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Classified Ads - What Works & What Doesn�tDiana Barnum Do classified ads really work Should you include an email address or fax number in them How about a call to action Questions like these are often brought to the attention of OhioHelp.net, an Ohio-based company specializing in helping businesses worldwide with their marketing, public relations and freelance writing services. Here are some top tips they offer based on their own client projects. TOP TIPS FROM OHIOHELP.NET I. CLASSIFIED AD PLACEMENT Study the ads in publications where you would like to place yours to see what works. And STUDY them like youll have an exam over them. If you didnt see the ad before, skip it. Only focus on those who repeatedly placed the same ads - -these people are selling off of them: bottom line. While you�re at it, call some of those companies who are not your direct competitors and ask how their ads pull and log their replies for reference. Exchange contact information and follow up so that you can possibly team up with them later in a joint venture and send clients back and forth. Results show that small ads placed in inexpensive publications generally bring in phone calls and clicks to websites, but no email replies. And on the average, these callers reported having limited or no Internet access along with limited or no computer / email capabilities in their homes. If they had access at work, it was limited and did not offer personal / private email. Toll-free numbers brought in more responses than local numbers with area codes. And fax numbers brought in nothing at all. II. CLASSIFIED AD GIFTS Sales increased with the inclusion of Gift and Reward items in a call-to-action ad. Popular items were: A. A No-Cost Information Kit that included a variety of tip sheets,electronic books and software sent via downloadable links in printed sales letters and included on disks or CDs. All items were mailed Flat Rate via Priority Mail. B. A Book / workbook set sent the same way or mailed Media Rate in a manila envelope. Sets were for a trial period before purchasing. And No-Cost Information Kits above were included in the package. C. A special �Freebie� item of their choice from our bookstore was mailed or emailed with mention of the ad. III. CLASSIFIED AD COPYWRITING To increase customer contact, communication and overall sales, include specific pricing in the ad; for example, say, �rates from $39.� Also list an email address with a domain name and specific person to contact. In other words, instead of emailing info@aol.com, email diana@ohiohelp.net using a first name for familiarity. Note that some classifieds charge a 3-word count for URLs but only a 1-word count for email addresses. And use an action verb in your call-to-action, �Mention Ad for�� So sharpen your pencil or grab your keyboard and tune up your classified campaigns. Testing and improving your ads can definitely increase sales. To learn more top tips and receive them on a regular basis at no charge in your email, sign up at http://ohiohelp.net today or email diana@ohiohelp.net. Preview your own "MAP: Move Ahead Plan" book and spiral-bond workbook set today and receive your No-Cost Information Kit along with it by visiting http://help-plan.biz -- You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to: diana@ohiohelp.net
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How To Make Easy Money on the Internet -- But This Time Its Actually TRUE! Introduction: Good Domain Names Make Your Dreams Memorable "What was the name of that website It was good. It has something to do with..." I Make Money Online. You Can Too When I purchased my first computer over 10 years ago, I knew I wanted to put it to work and make money with it some how. But I knew nothing about computers or the Internet. I knew nothing about network marketing, search engine marketing, or even how to create my own web site. I knew nothing about e-mail marketing e-mail leads or how to set up an e-mail list. The 7 Truths of Being An Affiliate In November 2002 I found myself bored and online one night. I decided to have a look on the web for a way of making some extra cash. I found something called an E-book no idea what that meant back then called "1000 Ways to Make Money". I devoured this book. I found myself more and more excited from the ideas I was reading. The final money making idea in that book was "Start a website to promote this book and make 40% commission for doing so". Great! A business for me to start doing something I enjoy - tinkering with websites. I was a happy man. Know How DNS Works Domain name Servers DNS are an important but invisible part of the internet, and form one of the largest databases on it. Each machine on an internet is assigned a unique address, called an IP address, which is 32 bit number and is expressed as 4 octets. The method user to represent these IP addresses is known as dotted decimal Notation". A typical address looks like this: ICANN Registrar: za-domains for anybody Cologne, 12.10. 2004. ICANN accredited registrar Secura announces today,that the company is accepting the registration of za-domains. The Top 10 Most Ludicrous Things You Can Do on Your Web Site We have a running joke in our office that one day we�ll load a page and it will say �You have reached the end of the World Wide Web� and it will be the truth. I�ve visited so many web sites in my time, it�s unreal. There are a few web site features and practices that keep popping up, in spite of their highly detrimental nature. I find myself, day in and day out, advising clients to remove something or other from their web site, as it is stunting their online business potential. But cleaning up the World Wide Web one client at a time isn�t very efficient, so I�ll share with you the Top 10 most ludicrous things you can do on your web site, and hopefully we�ll get this mess cleaned up. Get More Links With a Viral Marketing Campaign Viral Marketing Fight For Online Visibility Would you like to prevent Internet users from visiting your website You may feel that youre asked a silly question. But then think about why so many investors are silently watching how their web projects are doomed to invisibility from the outset despite nobody wants to conceal his or her own website from the public. How To Dramatically Improve Your Websites Conversion Ratio According to the so-called experts, a decent conversion ratio is right around one percent. In other words, one out of every one hundred visitors to your website converts to a sale. Think All the Good Domain Names are Taken Have you heard of the other tlds top leve domains such as: .free, .church, .video, .travel, .llp, .golf, .school, .agent and .love There are many more too. Wait! Dont wretch just yet. Ill tell you why in just a minute. Thinking About Changing to a New Web Hosting Company 5 Steps to Plan Ahead for the Move Perhaps your web hosting company has a technical support group that never answers their email, or their control panel is difficult to use. Maybe your website has been having more downtime than uptime. Whatever the reason you are thinking of switching hosts, make sure you have your ducks in a row before making the move. The Key ingredients for success with your own home based business! There is a-lot of ways to make money at home. But have you ever tried searching the Web to find it Making Money from Parked Domains Let me tell you a true story. A friend of my who likes to collect domain names was describing a few that he had acquired. While he has a wide range of domains in various categories, these particular domains were all related to web hosting. Attention: You could loose your ru-domain As RIPN, the Russian registry reports, RIPN stops to perform the duties of .RU Second Level Domain Names Registrar from 2005 January 01. But RIPN remains the operator of the ru-registry and continues to provide technical support of Domain Name Registration System and name servers of ru-domains. It will stay also registrar concerning org.ru-domains , net.ru-domains , .pp.ru-domains and com.ru-domains Therefore all Second Level Domain NameRegistration Agreements between RIPN and persons or entities will be terminated from January 01, 2005. The Key To High-Volume Web Sales The quickest way to achieve high-volume sales on the web is to set up your own affiliate program. Pick A Passion To Intensify And Fuel Your Online Business I remember watching the greatest player to ever play the game of basketball, six time NBA Champion Michael Jordan. On many different occasions Michael Jordan clearly stated that determination, focus, and persistence is what helped him reach his amazing accomplishments. There was one feeling in particular that gave Michael the strength, power, and desire to succeed as the greatest player to ever play the game. PASSION. Internet Nostalgia - Remember "This Dumb Little Ad" Watch out - if you do, youre showing your "Internet Age!" Choosing a Domain Name Your web site address, or domain name, is an important part of your Internet branding and Internet marketing strategy. But most people give the choice of a domain name little thought, and just register their company name or the closest domain name they can get to their company name. How Do I Get My Business On The Internet This is one of the most frequently asked questions by small business owners. They are feeling the pressure from their customers and competitors, yet for many business people it is a daunting task, as they dont understand the whole process. ![]() |
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