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I Make Money Online. You Can TooTom Worsley When I purchased my first computer over 10 years ago, I knew I wanted to put it to work and make money with it some how. But I knew nothing about computers or the Internet. I knew nothing about network marketing, search engine marketing, or even how to create my own web site. I knew nothing about e-mail marketing e-mail leads or how to set up an e-mail list. I began searching the Internet for ideas. I quickly learned that you could join several affiliate programs and they would supply you with a free affiliate web page. Unfortunately getting good quality traffic to these affiliate web pages was somewhat of a challenge. And the Major search engines wouldn’t even list my new affiliate web pages. So once again I was left searching the Internet for ideas. I kept reading over and over again to get your own domain name and create your own web site. Then incorporate all your affiliate links into your new web site. Create a theme and join affiliate programs related to that theme. But I knew nothing about creating a web site. And what the heck is HTML I began creating web pages on Microsoft publisher. These were very simple pages and now when I look back at them I have to laugh. They were anything but professional and publisher actually made many errors in the HTML code. But this was all just part of the learning curve. You have to learn to walk before you run. Eventually I started writing my own HTML using Microsoft word and saving it as a simple HTML text file. To this day all my web page’s are created using word. Since starting my online business I have probably joined 100s of affiliate program opportunities, re-modeled my web page over 50 times and spend more than 4 hours a day reading and learning how to further promote my sites to make more money. All this was done on my own with little to no training from others. When I started I knew nothing and now my business is getting between 5-10 commission checks in the mail every month generated from sales or leads coming from my 6 web sites. I get people that say to me all the time. I cannot do that on my own. Well if I can do it you can too. It just takes a little patients and the will to learn. If you want to make money online you need to act. You need to search for information and read all about how to create your own web site. Then you need to search for information on how to promote, advertise, and most of all how to get good search engine rankings. Copyright © Tom Worsley
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Building your first Web Site The ease with which visitors are able to use a Web Site is very important, especially if you`re trying to market something from the site. Usability is very much about how quickly and easily visitors are able to move around the site and not just about making sure everything on the site works. Why Your Brick-and-Mortar Biz Needs A Website The internet has taken over our lives with a vengeance, and has changed the way many of us do business. More and more consumers are now doing their shopping online and, unfortunately, some business owners have felt the pinch. Email tips and tricks Excerpted from the upcoming book The Busy Persons Guide to a Profitable Website and PlanetLinks Enews - an email newsletter delivered for FREE to your computer. To subscribe, go to www.planetlink.com. Do You And Your Website Have Credibility I recently received an unsolicited e-mail from some company offering me their search engine optimization services for $199. Even though I had absolutely no interest in the offer, just out of curiosity, I decided to check out this company with the various search engines. How AdSense Ruined My Life Because I used to work on a crisis line, Ive heard a-lot stories of how drugs crept up on people and took over their lives. I once talked to a self-admitted drug dealer who had trafficked in pot for years. It was how this person made most of her living; she even had a state issued medical marijuana card so that she could always be in possession without getting busted. One day a friend introduced her to the profits that could be made from selling methamphetamine, so she started dealing crank; doing a little herself on the side. A month later, she was calling the crisis line looking for treatment. Crank was destroying her faster than she had ever imagined possible. 7 Things You Must Do If You Want To Increase Your Traffic Gary Halbert once said that the ONLY advantage he wanted when it came to selling burgers was not a better sauce, or better grade of beef, but a STARVING CROWD. Hire An Internet Marketing Expert For Online Success It never ceases to amaze me how many otherwise intelligent people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write an ad--nothing! Fact is, nowadays, anyone can have a website. But once you get one, then what How are you going to make money with it The Key ingredients for success with your own home based business! There is a-lot of ways to make money at home. But have you ever tried searching the Web to find it 10 Best Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Home Business Picture this! How to Find Good Web Hosting You have decided it is about time you jumped on the web hosting bandwagon. You have a website in mind you would like to create. You have a domain name ready to go. The one and only thing that you are missing is the actual web hosting space. Now there are hundreds of different web hosting companies that will promise you hundreds of different guarantees. How do you know which one is legit and which one is bogus Save $100 in 5 Minutes Backing Up Your Web Site Heres an easy way to backup your web sites files and database worth thousands of dollars, no doubt that costs $0 to learn and perform. It only takes seven easy steps. Choosing a Domain Name Your web site address, or domain name, is an important part of your Internet branding and Internet marketing strategy. But most people give the choice of a domain name little thought, and just register their company name or the closest domain name they can get to their company name. Online Business: Work Smarter, Not Harder Online business is probably the fastest growing market on the planet. With over 34 million web pages out there and more being created every day it seems like an almost hopeless prospect for the solo home business owner to achieve any sort of success. Think of the competition.......right Well, almost. Internet : A Medium or a Message The State of the Net Dont Forget B.O.B.! So you’ve got everything in place, busily working away for you. You’ve got your banners out, you’ve exchanged links, you’ve optimized your site for the search engines, you’ve got ad and P.P.C. campaigns bringing site visitors, your sales copy is converting them to customers or getting them on your list. But did you forget B.O.B. Lessons Learned At Gunpoint "If you do anything foolish or try to get out of the car we will shoot you" were the terse words which hung in the air like a bad smell. Top 10 Tips on Running a Widely Successful and Profitable Business Online 1. Know your target market I Once Feared The Internet I always envied entrepreneurs who were making their fortune on the internet. After all the internet has created more millionaires than any other vessel in history, and I longed to be part of this elite group. The Metaphors of the Net Four metaphors come to mind when we consider the Internet "philosophically": A Genetic Blueprint A Chaotic Library A Collective Nervous System An Unknown Continent Terra Internetica The Benefits Of Having a Country Top Level Domain TLD Name Most new websites tend to look for a domain name with a .com or .net tld Top Level Domain. They feel this gives the site a more professional appearance and will appeal to a more international audience and in many cases this is true. However, it can also be beneficial to look at purchasing a domain name with a country specific tld. ![]() |
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