Depression Information Site Map
Chronic Depression: Disease or Charcter Flaw?
The Patients Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression
Depression in Teenagers: Now What Can We Do?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Depression Are Not The Same Thing!
New Treatment for Chronic Depression
ADHD and Depression -- More Common Than Thought
5 Tips to Reduce Depression
7 Things You Can Do Immediately To Ease Depression
Is it ADHD or is it Depression?
St Johns Wort and Depression
Adult Men and Women Who Suffer From Chronic Depression
Know the Signs of Depression and Improve Your Life
A Look at the Different Depression and Anxiety Medications
Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression
5 Super Effective Tips To Kill Depression
Depression Treatment: Depression Would Be Second Largest Illness by 2010!
Acidity Depresses Thyriod Function
Depression: Bringing Yourself Down
Recognizing Depression?s Warning Signs
What?s The Latest on Suicide Risk and Antidepressants For Children?
Depression and Procrastination: Twins in the Job Search
10 Simple Coping Strategies When a Family Member Has Clinical Depression
Depression: What It Is and What You Can Do About It
FDA Deems Vagus Nerve Therapy Approvable as a Treatment for Depression
Aromatherapy and Depression
Do You Think You Have Depression?
Depression: Escape Your Mental Prison
How Do You Know if You Have Manic-Depression
What?s Causing My Depression and Fatigue?
Stress and Depression are Killing Us!
Cure Against Depression and Low Self Confidence
Neuromodulation Is Now The Mainstream Therapy For Chronic Depression
Major Depression and Manic Depression ? Any Difference?
Depression Series (Part 2): My Antidepressant Doesn?t Work - What Can My Psychiatrist Do?
Depression Series: Why Don?t I Respond to Medications? (Part 1)
What is Neurotransmitter Deficiency Disorder and How Can It Cause Depression, Anxiety, and...
Major Symposium About Vagus Nerve Stimulation & Depression at the American Psychiatric Association
Depression Mantra
What About Drugs for Anxiety and Depression?
Andropause and Depression
Do Natural Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Supplements Really Work?
Depression After A Heart Attack
Beating Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Depression Keeps 19 Million Adults From Being Productive
Antidepressants: Control or Cure?
A Simple Cure For Anxiety And Depression
Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Treatment for Depression to be Launched in May
Wellbutrin For Depression: When Its More Than Just The Blues
Change Your Life Forever with New Medical Breakthrough Treatment for Depression
I?m Not Depressed; I?ve Just Been Having A Lousy Conversation With Myself
New Treatment for Depression to be Presented at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting
Depression - Causes and Treatments
Anxiety and Depression - Why Depression Drugs May Not Be Necessary - Fight Depression Naturally
Depression: Based on a True Story
Can You Overcome Depression?
Omega 3 EPA: Natures Very Own Anti-depressant
Depression is Underdiagnosed in College Students
Recognizing Depression
Your Daily Struggle With Depression
Depression Help & Support Groups
Tuning the Music Therapist
Use Alternative Medicine to Ease Depression
Seven Ways To Deal With Your Depression
Get Rid Of Depression Once And For All
Natural Treatment for Depression - Is There An Alternative?
Major Depression and Its Serious Complications
Depressed? Wise Woman Ways Offer a Helping Hand
How You Can Learn To Treat Depression
FDA Nears Completion of Review of Vagus Nerve Stimulation For Chronic Depression
Anxiety and Depression Treatment - 5 Tips for Beating Depression
American Indian Youth and Depression - Using Traditions To Heal The Wounds
Vagus Nerve Stimulation: What are the Benefits and How Does It Relieve Depression?
25% of Americans Suffer From a Mental Illness and do Not Get Adequate Relief From Antidepressants
New Treatment for Depression to be FDA Approved by Late June
Depression is a Choice
Senate Finance Committee Delays FDA Approval of Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy for Depression
When Your Fears and Depression Have the Best of You
Antidepressants 101- What You Absolutely Need to Know
Being A Victim Is Always A Choice
Everyday I have the Blues: A Medical Intuitive look at Depression
Mood Disorders And Depression
Learn To Take Control of Depression
Depression is the Number One Cause of Disability in the United States
Hurricane Recovery: Steps to Start Putting Your Life Back in Order
Eliminate The Belief That Your Illness Is Genetic
The Cost of Giving Up
Quick Steps To Improve Your Mood
Quick Steps To Reduce Your Worries
5 Ways to Transform Your Struggles Into Victories
Ten Tips For Beating Depression
It Aint Easy Being Brave
What Is God Thinking?
Dont Be Surprised!
More Than You Can Handle?
Depression: One Womans Story
So You?ve Been Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder?
Depression And Celiac Disease
Natural Remedies For Depression
Are the Benefits Worth the Costs?
To Long Term Care Professionals: How to Dramatically Improve your Residents Psychiatric Care
Manic Depressive Episodes And Scientology
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Should be Used Early in Treatment when Traditional Antidepressants Fail
FDA Approves Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Treatment for Depression
Reclaiming Your Life From Anxiety Symptoms
Control Your Own Level of Motivation
How to Overcome Anxiety and Take Repossession of Your Life!
I Love You, I Hate You But Dont Go: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder
Fighting Depression by Restoring Your Routines
Depression in Long Term Care Heart Patients Often Goes Untreated
5 Super Effective Tips To Kill Depression
5 Way Tips To Manage Depression
Psychiatrist Begin Training About Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Depression
How To Help A Stressed Or Depressed Loved One
The Formula for Preventing Depression
Depression and EPA Fish Oil - Does It Really Work?
Are you suffering from Depression?
Tips to Beat Depression
Insurance Reimbursement for Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression
First Thing You Should Do to Get Out of Depression
When Your Mind Develops A Mind Of Its Own
Depression-My Story
Sources of Online Suicide Help for People Suffering from Severe Depression
Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Depression - A Natural Treatment
Aspartame and Your Mental Health
How to Uncover the Reason You Cant Sleep Tonight
New FDA Approved Therapy for Depression: Timeline from Prescription to Procedure
Are You Someones Puppet? Four Ways People Manipulate Others
Surviving the Storms of Life
Raise Your Feeling Frequency with a Loving Smile
Disability is NOT a Life Sentence
Mental Health Stigma ? What Can We Do About It?
Depression Explained
Seven Steps to Good Mental Health
Biological Psychiatry Confirms of Efficacy and Safety of VNS Therapy for Depression
5 Surefire Tips to Beat Depression Now
Efficacy and Safety of Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Depression Published in Journal
How to Get Rid of Your Worries: 5 Golden Rules and a Warning
Depression: 14 Universal Laws for Recovery
How to Put an End to Depression
Suicide Prevention: 12 Universal Laws
Turn Depression into Joy
Beating Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Why are these illnesses on the rise? And why do some people become so ill through these illnesses, they can find it hard to function?
Depression - Causes and Treatments
Depression has long been considered a character flaw indicative of morally weak minded individuals. However, new research clearly shows that depression has distinct biochemical roots that affect the way nerve cells work. It is an illness which can be accurately diagnosed and treated successfully in the vast majority of cases. Through the recognition of causes and knowledge of the treatments, those suffering from depression are able to preserver and overcome their illness.
How Do You Know if You Have Manic-Depression
Nancy was doing very well until about two years ago when Phil, her boyfriend of 9 years, broke-up with her. It was a difficult moment for her especially after she learned that Phil eventually married her cousin. Since then, Nancy had deteriorated. One evening, she was involved in a motor vehicular accident because she was driving fast and recklessly in a quiet suburban neighborhood.
Suicide Prevention: 12 Universal Laws
The Law of Permanence
Depression is Underdiagnosed in College Students
Everyone feels down or blue once in awhile. Especially during difficult times, it's normal to feel sad or discouraged. But when those feelings persist for two weeks or longer, it could be depression. It's a common illness that affects an estimated 19 million Americans-that's nearly one in ten! It's also one of the most under-diagnosed illnesses on college campuses. The symptoms can come on so slowly that one day, a person realizes that he can't remember the last time he felt good. Here are some warning signs for depression:
Depression Series: Why Don?t I Respond to Medications? (Part 1)
Maria has been feeling depressed for at least two and a half years. About three years ago, her husband of 20 years left her for another woman. Devastated, she became despondent and tearful almost daily.
Control Your Own Level of Motivation
When I first mention this to most people, they really don't get it, so here is a simple formula for keeping your moods upbeat.
Quick Steps To Reduce Your Worries
Looking for a way to reduce the amount of worrying you do?
Use Alternative Medicine to Ease Depression
Depression is a problem that faces many of us, young or old; baby boomers or generation X. We have a fast lifestyle, we're working between sixty and eighty hours a week and we have long commutes into the office keeping us away from our families. Pressures, stress and anxiety can gang up on us to cause an uncontrolled depression. Depression can be a symptom of this stress, or it can have a physiological cause as well. If you have cancer, heart disease or chronic pain, you might know all about depression and how debilitating it can be in your life. If you are one of the millions of people suffering from depression, what can you do about it? Are you ready to jump into the world of antidepressants that your doctor so quickly prescribes? We all want the magic bullet, the answer to just make the pain go away.
Depression: 14 Universal Laws for Recovery
The Law of Blue
Mental Health Stigma ? What Can We Do About It?
What is Stigma?
New FDA Approved Therapy for Depression: Timeline from Prescription to Procedure
On July 18, 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) approved vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for chronic depression. On August 18th, I was a part of a conference call hosted by the manufacturer of the vagus nerve stimulator.
The Formula for Preventing Depression
While it is arguable that depression is not always preventable, there are many cases, when using the following ideas, will keep you in good spirits - most of the time. Unfortunately, we cannot be happy all of the time, but there is something we can do about it.
Your Daily Struggle With Depression
If you have been diagnosed with depression or feel that you are dealing with depression on a daily basis, you may feel that depression is consuming your life. You worry about everything. You don't want to do anything. The things that used to make you happy, well, they just don't seem important anymore. You need to realize that depression is a serious condition and that without the assistance of a doctor, depression just won't go away.
Depression in Teenagers: Now What Can We Do?
No doubt you have seen the recent news headlines about a federal panel that recommended to the FDA that anti-depressant medications carry the strongest possible warning label for use in children and teenagers. This recommendation to the FDA shook the medical community, especially those who work with depressed young people. The biggest problem from the treatment community's point of view was not the recommendation for the warning label, but the way that the media protrayed the panel's recommendation.
Depression Help & Support Groups
For those who face depression, every day of their lives may seem like a struggle. A struggle to get up, a struggle to face the day and the people involved and it can be a struggle to make the most of the day. It just seems simpler to crawl back into bed and forget about it all. But, the world needs us, we need the world too. So, we get up and deal with the depression. But, there may be a way or a place in which the depression you feel is similar to the depression that others feel and are dealing with as well.
Major Depression and Its Serious Complications
When suffering from clinical depression, people have different ways of confronting it. Some acknowledge it, face it just like any problem, and seek help. Some ignore it as if it doesn't exist. And others simply accept that it's there but they don't do anything about it. In fact, they don't even ask for help.
Are you suffering from Depression?
Millions of people sufferaround the world from a depressive illness. They think that depression is just a normal occurrence in their lives, which will go away after a short while. If you think of the fast moving and complicated world we live in today it's easy to feel a little overwhelmed and dismiss how serious depression can be.
Ten Tips For Beating Depression
I heard about a woman who was suffering from depression, so her concerned husband took her to a psychiatrist. The doctor listened to the couple talk about their relationship, and then he said, "The treatment I prescribe is really quite simple." With that, he went over to the man's wife, gathered her up in his arms, and gave her a big kiss. He then stepped back and looked at the woman's glowing face and broad smile. Turning to the woman's husband, he said, "See! That's all she needs to put new life back into her." Expressionless, the husband said, "If you say so, Doc, I can bring her in on Tuesdays and Thursdays."
When Your Fears and Depression Have the Best of You
What do you do when your fears and depression are stronger than
what you can handle? There are times that no matter what you do,
your fears have the best of you. Here is a list of techniques and
suggestions on what to do when this happens.