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I Love You, I Hate You But Dont Go: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder
It amazes me that 6-10 million Americans have been diagnosed with this isolating disorder. What's amazing about this is that not much is written about BPD much less talked about. Almost like there is a stigma attached to the very name. The name Borderline Personality Disorder originated in 1938 by Adolph Stern. He was describing a group of patients that didn't quite fit an existing diagnosis; patients that were classified as past the neurotic stage but not quite psychotic. However these days this disorder is seen in a different way but the name BPD has stuck. BPD is relatively common, affecting 10-14% of the general population. Women commonly suffer from depression more often than men and the frequency of BPD in women is two to three times greater than men. Nearly 20% of psychiatric hospitalizations stem from BPD. While people that suffer with depression or bipolar disorder typically endure the same mood for several weeks at a time, a person with BPD can experience depression and anxiety that may last only an hour or at most, a day. Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder ? Impulsive aggression ? Self injury ? Strong feelings of anxiety ? Feelings of low self worth ? Drug or alcohol abuse ? Impulsive behaviors ? Feelings of being misunderstood ? Experience unstable relationships Sometimes people suffering from BPD view themselves essentially as bad people or unworthy. This mood instability and poor self-image can bring on bouts of anger, eating disorders, panic attacks and anxiety. Very intense emotional turmoil appears to be a way of life for those afflicted by it. However, often times a person with BPD can present as a bright, intelligent individual with a warm, friendly nature. They can maintain this appearance for a number of years until their defense mechanism breaks down, usually because of a very stressful situation like a relationship breakup or death of a loved one. They may feel isolated and empty which may result in frantic efforts to avoid being alone. People with BPD often formulate highly unstable relationship patterns. While their relationships with family and friends can be very intense their attitude can change dramatically and suddenly from great admiration and love to profound anger and distaste. Often times they will form an immediate attachment to another person but when even a slight conflict or separation occurs they shift suddenly to the other extreme and accuse the other person of not really caring about them at all. They are highly sensitive to any sign (real or imagined) of rejection and react quickly with anger and distress when their expectations are not met. Over the years treatments for BPD have improved with group and individual psychotherapy at least partially effective for a great number of patients. Talking about present challenges and past experiences with an empathetic and accepting therapist on a consistent and regular basis has proven effective. Patients are encouraged to talk about their feelings rather than expel them in their usual self-defeating manner. Sometimes medications such as antidepressants or lithium carbonate are helpful in treatment of BPD and brief hospitalization may be necessary during acutely stressful episodes or if self-destructive behavior threatens to erupt. The goals of ongoing therapy and/or treatments would be to increase an individual's tolerance of anxiety as well as increase self awareness and build more stability into relationships. With increased self awareness and introspection, it is hoped that individuals with BPD will be able to change rigid patterns of behavior set earlier in life which in turn will help prevent these patterns from repeating themselves in future generations. Lois Galloway is a Professional Coach. As the founder of Discover Yourself Coaching, Lois acknowledges that each person is extraordinary in their own right and that having a personal coach will encourage and empower individuals to gain clairty and move forward to become their very best! To learn more about Discover Yourself Coaching, please follow the link to Lois's web site and remember to sign up for the monthly newsletters. http://www.discoveryourselfcoaching.com
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Tuning the Music Therapist Music so strongly evokes emotional responses that it is being more frequently employed in the context of psychotherapy as a powerful healing modality. As a novice in this field I inquired at a recent conference on music therapy as to how this tool effects healing in clients with emotional disorders. Depression: Escape Your Mental Prison There is an illness all around me in modern society that seems to be spreading like the Black Plague once did in Europe so long ago. It's called depression, have you heard of it? Has it affected you? The more I look, the more I see it in so many people in my life, including myself. Depression sucks. It's a real drag, and I mean real drag. It is different from the feelings of unhappiness that all humans have to deal with in their lives. It is being in a solitary prison where you are the only one who can see the walls; you are the jailor, the guard, and the prisoner all rolled into one. Sounds like fun huh? Well, we better become more aware of it because there are certain aspects of contemporary life that are causing more and more souls to lock themselves up, some believing that they have no hope of ever finding the key out. Depression Keeps 19 Million Adults From Being Productive Approximately 19 million American adult workers allow depression to limit their productivity. According to the American Medical Women's Association, this includes 5 million women, many of whom will quit or loss their jobs directly due to the depression. Use Alternative Medicine to Ease Depression Depression is a problem that faces many of us, young or old; baby boomers or generation X. We have a fast lifestyle, we're working between sixty and eighty hours a week and we have long commutes into the office keeping us away from our families. Pressures, stress and anxiety can gang up on us to cause an uncontrolled depression. Depression can be a symptom of this stress, or it can have a physiological cause as well. If you have cancer, heart disease or chronic pain, you might know all about depression and how debilitating it can be in your life. If you are one of the millions of people suffering from depression, what can you do about it? Are you ready to jump into the world of antidepressants that your doctor so quickly prescribes? We all want the magic bullet, the answer to just make the pain go away. Depression Treatment: Depression Would Be Second Largest Illness by 2010! World Health Organisation states one out of four worldwide suffer from various forms of mental, behavioral, and neurological disorders. Are you one of them? Sources of Online Suicide Help for People Suffering from Severe Depression There are Many Resources for Online Suicide Help How to Get Rid of Your Worries: 5 Golden Rules and a Warning Suresh was a worried person when he came to me . "Sir what if I don't get placement ? I feel that I will fail in the coming exam. I don't know how my family will face this!" It seemed to me he was imagining all problems and getting very much worried!! This is the case of many of us; we keep worrying about events that have only remote possibility to happen. Once a friend of mine put on footwear and later knew that a dog may have bitten it the day before. The moment he knew it he began to worry; what if my leg had an unseen wound and the dog was a mad dog? Added to this was the doubt what will happen if he takes a vaccination and there is a reaction to it? Finally he had to consult many doctors to convince that he was worrying for nothing!! In this short article I try to give five methods to avoid unnecessary worries. Depression: 14 Universal Laws for Recovery The Law of Blue Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Treatment for Depression to be Launched in May Final FDA approval of vagus nerve stimulation as a therapy for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression to be issued in May. Psychiatrists will then officially be able to prescribe this remarkable, life changing therapy for patients. Dont Be Surprised! Life wasn't easy for cave men. They had to hunt all day, kill their dinner with a club, and drag the carcass to the cave. Then they had to butcher the animal and rub sticks together for a fire to cook it. They made clothes from the leftovers. And I think I have it rough when the husband wants me to cook instead of picking up carry out! Quick Steps To Improve Your Mood Looking to improve your mood? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Depression Are Not The Same Thing! Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a very misunderstood illness and this is perhaps why there are so many myths about it. Perhaps the most common myth about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is that it is effectively a mental condition, and another name for depression. But these two conditions are very different! And when you label a condition incorrectly it can cause no end of problems when trying to diagnose and treat it. So it's extremely important to make the distinction between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and depression - because they are completely different illnesses. For one, depression can be a symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but there are many Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers out there who do not suffer from depression at all. Second, research has shown that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers have an abnormality in their 'deep sleep' brainwave patterns. In contrast, depression sufferers do not have this abnormality. In addition, depression sufferers tend to feel tired all the time, whereas Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers' exhaustion increases notably after mental or physical exertion. There are also symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that are not shared by depression sufferers. Nasty flu-like symptoms, headaches, reversal of sleeping patterns, painful muscles and joints, Restless Legs Syndrome, and an increase in colds and viruses all are just a few symptoms that can play a part in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. These are just a few of the differences between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and depression! Another myth about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is that all Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers need to do is to 'pull themselves together' - and they'd be cured... ... if only it were that simple! Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is actually a bio-physical condition and was (finally) accepted as such by the UK government in 2001. But no cure has yet been found. Unfortunately there are still many people out there (including some medical professionals) who still think that the condition is 'all in the sufferer's head'. It is because of this misunderstanding that the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome community has fought so hard against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome being wrongly labelled as a mental illness. And it is perhaps because of this battle that depression amongst Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers has often sadly been overlooked... Yet for many, depression can be a very real symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If you suffer from depression as a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferer, then it's vital that you take it very seriously and that you try to address it as soon as possible. If you don't deal with your depression, you are unlikely to be able to recover from any chronic illness... ...and recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is no exception. It is possible to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So if you do experience depression as a symptom of your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, make it a priority to deal with it. Only that way can you get yourself on the road to recovery. Aromatherapy and Depression When artiste Leslie Cheung committed suicide, he left behind a trail of speculations amidst sighs of regret. News of his "depression" arose. The realisation that even a superstar could be plagued by such problems abruptly heightened the "suffering index" of ordinary folks. Incessant natural disasters, bleak economic outlook, fear of unemployment, adolescent worries about schoolwork?these pressures from life make "depression" one of the most serious civilised diseases of this century. Hurricane Recovery: Steps to Start Putting Your Life Back in Order It seems unreal, another major storm hitting Florida after experiencing four last year. The beginning of hurricane season, Floridians were just starting to get past the destructive events that caused many of people stress and even, depression. As Hurricane Dennis comes onshore, the upcoming hours, days, and months afterwards may be ones of disbelief and shock. There are ways to help get one?s life back in order after these type of predicaments. Adult Men and Women Who Suffer From Chronic Depression Market surveys on women, men and depression suggest an estimated 4.4 million Americans are believed to suffer from chronic treatment-resistant depression. Depression is a chronic, disabling disorder and a major worldwide public health problem. Depressive episodes usually recur over time, with risk for further episodes proportional to the number of prior episodes. After three major depressive episodes, the probability of recurrence is 90%. In the U.S. alone, approximately 18 million people suffer from depression over six million of which are receiving some form of medical treatment. Major Symposium About Vagus Nerve Stimulation & Depression at the American Psychiatric Association A major symposium about vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for chronic or recurrent depression will be presented at the American Psychiatric Association's Annual Meeting in May. This is the largest gathering of psychiatrists in the world and over 25,000 psychiatrists will be in attendance. Biological Psychiatry Confirms of Efficacy and Safety of VNS Therapy for Depression The September 1, 2005 issue of Biological Psychiatry confirmed the efficacy and safety of vagus nerve stimulation for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued its final approval of vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for depression. 5 Super Effective Tips To Kill Depression Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Depression, however, could be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render life-long consequences that could ruin your self-esteem, health, and well-being. Depression Mantra Depression is the most prevalent of all the emotional disorders. This may vary from feelings of slight sadness to utter misery and dejection. It brings together a variety of physical and psychological symptoms which together constitute a syndrome. Suicide Prevention: 12 Universal Laws The Law of Permanence ![]() |
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