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How to Overcome Anxiety and Take Repossession of Your Life!
Katie came as close as is possible to having it all. Great job, loving family, boyfriend, social life? That was until she developed anxiety? "There were rumours of redundancy in our department. Just rumours. But that was enough to start me off. I became very anxious. Every Monday, I'd head for work, convinced I was about to be told to go. I started worrying about what I'd do if I was made redundant ? and despite years of experience in my field, I convinced myself that I was unemployable, that no other company would consider me. I felt useless" Katie now recognises that the irrational thoughts were all part of the anxiety. "Gradually, it was robbing me of all my confidence, first in my professional self, then in me as a person. It's bizarre but had I been made redundant, I'd have just gotten on with it and I'd have probably been OK. But the stress of my job and the worry over IF my name was on the list, that was enough to trigger the anxiety." As her anxiety grew, so her relationships became affected. "I felt nobody understood what I was going through. Not even my boyfriend. He tried to be supportive but neither he nor my family could really understand. That's why it's so important to people with anxiety to talk to somebody who KNOWS what it's like. It's only people who've lived through it who actually know how awful it is that can help you overcome anxiety!" Katie's anxiety led her to start missing work. "It's ironic really? but I was never made redundant! Far from it, the company I work for were actually really supportive and agreed to let me have time off. I had days and days of growing increasingly obsessed about my anxiety? and spent hours trawling the internet for a miracle cure." Katie found The Linden Method? and although initially skeptical about some of the claims, decided to give it a try. "When I read the website, at first I couldn't believe the claims. I mean, I KNEW how bad I felt, knew how awful it was. And here was this man telling me I could be BETTER in a matter of days." "However, the Method just makes common sense. I realised that I wasn't ill. I hadn't developed a mental condition. And I wasn't going mad! My anxiety stemmed from a bad behavioural habit that had gone out of control ? in my case, it was a constant need to prove myself ? both to myself and everybody around me. Katie has now returned to work full time and is planning on starting a family in the next year or so. "I went from being this go-getter to hiding away behind my bedroom door! I'd been used to living at a certain level, being this dynamic career girl. I would be responsible for making really vital decisions for the company? but when I became anxious, I couldn't even decide what to wear! I'd still be hiding now, if it wasn't for the Linden Method. Charles Linden, BA (Hons.), runs a private practice specialising in the treatment of anxiety disorders. He teaches his method on a one to one basis through the Linden Centres and presents anxiety management seminars and corporate stress management training sessions. Internationally Charles treats his clients through the 'Linden Method Pack' which is available on-line visit: http://beatanxiety.amazon-4u.com
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More Than You Can Handle? There's a dangerous illness afflicting women everywhere across the nation. It's linked to considerable physical and mental suffering. It disrupts millions of lives, decreasing productivity and contributing to marital stress, absenteeism, loss of income, and disability. It is depression. Sources of Online Suicide Help for People Suffering from Severe Depression There are Many Resources for Online Suicide Help FDA Nears Completion of Review of Vagus Nerve Stimulation For Chronic Depression On June 2 at 8:00 pm ET, Reuters news service issued a press release announcing that the FDA have nearly completed final review of the conditions outlined in the February "deemed approvable" letter for VNS Therapy as a treatment for chronic depression. Cyberonics Inc. said that the FDA had nearly completed final review of conditions outlined in the February approval of its implanted device for treatment of chronic depression. Being A Victim Is Always A Choice Do you blame your past, your family, your partner, your job, your circumstances or a host of other things for your unfortunate place in life. If so then, by definition, you are choosing to identify yourself as a victim. Hurricane Recovery: Steps to Start Putting Your Life Back in Order It seems unreal, another major storm hitting Florida after experiencing four last year. The beginning of hurricane season, Floridians were just starting to get past the destructive events that caused many of people stress and even, depression. As Hurricane Dennis comes onshore, the upcoming hours, days, and months afterwards may be ones of disbelief and shock. There are ways to help get one?s life back in order after these type of predicaments. Dont Be Surprised! Life wasn't easy for cave men. They had to hunt all day, kill their dinner with a club, and drag the carcass to the cave. Then they had to butcher the animal and rub sticks together for a fire to cook it. They made clothes from the leftovers. And I think I have it rough when the husband wants me to cook instead of picking up carry out! Neuromodulation Is Now The Mainstream Therapy For Chronic Depression The cover of the March 7, 2005 issue of Business Week titled REWIRING THE HUMAN BODY, describes how neuromodulation brings new hope to the four million desperate patients in the United States who suffer from the debilitating disease of chronic or treatment-resistant depression. Can You Overcome Depression? There are many things that happen within the body when depression occurs. It is not only a feeling, but a disease that is often caused by an imbalance of chemicals within the brain. Is it avoidable? Is there a way to cure depression? It is important to understand that depression is not caused by feeling bad. Instead, depression causes the bad moods, the uneasy feelings, and the worries. For that reason, anyone who is dealing with depression, need to go to their doctor and begin treatments. Insurance Reimbursement for Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression I attended the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy Conference at the manufacturers' (Cyberonics) headquarters in Houston, TX in late July. The Conference presenters included senior management, psychiatric thought leaders and study investigators from the investigational clinical trial. In this article , I will limit the discussion to the question that I am asked most often; will insurance companies or Medicare cover vagus nerve stimulation for depression? 7 Things You Can Do Immediately To Ease Depression 1. Get out now and walk fifteen minutes. It will get your feet moving and help you feel you are at least able to do something. Depression in Long Term Care Heart Patients Often Goes Untreated Cardiologists, other doctors and long term care staff might be missing the big picture as one survey suggests that only a third of heart disease patients with serious symptoms of depression or anxiety get any treatment. The findings are significant because psychological problems have been linked to poorer health and higher death rates in heart disease patients. Unfortunately, long term care residents and other heart patients just aren't being screened because physicians are just focused on the heart disease and don't think about other factors that could contribute to the condition. Is it ADHD or is it Depression? During the assessment process it is of great importance for the physician or clinician to consider other possible causes of inattention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity in your child, or teen, or yourself. In fact, this is probably the most important element of a good assessment. There are several possible causes of these behaviors, especially in children, and the clinician must have great certainty that these other possible causes have been ruled out before giving the label of "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" to your child. Depression After A Heart Attack There are several factors can lead to depression after heart attack. The stress of being in the hospital, the fear of another heart attack, time away from work can all contribute to feeling depressed, helpless, down and despondent. Depression and Procrastination: Twins in the Job Search My definition of procrastination is that a person delays and delays actions that are required by a job or actions necessary to accomplish something in everyday life. What?s The Latest on Suicide Risk and Antidepressants For Children? FDA confirms some antidepressants increase suicide risk in some children. In February of 2004, two advisory committees of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended that the FDA warn practitioners about the possible risk of suicide potential associated with antidepressant treatment in children. The information was obtained from clinical trials of medications with children, expert witnesses on suicide research, testimony from families of suicide victims, as well as from those whose children had benefited from antidepressant medication. A Look at the Different Depression and Anxiety Medications While it may be easy to recite the various brand names and generalize their benefits enough to know they put us (or are supposed to put us) in a better mood, for lack of a better term, the drugs themselves can all be categorized individually, each working in a slightly different way. Mood Disorders And Depression We all suffer with bad moods from time to time. But if you are someone who is in a bad mood or depressed much of the time, take heart. There are natural remedies to help with balancing your mood disorders. Aromatherapy and Depression When artiste Leslie Cheung committed suicide, he left behind a trail of speculations amidst sighs of regret. News of his "depression" arose. The realisation that even a superstar could be plagued by such problems abruptly heightened the "suffering index" of ordinary folks. Incessant natural disasters, bleak economic outlook, fear of unemployment, adolescent worries about schoolwork?these pressures from life make "depression" one of the most serious civilised diseases of this century. Are the Benefits Worth the Costs? Schizophrenia suffers around the world have benefitted greatly with the discoveries of modern medicine. Certain medications have been found to regulate and balance brain chemistry giving an individual suffering from schizophrenia a seemingly normal life. If an individual is taking Zyprexa to control their schizophrenia, they should be alerted that many dangerous side effects are showing up with this drug. These Zyprexa side effects have caught the watchful eye of the FDA. In recent years the FDA asked the maker of Zyprexa to start issuing warnings about their medication. This was done in an attempt to alert all consumers of this drug to the potential dangerous Zyprexa side effects. These include but are not limited to the following: Hyperglycemia, Hyperglycemic Coma, Diabetes, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, and Pancreatitis. Depression: What It Is and What You Can Do About It There are three basic ways to treat depression: psychotherapy, self-help, and medication. Many people respond best to a combination of two or more methods. ![]() |
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