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Favorite Desserts For A Diabetic Husband
It's easier than you think to create delicious desserts for your diabetic husband. When I had to get right down to it the ideas came flying at me out of my kitchen cupboard! Here's a few of his favorites: Easy Orange/Banana Parfait 1 pkge Lite Orange Jello (no sugar) 2 cups vanilla yogurt (fat free, no sugar but artificially sweetened) 1/2 tsp vanilla 2 tsp Splenda 1 banana 1/8 cup Lite cream cheese Makes 4 servings Prepare the jello per the package directions. When it is partially set, slice and drop your banana pieces into the jello and mix gently so the banana pieces are covered by the jelly. Leave to set firm in the refrigerator. Beat the remaining ingredients well together and set aside in the fridge. Just before dinner put your dessert together. I use parfait glasses, they add to the fun and look of the dessert. Drop a dollop of yogurt mixture into the bottom of each of 4 dishes and a scoop of the jello and then the yogurt mix again and so on to the top. I have tried different flavors and different fruit, but, hubby likes the orange banana the best. Faux Apple Crisp 3 large apples (jona golds are the best, in my opinion) Cinammon Sprouted wheat bread (I use Ezechial cinammon raisin from the health food store - 2 slices, they are small) 9" square casserole dish Makes 4 servings Preheat oven to 375F. Spray your casserole dish with a non stick spray. Peel, core, and slice your apples thinly into your baking dish. Sprinkle with cinammon (as much or as little as to your taste). I take my bread from the freezer and grind it into crumbs in the blender. Now sprinkle evenly over your apples. Take a spoon and dish down here and there through the apples, so that some of the crumbs fall between the apples. Bake uncovered in your oven 40 mins. or until your apples are cooked tender. Cool and serve with flavored yogurt, artificially sweetened. You can swap out the apples for blueberries, fresh or frozen. Just coat the berries first with 2 tsp flour. It's not been as hard an adjustment as we thought it would be and we are both eating healthier than before, that has been a bonus for us both. Abigail Baker is the webmaster and editorial manager for Country Mall Place at http://www.acplace.com/
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Medicinal Properties of Bitter Melon - Good for Diabetics Bitter Melon is the English name of Momordica charantia, a climbing vine whose leaves and green fruits, although bitter, has been used to fight cancer, diabetes and many infectious diseases. It is also a powerful weapon against HIV/AIDS since some reports claim that bitter melon has substance Q. It is one of the most favorite egetables among the Chinese and the most popular herbal tea as well. Diabetes Awareness: Wake Up Call When traveling on out-of-town business, its common to have the hotel front desk give you a wake-up call in the morning. You want to avoid the embarrassment and repercussions of being late for your business appointments. Get More Out Of Life While Managing Your Diabetes When I was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 21, I had not given the first thought to living a healthy diabetic lifestyle. As far as I was concerned, a healthy lifestyle was reserved only for fitness junkies and overweight moms. Diabetes - A National Epidemic Are you a diabetic? If so, you are definitely not alone. There are approximately 16 million people in the United States who have diabetes. Public health experts believe diabetes will be the next great lifestyle disease epidemic to afflict the United States. A study by doctors from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently startled people with the finding that the prevalence of diagnosed cases of diabetes had increased 33% over the past eight years. Diabetes Has Become A Risk in Mens Life This is true that men with diabetes have an increased risk of developing erectile dysfunction compared with men without diabetes. Erectile dysfunction in diabetes has many potential causes, including the specific diabetes complications of neuropathy and vascular disease, as well as conditions commonly associated with diabetes, such as hypertension, use of various medications or psychogenic factors. Build Health: Want To Prevent Diabetes? To prevent diabetes you will get a real jolt when you follow the prescription offered up in the "Journal of the American Medical Association." Do You Have Diabetes? Symptoms Of Diabetes And How To Address Them Diabetes mellitus is a condition resulting from the pancreas' inability to produce enough insulin, which is needed by the body to help create energy. A deficiency of or ineffectiveness of insulin leads to high glucose levels in the blood, thus, leading to this illness. Diabetes Break-Thru Helps Battle Blood Sugar Woes Are you a diabetic? If so, you are definitely not alone. Recent numbers report that there are some 18 million Type 2 diabetics. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists released statistics at it's annual meeting suggesting two-thirds of Type 2 diabetics don't have their blood sugar under control. Diabetes the Silent Killer ? The Iceberg Effect! What sank the "Unsinkable Ship" the Titanic was not the tip of the iceberg, but the lurking 90% percent of the iceberg hidden under the surface. In the movie you see the captain steer the ship clear of the block of ice on top of the water, but underneath not known to the captain, crew or passengers, the razor sharp ice was splitting the steel bottom of the vessel like a stick of melted butter. Only after it was too late that the damage was known to all. Only a handful survived! Pre-Diabetes: Check Engine Warning Light Your car has an early detection system and so does your body. Take 3 minutes to read this article and learn how you can save yourself a life time of aches, pains, and costly medical bills. Preparing Your Child and Family for Life With Diabetes After the initial shock of diagnosis wears off and we become more comfortable with administering insulin shots, scheduling blood tests and mealtimes, and carbohydrate counting we have a chance to look to the future. At that point it really begins to sink in what a long-term commitment parenting a diabetic child really is. We now understand we have been drawn into a different lifestyle that will last as long as we are parents. Even when our child is grown up and leaves home we will still be concerned and involved with the diabetes community. Ascensia Breeze Glucometer Rated Simple Testing Over and Over Diabetes Awareness: Ill Wait til it Hurts By the time many type 2 diabetics (and often their doctors) realize action is necessary, the disease, with its destructive high blood sugars, has been silently damaging their body for years. Diabetes Symptoms, Causes & Types Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications. The diabetic people have high blood sugar level. The blood sugar level is regulated by insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas, which depends on your eating habits. The Importance Of Following And Maintaining A Diabetic Diet A diabetic diet is a specially designed eating plan that is high in carbohydrates and low in fat. People with diabetes don't need to go out and purchase special foods to maintain a diabetic diet, they can eat the same foods as the whole family. A healthy diet based on the diabetes food pyramid is beneficial to diabetics and non-diabetics alike. Tools to Manage Your Diabetes It's estimated that in the US, over 18 million people over the age of 20 have diabetes. If you happen to have been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you're getting all the right diabetes treatment supplies. Also check to make sure that your glucose levels are within the accepted guidelines. Take any other additional steps your physician has advised ? but most of all, go out and live your life because your diabetes IS manageable! Accu-Check Aviva Glucometer - New for Diabetes Testing Now you can help make every test strip count as you can test right the very first time. Syndrome X - What Is It And Have You Got It? Syndrome X or the X factor as it is sometimes known was first described in 1988 by Professor Gerald Reaven , an endocrinologist at California's Stanford University after twenty years of study. Since this first identification the understanding of Syndrome X has come a long way. Pre-Diabetes Awareness: Gamblers Understand the Odds Do you gamble? Play Texas Hold'em poker, casino games, or lotteries? Then understanding your odds of winning is part of the challenge. Diabetes Breakthrough Helps Diabetics Fight Back! Have you heard about the diabetes breakthrough that lowers blood sugar levels by 30% in 30 days? The all natural Diabetic Pack was developed with Nobel Prize Winning Science. This FoodMatrix biotechnology has a 4 year proven track record of helping take diabetics off insulin and oral medications. ![]() |
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