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Depression Information |
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New Treatment for Depression to be FDA Approved by Late June
With the next few weeks, the FDA is expected to issue its final approval of vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for chronic or recurrent depression. The approval of vagus nerve stimulation will be the first ever FDA approved long-term treatment option for the four million desperate Americans( and their families) who have not had an adequate response to traditional anti-depressants. When approved, this treatment will be considered the one of major breakthroughs in medical device history. The benefits of this therapy include:
Stimulation to the left vagus nerve has been proven to favorably modulate those ares of the brain that are responsible for mood and depression. The procedure is unrelated to brain surgery or electroconvulsive therapy. The stimulator is implanted in the patient's upper left chest, just below the arm pit. A lead wire is then tunneled underneath the skin and coiled around the left vagus nerve in the neck. For cosmectic reasons, the incision is at the lowest fold of the patient's neck. The scar heals very quickly and is barely noticeable as it is difficult to diffentiate between the fold and the healed scar. Learn more how this therapy can bring genuine happiness and joy to your life at http://www.vagusnervestimulator.com/ There is a free newsletter to keep you up-to-date on the latest developments. Also available on the site is the book Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression. Do yourself a favor and become fully educated about this remarkable device. It could change your life. Charles Donovan was a patient in the FDA investigational trial of vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression. He was implanted with the vagus nerve stimulator in April of 2001. He chronicles his journey from the grips of depression thanks to vagus nerve stimulation therapy in his book: Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression The book was exhibited at the American Psychiatric Association's Annual Meeting, May 21st-May 26th in Atlanta, GA. This is the largest gathering of psychiatrists in the world( 25,000 attendees). It is available on http://www.Amazon.com He is the founder of http://www.VagusNerveStimulator.com Web Site.
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Well as one client with a progressively deteriorating illness I was working with stated "it's like having one foot out the back door". Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Treatment for Depression to be Launched in May Final FDA approval of vagus nerve stimulation as a therapy for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression to be issued in May. Psychiatrists will then officially be able to prescribe this remarkable, life changing therapy for patients. Tuning the Music Therapist Music so strongly evokes emotional responses that it is being more frequently employed in the context of psychotherapy as a powerful healing modality. As a novice in this field I inquired at a recent conference on music therapy as to how this tool effects healing in clients with emotional disorders. ADHD and Depression -- More Common Than Thought "Thanks for Noticin' Me" says Eeyore. He walks slowly. He looks sad. He doesn't accomplish much. He's just glad to be noticed. 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Control Your Own Level of Motivation When I first mention this to most people, they really don't get it, so here is a simple formula for keeping your moods upbeat. First Thing You Should Do to Get Out of Depression Depression, in psychiatry, is a symptom of mood disorder characterized by intense feelings of loss, sadness, hopelessness, failure, and rejection. The two major types of mood disorder are unipolar disorder, also called major depression, and bipolar disorder, whose sufferers are termed manic-depressive. ![]() |
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