larger issue for chronic fatigue or depression sufferers. The social safety nets aren't there. In fact, chronic depression is still politically and socially misunderstood and society has very little empathy-appetite for it. For many, someone with CFS [Chronic Fatigue Syndrome] or Chronic Stress-Related Depression, is simply a lazy malingerer. They are not to be believed or coddled. "Suck it up soldier! And get back to work!" All they need is a kick in the pants. Right?....WRONG! I can tell you from my own experience that those who fall victim to diseases like these, are Not Faking it! They are Not Malingerers! They Don't need a Kick in the Pants, but they Do need understanding, the right treatment and our help. How do I know? In 1991 I fell victim to CFS at a time when the medical profession had no idea what it was or how to treat it. Back then they called it the Yuppie Flu. I had it for nine excruciating months and it nearly devastated me and my family. In the last couple of decades, too many overworked and stressed out people are falling victim to what's now referred to as CFIDS [Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndromes]. These diseases are motivated by stress but are also virally motivated like in my case where I was eventually diagnosed with the Epstein Bar Virus. Substantial advancements have been made since the 90's but what troubles me is that sufferers still endure social indignities associated with idlers and are often judged by others and the companies they work for as phonies. Stigmas like these only exacerbate the already daunting challenge sufferers face should they, in fact, ever make a full recovery. For that reason [and at the risk of appearing self promoting] I wrote a book entitled, "Until You've Walked the Path". I could go on about it but instead I'll just provide some of what's written on the back cover. [Back Cover] THE BATTLE BACK TO HEALTH from CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME or CHRONIC DEPRESSION ? CAN BE WON! ... But not without HOPE and not without HELP! ??????????????.. Experience in vivid detail the real-life challenges of a young family man who became stricken in 1991 by a mysterious illness best known at the time as the 'Yuppie Flu'. A straight-commissioned salesman with no medical benefits and a wife and child to feed, Failure for him was never an option. Witness first hand the day-to-day struggles he endured that included long bouts of depression, excruciating muscle pain and exhaustion that caused him to sleep 24 to 48 hours at a time. Read about how, throughout his ordeal, he managed to maintain Hope and a Positive Attitude that in the end were the catalysts required in finding new ways to battle a disease that in the early 90's society alleged was no disease at all. Rejoice with him when you discover he did eventually triumph over his illness and went on to accomplish something nearly everyone ? at times even he ? believed impossible! This book is a no-nonsense layman's real-life look at how sufferers are affected by CFIDS and more importantly, steps they or caregivers could and should take to ensure speedy recovery. People suffering CFIDS as well as caregivers will benefit from the logical and pragmatic information the author shares based on his own debilitating experience with the disease. The advice is credible, insightful and thought provoking with an unfailing dedication to one critical message: "There IS HOPE for YOU or the one you HOPE to HELP!" I won't shy away from the fact that by writing the book I hoped to make it a best seller. On the other hand, I know there are too many sufferers out there who need to better understand what's going on with their health and are desperately looking for a proven formula or strategy to help them get better. For more information regarding Until You've Walked the Path and/or ways to purchase it before it hits the major book stores, please send an email to paulshearstone@rogers.com. About The Author Paul Shearstone aka The 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' is one of North America's foremost experts on Sales and Persuasion. An International Keynote Speaker, Author, Writer, Motivation, Corporate Ethics, / Time & Stress Management, Recruiting Specialist, Paul enlightens and challenges audiences as he informs, motivates and entertains. To comment on this article or to book the Pragmatic Persuasionist for your next successful event we invite to contact Paul Shearstone directly @ 416-728-5556 or 1-866-855-4590 www.success150.com or paul@success150.com.
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Senate Finance Committee Delays FDA Approval of Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy for Depression On June 15th, 2004, FDA's Medical Devices Panel recommended that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approve vagus nerve stimulation as a therapy for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression. I was at the meeting, seated in the first row and made a presentation to the Panel. Antidepressants 101- What You Absolutely Need to Know Introduction 5 Ways to Transform Your Struggles Into Victories Have you read the famous quote, "Every struggle is a victory"? It was stated by an extraordinary person who overcome great challneges and achieved greatness - her name was Helen Keller. Get Rid Of Depression Once And For All Depression is something that will occur in many people's lives, for various reasons. 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Over 25,000 psychiatrists are expected to attend this important medical meeting. ![]() |
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