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Depression Information |
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Depression Keeps 19 Million Adults From Being Productive
Approximately 19 million American adult workers allow depression to limit their productivity. According to the American Medical Women's Association, this includes 5 million women, many of whom will quit or loss their jobs directly due to the depression. Symptoms of depression include emotional elements such as restlessness or loss of pleasure, or physical elements like headaches, aches, and pains. These symptoms result in a lowered ability to work, sleep, eat, study, or enjoy pleasurable activities. Internationally known motivational speaker, Connie Podesta, feels there is a link between depression and the blend of one's home life and work life. "One major reason for depression is the feeling of guilt in having to choose between family and work", points out Podesta. By taking control of your life, you reduce the tension from having to make excuses to your boss, friends, and family for spending excessive time from one to the other. There are six keys to balancing your life: ==> People need a healthy, functional environment. People need a place that is safe, a place where they can go to escape the negatives of a bad day. They need a sanctuary to rebuild their spirit for the next day. Fair rules and boundaries are a key to creating this environment. ==> People need positive relationships. You must seek out positive relations and repair, constrain, or eliminate negative relationships. But it must be done right, keeping important relationships. ==> Dealing with negative experiences. We choose how to react to every situation. By dealing positively with negative life experiences, we can keep our life in perspective. ==> Building positive self-esteem. Thinking positively about yourself is not easy. Don't expect people to pour compliments over you. Seek ways to build your self esteem on a continue basis. ==> Making timely decisions. Too many people have a problem making either the little decisions or they struggle with big decisions. Some people have problems with both. Failure to make timely decisions affects mental and physical health, throwing life into imbalance. ==> Learning how to handle personal problems. Being able to identify the magnitude of personal problems and resolving the problems quickly and positively eliminates their impact on longer-term happiness. Although you may have mastered one or more of these aspects already, true balance will elude you until you reach the point that you have had moderate success in all six areas. For those that want to evaluate their current balance skills, there is a free Balance Challenge on the Internet at http://getmaximpact.com/Evaluation-balance.html. It provides some interesting aspects of how one would attain the highly coveted life-balance. Rick Weaver is President of Max Impact, a national leadership and organization development company based in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Rick is an accomplished business executive with experience in retail, market analysis, supply chain and project management, team building, and process improvement. He has worked with hundreds of companies to improve sales, processes, and bottom-line results. MaxImpact offers leadership and organizational development services along with employee assessments and background checks. Contact Rick at 248-802-6138 or via email, rick@getmaximpact.com. MaxImpact is on the web at http://www.getmaximpact.com.
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Tips to Beat Depression We all have days when we are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy. Are the Benefits Worth the Costs? Schizophrenia suffers around the world have benefitted greatly with the discoveries of modern medicine. Certain medications have been found to regulate and balance brain chemistry giving an individual suffering from schizophrenia a seemingly normal life. If an individual is taking Zyprexa to control their schizophrenia, they should be alerted that many dangerous side effects are showing up with this drug. These Zyprexa side effects have caught the watchful eye of the FDA. In recent years the FDA asked the maker of Zyprexa to start issuing warnings about their medication. This was done in an attempt to alert all consumers of this drug to the potential dangerous Zyprexa side effects. These include but are not limited to the following: Hyperglycemia, Hyperglycemic Coma, Diabetes, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, and Pancreatitis. 5 Super Effective Tips To Kill Depression Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Depression, however, could be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render life-long consequences that could ruin your self-esteem, health, and well-being. Are you suffering from Depression? Millions of people sufferaround the world from a depressive illness. They think that depression is just a normal occurrence in their lives, which will go away after a short while. If you think of the fast moving and complicated world we live in today it's easy to feel a little overwhelmed and dismiss how serious depression can be. Being A Victim Is Always A Choice Do you blame your past, your family, your partner, your job, your circumstances or a host of other things for your unfortunate place in life. If so then, by definition, you are choosing to identify yourself as a victim. How to Uncover the Reason You Cant Sleep Tonight If you are like me ...you love your sleep! Andropause and Depression Andropause correlates directly with depression ? a major player in the notorious mid-life crisis period men face in their late 40īs to late 50īs. There are a wide variety of symptoms and conditions hormone-wrecked men experience during this mid-life transition ? everything from the mental (i.e. irritability) to the physical (loss of libido, lack of energy, and weight gain.) Depression, left untreated, can be a disabling condition. 5 Surefire Tips to Beat Depression Now Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives... We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Chronic or Treatment-Resistant Depression Depression: One Womans Story Sharon was talking to a friend on the phone one night. When her friend asked, "How are you?" Sharon suddenly exploded with emotion. Without warning, she began sobbing and literally collapsed in a heap on the floor. Her friend came over and took Sharon's kids for the night. Sharon cried for hours till she fell asleep. It was only the first of many sleepless nights. Depression Mantra Depression is the most prevalent of all the emotional disorders. This may vary from feelings of slight sadness to utter misery and dejection. It brings together a variety of physical and psychological symptoms which together constitute a syndrome. Cure Against Depression and Low Self Confidence Depression strikes most of us and it can make us paralysed. It is essential that we do not let it get too much influence on our lives. American Indian Youth and Depression - Using Traditions To Heal The Wounds When most people hear the words American Indian, visions of warriors on horses, feathers, or an 'Indian Princess' dance vividly in their heads. Instead, who they are is a culture of people who traditionally educate their children through oral traditions taught from generation to generation, day-to-day life, and sacred ceremonies that included song, dance and stories told to them by elders and spiritual leaders in the community. What About Drugs for Anxiety and Depression? As a counselor, I am often asked, "Can drugs be helpful for anxiety and depression?" The answer I give is "Yes" and "No." 5 Tips to Reduce Depression While war and poor economic conditions begin to affect people all over the world, more and more people suffer with depression. The more we focus on news events and the business climate, the more we are depressed. Whatever the reason you feel is the cause of your depression, the following five simple tips guarantee you reduce it significantly. Tuning the Music Therapist Music so strongly evokes emotional responses that it is being more frequently employed in the context of psychotherapy as a powerful healing modality. As a novice in this field I inquired at a recent conference on music therapy as to how this tool effects healing in clients with emotional disorders. FDA Deems Vagus Nerve Therapy Approvable as a Treatment for Depression On February 3, 2005 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notified the manufacturer of the vagus nerve stimulator (Cyberonics, Inc.) that it had deemed its VNS Therapy System approvable as a long-term adjunctive treatment for patients over the age of 18 with chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression in a major depressive episode that has not responded to at least four adequate antidepressant treatments. In the approvable letter received today by Cyberonics, FDA indicated that final approval was conditional on final labeling, final protocols for a post-approval dosing optimization study and patient registry. Seven Steps to Good Mental Health Psychological well-being is something that we all have a right to. However, for a variety of reasons to do with upbringing, life experiences, physiology, environment and so on? we often find ourselves with a mind-state other than what we desire. Depression, anxiety, and stress seem to be the major obstacles to just feeling good ? judging by the number of visits to doctors for help with these problems. Natural Remedies For Depression It is true that forms of depression cannot be avoided, although, it has also been proved that a healthy life style can play a major role in alleviating depression or even preventing some forms from even occurring. Mild types of depression can develop from poor diet and nutrition. Lack of exercises, stress, poor, little, or no sleep, traveling, lack of necessities, withdrawl from an addiction, and lack of sunlight have also been linked to some cases of depression. How to Put an End to Depression Depression can have many, many faces. If you are not aware of your feelings and emotions on a daily basis then it can creep up on you and cause misery in your life when you least expect it. ![]() |
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