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Online Business: Work Smarter, Not HarderKeith E Bryan Online business is probably the fastest growing market on the planet. With over 34 million web pages out there and more being created every day it seems like an almost hopeless prospect for the solo home business owner to achieve any sort of success. Think of the competition.......right Well, almost. For those of us that have been raised in a world where a small business owner works like a dog to keep their creation from going bankrupt it seems almost unfathomable to even think of competing with the "big" companies. If youve ever known anyone that owns a business think back to the first few years of their entrepreneurial venture. Youve probably never seen anyone so tired/overworked/stressed/worried in your life. This is what most people think of when someone mentions "starting your own business". The beauty of the modern online business is that practically everything can be automated. This is not to say that there is no work involved in starting a business on the internet. The difference from business twenty years ago and business today is astounding! If you plan your online business well you can accomplish in minutes what just twenty years ago would have taken hours, if not days. Lets run through some of the options available to you to make your online experience less stressful and time consuming. Lets find out how to work Smarter, not Harder. First things first....... We have to build a website. This alone scares many people. "I dont know HTML" or "I cant afford to have a page built for me" are things I hear all the time when talking to people about online business. Lets get something straight...... you DO NOT need to know how to program better than the top site designers at E-Bay in order to make a web page. I know many people with minimal HTML knowledge that have done exceedingly well in online business. There are many template systems out there that make building a completely functional web page as easy as copy and paste. One I frequently recommend is the Powersite System http://powersitesystem.com. Its simple and effective and lets the new business owner focus on adding content, not scanning endless lines of code or constantly uploading your updated page to the server from a desktop program. Youll need to pick key words for your site which can easily be accomplished with websites like Wordtracker. Pick key words that will get you some traffic but arent going to be impossible to get your site ranked. More on this........ http://biz-whiz.com/article362.html Then you need to find a domain name www.value-name.com works just fine and is cheap. Look for a domain name that contains your key words and is fairly easy to remember, the shorter the better for simplicity. ie: avoid picking www.This-is-My-Business-Site-and-You-Should-Look-at-It12345.com Next Step...... Adding Content / Products If your page is going to be informational there are many great article services out there. Here are a few..... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/article_announce/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/netwrite-publish-announce/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/publisher_network/ If you are going to sell actual products youll probably want to look into working with a dropshipper unless you have a big garage to store all the products you will be selling There are many out there. Here is one Ive heard great things about..... And then...... Exchanging Links The best way to move up in the search engines to gain traffic is to have many related pages linking to yours. Link exchange websites like Link Partners are a great way to find sites to exchange relevant links with. Much of this can be automated to save you time and effort....... all you have to do is approve links you want and decline the ones you dont. You can also do a search in a few of the major search engines for your selected keywords....... the sites that pop up at the top of the search are the ones you would ideally like to exchange links with to boost your rankings. Last one........ Get an Auto Responder This is a service that will send automatic e-mail messages for you at pre-programmed times that you select. Set one up to send out occasional information about your site to your members, use it to keep in touch with your customers, get feedback about your site to help you improve..... etc. You wont actually NEED this feature until you are getting heavy traffic to your site, but its a handy time saving tool for busy webmasters. Thats basically it! Rinse and Repeat. Of course theres always more things that you might like to try to improve your business but those are the basics. Try new things and track the results. See what works for your site and go from there. The secret to online business is to jump in and get wet...... do SOMETHING and work on improving things from there...... one step at a time.
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Home Business Tax Tips If you have recently started an Internet or home business, your probably a little intimidated by having to submit a tax return and the possibilities of being audited. Simply follow these guidelines and rest assured that filing your next tax return will go smoothly. Six Lessons for Getting in the “Right Mindset” For Starting Your Own Business Believe it or not your childhood attitude towards a fence shapes your business mindset. As you’ll learn from my experience starting a business, having the right mindset is the key to being an entrepreneur. It’s all about being a fence hopper instead of a fence sitter. How Multiple Server Hosting impacts your websites uptime This article describes the technology behind multiple server hosting and how you may utilize it to maximize your sites security and uptime Got a Small Business Choose the Right Domain Name Choosing a domain name can be daunting. Research the subject after all, youre the type of marketer who researches, right and youll be hit with a landslide of opinions, most contradictory. There is, however, two points that everyone agrees on: Avoid Search Engine Blacklisting The best way to avoid being blacklisted by the search engines is to avoid using some questionable techniques that were once popular to gain high rankings. Even if your website is not blacklisted by using some of the techniques below, it may be penalized buried in the rankings so your traffic will suffer all the same. When a search engine blacklists a website it will throw your listing off their site and block your site from coming aboard again. This can be done by blocking the domain name, the IP address or both. It Makes Sense to Add AdSense to Your Blog Google AdSense is easy to install on a web page or blog and constitutes additional source of income without spending anything. You have to apply on-line for Google AdSense Program and generally approval comes from Google within two days. Those having AdWord account can use AdWord e-mail address and password for AdSense account also. After acceptance of application, Google confirms creation of your Adsense account thru e-mail. You get a code for AdSense text ads and another code for AdSense search. These codes are to be installed on web page or blog and within minutes the page will start displaying ads from Google, and a Google search bar. AdSense is available in dozen languages worldwide. All About Google If you read The Search Engine Showdown at www.abalone.ca/resources/searchenginetest.html, you know Google is my favourite search engine. Why Google always offers the most results for any given search they currently have over 8 billion pages indexed, its faster than the Audi Quattro we test drove this morning, and 9 times out of ten, in my experience, all the front page results are relevant to my search. In fact, I usually find what Im looking for within the first few sites listed. I also really respect the fact that two college kids started it kinda like Abalone! and that those two college kids seem not to have forgotten where they came from. If you check out the images at Googles press center http://www.google.com/press/images.html and scroll down to the Everyday Life Inside Google section, youll get a feeling that life at Google is fun. What Should You Know About Search Engines and Pay-Per-Click Here’s a fact for you, 85 to 95% of Websites are found through a search engine. You may have the most incredible Website on the Internet, but it will receive little or no traffic without search engine visibility and ranking. Can you imagine a billboard in the Sahara desert Who sees it The growth of ru-domains The registry of ru-domains reports, that the number of domain names registered in Russias national domain, the ru-domains, has increased 19.82% in the first half of 2004 to 256.356 ru-domains. Ok, Great, But HOW Welcome to the world of online business. This is the time to get started! Join now and get in before it’s too late! Earn $75K this year with your own online business! How To Sell A Website Fast Dear Website Owner, Ten Reasons Why People Dont Buy From You Heres ten simple yet POWERFUL ideas for you to reflect on. This will help you adjust your marketing strategies...which will have a GREAT effect on everything you sell. Internet : A Medium or a Message The State of the Net A New Twist To The Signature File Idea After the incredible success of Hotmail.com, the use of signature files on all outgoing e-mail accounts has been a common method of web promotion. Internet Nostalgia - Remember "This Dumb Little Ad" Watch out - if you do, youre showing your "Internet Age!" A Mentor Can Make You a Smashing Success! Thinking about a home business Suddenly youre immersed in a whole new language: affiliate programs, residual income, leveraged income, pyramid scams, html, gateway websites. Its really not all that difficult, and a mentor can be a trusted guide through the home business labyrinth. Doublers The New Era for Making Thousands! Doubler Mania! Is it the Real Deal How Do You Deal With Internet Fraud Summary Achieve Success With Your Own Money - Making Newsletter To be successful with a newsletter, you have to specialize and make it your own. Your best bet will be with new information on a subject not already covered by an established newsletter, or at least your interpretation of existing subject matter. 3 Reasons Your Website Might Fail To Attract Enough Customers Virtually all website owners concentrate their efforts and energy into getting more visitors. With business owners this effort is spent on getting more and more new customers. What many people forget - with both their website and their business - is that getting new customers or visitors is only a small part of the equation for success. ![]() |
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