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Search Engine Rankings for BeginnersNiall Roche Search Engine Ranking for Beginners Search engine optimization is best left in the mystical land of the Intenet Marketing Guru right Good Search engine rankings are tough to achieve. Understanding search engine marketing takes years of studying and only people with true insider knowledge and secret tools rank well in Google right WRONG. Pure crap as a matter of fact. Ranking well in the search engines is not difficult. In fact search engine optimization is relatively easy. What stops most people from ranking well in search engines is misinformation. Every week theres yet another quick fix to ranking well in search engines and people jump from one quick fix to the next hoping for that Top 10 position in Google and never achieving it. There are 6 key areas of search engine optimization that you need to know about. These are the basics. Getting these right will help you achieve the Google rankings that youve always wanted. Domain Name - The jury is still out on the how relevant a keyword rich domain name is. What I mean by keyword rich domain name is say for example your site was going to be about money making ideas then an idea domain name could be either www.moneymakingideas.com or www.money-making-ideas.com. My own personal preference is with the hyphenated approach e.g. www.money-making-ideas.com simply because I believe that search engines can read it more easily. To registed your domain name I would suggest using either 000Domains.com or GoDaddy.com Content - Useful content. Not keyword stuffed, spammy pages. Write something useful for your visitors. If you cant write then youll need to learn. Turn Words Into Traffic is a great resource for learning how to write content and is a resource that I use personally. Turn Words Into Traffic gives you an A-Z on article writing - from a writers perspective. If you dont want to learn how to write content then you could always use Create Website Content Fast to help you speed the process up. Keywords - Keywords are the words or phrases that you expect people to search for your site/service/content with. There are two distinct factors to consider when choosing keywords for your site. 1. You need to target specific keywords. For example if you have a website about dating then youll probably find it quite difficult to achieve high search engine rankings initially with that single term. However if you were to refine an area of your site to target say Gay & Lesbian Dating thats more specific. You could also regionalize your keywords or key phrases e.g. Gay & Lesbian dating in Toronto. This refining process is often referred to as niche pronounced neech marketing. 2. You need to choose the keywords that you want people to find your site with. Put yourself in your visitors shoes - think about what they might use to find you in the search engines. What keywords or key phrases would you type into a search engine to find your site What keywords or key phrases would your potential visitor use to search for you Always, always think like a typical websurfer. If youre interested in seeing what people are searching for on the web and how profitable that might be for you I would recommened that you check out Good Keywords. Its free and does a wonderful job of helping you find good keywords :- I would also suggest that you try Wordtracker also. Its a brilliant service for tracking down specific, popular keywords. Keyword density - This is how often your keyword is used on the the page itself. For example if you have 100 words of text on a single page and you mention your keyword 5 times then you have 5% keyword density. Opinions vary on this but anywhere from 1% - 7% is considered ideal. If this doesnt make sense to you then its ok. The simple rule is this: less is more. Do not alter the text on your webpages to include your keyword over and over again because.........well.... it looks stupid, wont instill any confidence in your prospective customer and might also get you penalized or removed from the search engines. Page title - Your tag is critical to your page being ranked well. Stuffing your tag with keywords in the hope of ranking well is pointless. Your tag, once constructed properly, will see you moving up the search engine rankings quickly. Bear this simple fact in mind when building your websites and it will serve you well. Links - Having good links pointing to your site and good links within your site an often overlooked aspect of search engine optimization is pretty important as far as search engine ranking goes. Having other sites linking to yours proves the importance of your site to the search engines i.e. if the content on your site is so valuable that other site owners want to link to it then it must be important. META Tags - Meta tags are dead baby. Well not quite dead but they are only used as a point of reference for search engines. Its a shame to see websites that have their META tags still stuffed with keywords. Its pointless. Put your primary keywords in the Meta Keyword part of your webpage but apart from that dont lose any sleep or waste any energy on them. Theres not enough space in this article to explain all of the above in the detail that Id love to. Also Im not a search engine expert so some of the explanation is best left to those that I learned from Sean Burns and Jay Stockwell take a bow please :- Having learned the basics of search engine optimization and submission I have achieved Top 10 Rankings for all of my websites. Its not hard to do this. It just takes work, a little patience and a little common sense. Recommended reading: Rankings Revealed Microsite Miracles
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George Foreman Grill Producer vs. George Foreman Foods Inc. Salton, Inc., the producer of George Foreman Grill filed a complaint against George Foreman Foods Inc. regarding the use of the domain name . The complaint was denied. Link Popularity --- Its Role and Importance In Getting Top Search Engine Rankings Introduction Internet Marketing Strategies The right strategies to win a share of the Internet pie Search the Web More Efficiently: Tips, Techniques and Strategies Studies show that after email, searching the Web is the most popular activity on the Internet. Searching is easy; finding what youre looking for can sometimes be difficult. Hopefully the advice below will make your next Web search a breeze. What Is Web Hosting Web hosting can easily be described as a computer with information accessible to the general public. Just as your computer has files on it, your hosting account will have files on it…web files. Even though the concept is similar, your hosting account is not a full computer. You buy small or large portions of space on these computers known as “Servers”. So now you know the basics. How Will Your Visitors Remember You And Your Business Brand Yourself From The Crowd... Big and Yellow M reminds you McDonalds... DELL with oblique E reminds you famous Dell computers... Cheap Web Hosting - When Cheaper is Better Anyone who has ever shopped for web hosting knows that you can spend anywhere from nothing up to several hundred dollars to host your web site. So what’s the difference Well often times if you’re talking about typical shared web hosting in the $6 to $20 range – nothing. That’s right – nothing! Nothing that is, except good old fashioned marketing and hype! Email tips and tricks Excerpted from the upcoming book The Busy Persons Guide to a Profitable Website and PlanetLinks Enews - an email newsletter delivered for FREE to your computer. To subscribe, go to www.planetlink.com. Give Your Business a Cash Infusion Whether you have your own business already, or are looking for a way to cash in on the profit potential of reaching millions of internet users – you can’t afford NOT to read this…….. The Naughty Niches: Potential Gold Mines or Business Killers Okay, so youre looking for new ways to grow your online business and you cant help but notice all those adult oriented matchmaking sites popping up literally all over the place. After awhile you begin asking yourself if its time to replace or augment your G-rated online dating affiliate links with companies offering something a little more seductive. Get Your Own Domain Name Or Die Online Would you buy from someone with an "@yahoo.com" e-mail address I wouldnt. And the clients Ive had the most trouble with use yahoo addresses or other free addresses. I understand that you dont want your regular e-mail address in ads that your run on free ad sites to prevent spam, but lets use some common sense here. How To Stop Spam Especially If You’re Already a Victim Spam. Those annoying, time-consuming emails that clog your Inbox and ruin your day. You wonder: How did it ever get so bad While its not possible to completely eliminate spam, there are quite a few things you CAN do about the problem to reduce your burden. A Mentor Can Make You a Smashing Success! Thinking about a home business Suddenly youre immersed in a whole new language: affiliate programs, residual income, leveraged income, pyramid scams, html, gateway websites. Its really not all that difficult, and a mentor can be a trusted guide through the home business labyrinth. Fight For Online Visibility Would you like to prevent Internet users from visiting your website You may feel that youre asked a silly question. But then think about why so many investors are silently watching how their web projects are doomed to invisibility from the outset despite nobody wants to conceal his or her own website from the public. Displaced Dragons! While dragons are somewhat mystical and mythical, there exists another type of dragon. These ones are real enough and specialists at silent manoeuvres. Link Popularity Explained and How To Build Links Link popularity is the single most influential factor for determining how well a web site will perform in search engine rankings. A web sites link popularity is computed from the number and more importantly, the quality of links pointing to a web site. Tips For An Effective Website A successful website is something that everyone venturing into the new arena of Internet marketing and communications wants to have. Your website will often be a potential client’s first impression of you and your business. That being said, it is vitally important that your website represent you in a favorable manner. Your website is a component of your overall marketing strategy and should be reflective of your business and current marketing presentation. Just as your brochures and other print materials represent a level of quality and professionalism, your website should also represent that same level of quality and professionalism. As a point of comparison, you most likely wouldn’t have just anyone design your company’s marketing materials or for that matter, prepare your tax statements. Similarly, it is important that the person creating your website know how to effectively communicate both your message and style, and be able to create an effective experience for those visiting your site. Classified Ads - What Works & What Doesn’t Do classified ads really work Should you include an email address or fax number in them How about a call to action Avoid Search Engine Blacklisting The best way to avoid being blacklisted by the search engines is to avoid using some questionable techniques that were once popular to gain high rankings. 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