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Neuromodulation Is Now The Mainstream Therapy For Chronic Depression
The cover of the March 7, 2005 issue of Business Week titled REWIRING THE HUMAN BODY, describes how neuromodulation brings new hope to the four million desperate patients in the United States who suffer from the debilitating disease of chronic or treatment-resistant depression. The neuromodulation industry is just in its infancy and could double over the next several years as doctors are thrilled by this vision of the body electric. Why these implantable devices work are a bit of a mystery, but the potential upside is great. Unlike most antidepressants, these implants produce few side effects and are aimed at patients that currently have no alternative therapies that adequately treat their depression. Cyberonics Inc., the manufacturer of the vagus nerve stimulator, was listed as the leading company in the field of neuromodulation. The vagus nerve stimulator has been used to treat pharmaco-resistant epilepsy since 1997, now the FDA has approved the identical procedure to treat depression. This is wonderful news for the millions of desperate patients( and their families) who have been endlessly searching for an answer to their incurable disease. Learn more about this remarkable device at http://www.VagusNerveStimulator.com You can keep up-to-date on all of the latest developments about this remarkable device. For more detailed information, there is an invaluable book available on the site: Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression The book gives the reader everything they need to know the vagus nerve stimulation therapy for depression. The book is also available on Amazon.com
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Vagus Nerve Stimulation: What are the Benefits and How Does It Relieve Depression? Vagus nerve stimulation is more effective than antidepressants and is not related to brain surgery or shock treatments. It is a 60-90 minute out-patient procedure, with robust antidepressant affects on the brain. Major Depression and Its Serious Complications When suffering from clinical depression, people have different ways of confronting it. Some acknowledge it, face it just like any problem, and seek help. Some ignore it as if it doesn't exist. And others simply accept that it's there but they don't do anything about it. In fact, they don't even ask for help. Insurance Reimbursement for Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression I attended the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy Conference at the manufacturers' (Cyberonics) headquarters in Houston, TX in late July. The Conference presenters included senior management, psychiatric thought leaders and study investigators from the investigational clinical trial. In this article , I will limit the discussion to the question that I am asked most often; will insurance companies or Medicare cover vagus nerve stimulation for depression? What is Neurotransmitter Deficiency Disorder and How Can It Cause Depression, Anxiety, and... Neurotransmitters (NTs) are essential chemical messengers that regulate brain, muscle, nerve and organ function. The most common NTs are serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. Low levels of these important chemicals is extremely common in the general public and is due to innumerable lifestyle, environmental, and dietary factors. This article is intended to help the reader determine whether they may be deficient in NTs and how evaluation and treatment of this disorder can help. Hurricane Recovery: Steps to Start Putting Your Life Back in Order It seems unreal, another major storm hitting Florida after experiencing four last year. The beginning of hurricane season, Floridians were just starting to get past the destructive events that caused many of people stress and even, depression. As Hurricane Dennis comes onshore, the upcoming hours, days, and months afterwards may be ones of disbelief and shock. There are ways to help get one?s life back in order after these type of predicaments. Neuromodulation Is Now The Mainstream Therapy For Chronic Depression The cover of the March 7, 2005 issue of Business Week titled REWIRING THE HUMAN BODY, describes how neuromodulation brings new hope to the four million desperate patients in the United States who suffer from the debilitating disease of chronic or treatment-resistant depression. What Is God Thinking? What can you say to a parent who loses a child to cancer? Whatever words we offer are inadequate to lessen their sorrow. We have no answers to questions like, "Why this child?" or "Why now?" and "What do I do now?" Do You Think You Have Depression? Do you have days where nothing can make you happy? You are not alone. I ignored my depressive thoughts about life for years. Unfortunately I didn't do anything to fix my situation until they became so dehabilitating that I had no choice. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Depression Are Not The Same Thing! Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a very misunderstood illness and this is perhaps why there are so many myths about it. Perhaps the most common myth about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is that it is effectively a mental condition, and another name for depression. But these two conditions are very different! And when you label a condition incorrectly it can cause no end of problems when trying to diagnose and treat it. So it's extremely important to make the distinction between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and depression - because they are completely different illnesses. For one, depression can be a symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but there are many Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers out there who do not suffer from depression at all. Second, research has shown that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers have an abnormality in their 'deep sleep' brainwave patterns. In contrast, depression sufferers do not have this abnormality. In addition, depression sufferers tend to feel tired all the time, whereas Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers' exhaustion increases notably after mental or physical exertion. There are also symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that are not shared by depression sufferers. Nasty flu-like symptoms, headaches, reversal of sleeping patterns, painful muscles and joints, Restless Legs Syndrome, and an increase in colds and viruses all are just a few symptoms that can play a part in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. These are just a few of the differences between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and depression! Another myth about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is that all Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers need to do is to 'pull themselves together' - and they'd be cured... ... if only it were that simple! Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is actually a bio-physical condition and was (finally) accepted as such by the UK government in 2001. But no cure has yet been found. Unfortunately there are still many people out there (including some medical professionals) who still think that the condition is 'all in the sufferer's head'. It is because of this misunderstanding that the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome community has fought so hard against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome being wrongly labelled as a mental illness. And it is perhaps because of this battle that depression amongst Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers has often sadly been overlooked... Yet for many, depression can be a very real symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If you suffer from depression as a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferer, then it's vital that you take it very seriously and that you try to address it as soon as possible. If you don't deal with your depression, you are unlikely to be able to recover from any chronic illness... ...and recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is no exception. It is possible to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So if you do experience depression as a symptom of your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, make it a priority to deal with it. Only that way can you get yourself on the road to recovery. Do Natural Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Supplements Really Work? Unfortunately, millions of Americans currently suffer from the debilitating effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. In the pharmaceutical industry, anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants are among the best-selling medications on the market. Tips to Beat Depression We all have days when we are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy. The Cost of Giving Up I'm sure at times of deep crisis many of you have considered thoughts of "giving up". What is the cost to you of entertaining such thoughts? Well as one client with a progressively deteriorating illness I was working with stated "it's like having one foot out the back door". 25% of Americans Suffer From a Mental Illness and do Not Get Adequate Relief From Antidepressants According to the June 7th issue of the Wall Street Journal, more Americans are seeking treatment for mental illnesses than ever before, but most of them fail to get adequate care, according to a major new government study. 5 Ways to Transform Your Struggles Into Victories Have you read the famous quote, "Every struggle is a victory"? It was stated by an extraordinary person who overcome great challneges and achieved greatness - her name was Helen Keller. FDA Nears Completion of Review of Vagus Nerve Stimulation For Chronic Depression On June 2 at 8:00 pm ET, Reuters news service issued a press release announcing that the FDA have nearly completed final review of the conditions outlined in the February "deemed approvable" letter for VNS Therapy as a treatment for chronic depression. Cyberonics Inc. said that the FDA had nearly completed final review of conditions outlined in the February approval of its implanted device for treatment of chronic depression. Omega 3 EPA: Natures Very Own Anti-depressant Since Dr Malcolm Peet, a consultant psychiatrist at Sheffield swallow court hospital released his findings about the effects of Ethyl Epa and its effects on people suffering from depression and low moods, many other studies have been performed using Ethyl Epa to help treat depression and related disorders. The vast majority of the studies that have been performed consistently confirmed that Ethyl Epa, a natural substance found in omega 3 fish oil, helps relieve depression and low moods. ADHD and Depression -- More Common Than Thought "Thanks for Noticin' Me" says Eeyore. He walks slowly. He looks sad. He doesn't accomplish much. He's just glad to be noticed. This is Eeyore, the stuffed donkey who is so often in need of his tail being pinned back on. Chronic Depression: Disease or Charcter Flaw? A major survey on depression symptoms from the National Mental Health Association (NMHA), released in july 2001, revealed a dramatic degree of progress in public understanding. Yet even amid this promising trend, the survey sheds light on the difficulties faced by millions of people striving to manage this sometimes chronic, life-long illness. American Indian Youth and Depression - Using Traditions To Heal The Wounds When most people hear the words American Indian, visions of warriors on horses, feathers, or an 'Indian Princess' dance vividly in their heads. Instead, who they are is a culture of people who traditionally educate their children through oral traditions taught from generation to generation, day-to-day life, and sacred ceremonies that included song, dance and stories told to them by elders and spiritual leaders in the community. Natural Remedies For Depression It is true that forms of depression cannot be avoided, although, it has also been proved that a healthy life style can play a major role in alleviating depression or even preventing some forms from even occurring. Mild types of depression can develop from poor diet and nutrition. Lack of exercises, stress, poor, little, or no sleep, traveling, lack of necessities, withdrawl from an addiction, and lack of sunlight have also been linked to some cases of depression. ![]() |
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