Diabetes Information

Exercise ? The Only Hope for Diabetes!

Why is it that the smallest paragraph in diabetes prevention magazines is about exercise? Exercise is probably the only hope for the diabetes crisis. If you have diabetes or some one in your family tree does, beware! You really have one choice, keep moving. Diabetes is a silent killer attacking you from the inside out! If you think you are not going to get it, think again.

What Is Diabetes?

Your doctor may have recently advised you have diabetes. Or you are overweight and you have discovered you may be at risk of diabetes. Others may have a friend or family member who has been diagnosed with the disease. Just what does diabetes mean and how does it affect your lifestyle?

Get More Out Of Life While Managing Your Diabetes

When I was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 21, I had not given the first thought to living a healthy diabetic lifestyle. As far as I was concerned, a healthy lifestyle was reserved only for fitness junkies and overweight moms.


The following information is for educational purposes only and is meant to complement any medical treatment, not to prescribe or diagnose any condition. Please consult with your doctor before starting any medical or nutritional program.

Type II Diabetes: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes

The term diabetes refers to higher than normal levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. Type II diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, was commonly referred to as adult onset diabetes until recently when the name no longer accurately describes the population with this disease.

Type I Diabetes: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes

Type I diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. This form of diabetes is mainly found in children. The primary problem in all forms of diabetes, regardless if it is Type I or Type II is that the glucose (sugar) levels of the body are too high.

Double Diabetes -- Placing Your Kids at Even More Risk

In some medical circles it's called Type 3 Diabetes. Teenagers and young adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, if overweight or obese, can develop type 2 diabetes later in life. It's a double whammy and the medical consequences of such a diagnosis don't look good.

Pancreas Transplants - A Solution For Type 1 Diabetes Sufferers?

Type 1 diabetes was formerly known as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes matures quickly and symptoms are very visible.

Ascensia Breeze Glucometer Rated

Simple Testing Over and Over

Diabetes, A Bad Omen Or A Fresh Start?

So you?ve learned that you?ve got diabetes. Well after the initial shock, you?re stuck with dealing with the lifestyle changes that come with your diagnosis. When you go into the situation knowing that this isn?t the end but only the beginning of a new phase in your life it gives you a better perspective on life. Gone are the days of feeling like garbage and not knowing the genesis of the problem. Oftentimes, folks feel a sense of relief when they finally realize what the problem is. The stress of uncertainty lifts and the realization sets in that their life is now on a straight path. Well sort of..

Diabetes the Silent Killer ? The Iceberg Effect!

What sank the ?Unsinkable Ship? the Titanic was not the tip of the iceberg, but the lurking 90% percent of the iceberg hidden under the surface. In the movie you see the captain steer the ship clear of the block of ice on top of the water, but underneath not known to the captain, crew or passengers, the razor sharp ice was splitting the steel bottom of the vessel like a stick of melted butter. Only after it was too late that the damage was known to all. Only a handful survived!

Tools to Manage Your Diabetes

It?s estimated that in the US, over 18 million people over the age of 20 have diabetes. If you happen to have been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you?re getting all the right diabetes treatment supplies. Also check to make sure that your glucose levels are within the accepted guidelines. Take any other additional steps your physician has advised ? but most of all, go out and live your life because your diabetes IS manageable!

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles digested carbohydrates. If neglected, diabetes can cause serious health complications, ranging from blindness to kidney failure.

Revolutionary Lancet Device for Diabetic Glucose Testing

Now you can reduce the pain and inconvenience of testing. Unlike conventional lancing systems, the ACCU-CHEK Multiclix lancet device is the only 1 with a six-lancet drum. That means you can have the least amount of painful testing with less hassle and improved safety.

Hyperglycemia, Diabetes, and Managing Blood Sugar

So, after a miserable 10 hours of blood tests it?s confirmed you have hyperglycemia. Well now isn?t the time to sit back and get depressed. Look at the positive side, now you know why you?ve been tired and worn out for all of this time. Diagnosed in 1982 with hyperglycemia it was harder to maintain a steady blood sugar rate. These days with the advanced technology available for instantly checking blood sugar, the disease is easier to manage.

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