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Depression and Procrastination: Twins in the Job Search
My definition of procrastination is that a person delays and delays actions that are required by a job or actions necessary to accomplish something in everyday life. Depression is a mental state that "almost freezes" a person into no action at all. While procrastination can be over- come by a change of behavior and attitude, depression has its core issues of lassitude, feelings of hopelessness, anger and of giving up. What do the two have in common? I think that procrastination is often a temporary trait, but depression is something that will takes lots of time and energy to overcome. Both lead to a lack of action. It is action, however, that has to take place for a job seeker to have success. Personal procras- tination takes time to overcome. Overcoming depression, if it is long- term, may take the intervention of either a professional or drug therapy. Both mental places have the effect of "dampening down" the actions of the job seeker. Elimination of both of these negative states of mind, has to take place for a job seeker to be minimally effective. I think it is the "keep moving" philosophy that works! c, 2004-05 Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A. Certified Job & Career Transition Coach Email: doitnow@nwinfo.net Web: http://www.doitnowcareers.info
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How Do You Know if You Have Manic-Depression Nancy was doing very well until about two years ago when Phil, her boyfriend of 9 years, broke-up with her. It was a difficult moment for her especially after she learned that Phil eventually married her cousin. Since then, Nancy had deteriorated. One evening, she was involved in a motor vehicular accident because she was driving fast and recklessly in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Quick Steps To Improve Your Mood Looking to improve your mood? Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Chronic or Treatment-Resistant Depression How to Get Rid of Your Worries: 5 Golden Rules and a Warning Suresh was a worried person when he came to me . "Sir what if I don't get placement ? I feel that I will fail in the coming exam. I don't know how my family will face this!" It seemed to me he was imagining all problems and getting very much worried!! This is the case of many of us; we keep worrying about events that have only remote possibility to happen. Once a friend of mine put on footwear and later knew that a dog may have bitten it the day before. The moment he knew it he began to worry; what if my leg had an unseen wound and the dog was a mad dog? Added to this was the doubt what will happen if he takes a vaccination and there is a reaction to it? Finally he had to consult many doctors to convince that he was worrying for nothing!! In this short article I try to give five methods to avoid unnecessary worries. What?s The Latest on Suicide Risk and Antidepressants For Children? FDA confirms some antidepressants increase suicide risk in some children. In February of 2004, two advisory committees of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended that the FDA warn practitioners about the possible risk of suicide potential associated with antidepressant treatment in children. The information was obtained from clinical trials of medications with children, expert witnesses on suicide research, testimony from families of suicide victims, as well as from those whose children had benefited from antidepressant medication. Control Your Own Level of Motivation When I first mention this to most people, they really don't get it, so here is a simple formula for keeping your moods upbeat. Depression is the Number One Cause of Disability in the United States According to the World Health Organization, 4 of the 10 leading causes of disability in the United States and other developed countries are mental disorders, including major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Approximately 23% of American adults each year have a diagnosable mental disorder and as many as 5.4% of American adults have a serious mental illness. Depression And Celiac Disease Depression is a condition which affects about 15% of the population. Women are more likely to be affected than men. Fighting Depression by Restoring Your Routines When we have depression, one of the things we drop from our lives is a routine. Most humans need routine as it adds structure to our lives. During bouts of depression we find it hard to go about our daily lives with a sense of purpose and direction. Restoring your routines will help to counteract this problem. Do You Think You Have Depression? Do you have days where nothing can make you happy? You are not alone. I ignored my depressive thoughts about life for years. Unfortunately I didn't do anything to fix my situation until they became so dehabilitating that I had no choice. Raise Your Feeling Frequency with a Loving Smile In every moment of our life we have the choice to think any thought we like. Sometimes we forget that we have the freedom to choose what we think in any moment. It does not matter what is happening in our life and what we are surrounded by. Dont Be Surprised! Life wasn't easy for cave men. They had to hunt all day, kill their dinner with a club, and drag the carcass to the cave. Then they had to butcher the animal and rub sticks together for a fire to cook it. They made clothes from the leftovers. And I think I have it rough when the husband wants me to cook instead of picking up carry out! Omega 3 EPA: Natures Very Own Anti-depressant Since Dr Malcolm Peet, a consultant psychiatrist at Sheffield swallow court hospital released his findings about the effects of Ethyl Epa and its effects on people suffering from depression and low moods, many other studies have been performed using Ethyl Epa to help treat depression and related disorders. The vast majority of the studies that have been performed consistently confirmed that Ethyl Epa, a natural substance found in omega 3 fish oil, helps relieve depression and low moods. Hurricane Recovery: Steps to Start Putting Your Life Back in Order It seems unreal, another major storm hitting Florida after experiencing four last year. The beginning of hurricane season, Floridians were just starting to get past the destructive events that caused many of people stress and even, depression. As Hurricane Dennis comes onshore, the upcoming hours, days, and months afterwards may be ones of disbelief and shock. There are ways to help get one?s life back in order after these type of predicaments. More Than You Can Handle? There's a dangerous illness afflicting women everywhere across the nation. It's linked to considerable physical and mental suffering. It disrupts millions of lives, decreasing productivity and contributing to marital stress, absenteeism, loss of income, and disability. It is depression. Natural Remedies For Depression It is true that forms of depression cannot be avoided, although, it has also been proved that a healthy life style can play a major role in alleviating depression or even preventing some forms from even occurring. Mild types of depression can develop from poor diet and nutrition. Lack of exercises, stress, poor, little, or no sleep, traveling, lack of necessities, withdrawl from an addiction, and lack of sunlight have also been linked to some cases of depression. So You?ve Been Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder? If you've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) you are not alone. It has been estimated that over 2 million people in the United States suffer from this form of mental illness which involves episodes of both mania and depression. Being A Victim Is Always A Choice Do you blame your past, your family, your partner, your job, your circumstances or a host of other things for your unfortunate place in life. If so then, by definition, you are choosing to identify yourself as a victim. Your Daily Struggle With Depression If you have been diagnosed with depression or feel that you are dealing with depression on a daily basis, you may feel that depression is consuming your life. You worry about everything. You don't want to do anything. The things that used to make you happy, well, they just don't seem important anymore. You need to realize that depression is a serious condition and that without the assistance of a doctor, depression just won't go away. What?s Causing My Depression and Fatigue? Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Depression are absolutely systemic in our society today. Recent studies done by the AMA and CMA purport one in four people in North America are suffering from some form of chronic fatigue or depression and it's expected eight out of ten of us will experience similar afflictions in our lifetime. But numbers like these don't speak to the cause and only tell half the story. ![]() |
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