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E-Book Writing Formats: How to Make the Words Flow
Nervous about writing your first e-book? Never fear. E-books are written in a conversational, informative style that's easy for the reader to understand, and easy for you to imitate as you write them. Whether it's ten pages about Smart Finances, 50 pages on How to Care for Your Cat or 250 pages covering Secrets of the World's Best Yoga Masters, there are several e-book formats you can write to that are thought-provoking enough to get your words flowing, and flexible enough to make them as long or short as you like. Each of these formats is extremely appealing to the readers for its breezy, informative style. Format 1: Q & A. Question and Answer sections win major popularity points with e-book readers for their direct, no-nonsense approach. Pose a question, offer an answer. This format is extremely simple to create because right from the get-go, the copywriter is forced to jump into the mind of the consumer, isolate his concerns, and then offer solutions. Switching perspectives is also a great mental exercise that lets you to see both sides of a situation. Why would you want to do this? If you can empathise with the reader, you'll be able to answer in a way that keeps his best interests in mind... and that makes him happy. If he's happy, he'll keep reading. If he keeps reading, he may ask for more information like this. And presto, you just landed yourself more writing work! The style in which you write your questions will of course depend on the subjectmatter. If your topic is a dry one, write your questions and answers in a formal tone. If the theme is light and casual, try a conversational tone, like this: Q: How do I figure out what questions to ask? A: That's easy; do some web research! There are forums for just about any topic on the internet. Visit one or two, and find out what the most commonly asked questions are. Let's say your e-book is going to be about quilting. Locate some handicraft or quilting websites, sleuth around the boards for a while, and you might find someone asking this popular question: How do I silkscreen family photos to my quilt? There you go! Real concerns, from real people. Put them in your e-book! Another good way to find questions is to scroll the annals of your mind for real-life situations. Maybe you're writing a book about senior citizen retirement homes. Your grandma was in one, wasn't she? What were her concerns? How about, "What do I do with all my stuff before I move in?" "What if I don't get along with my roommate?" "How can I ensure that my dietary needs are taken care of?" Train yourself to think like the interested consumer. Once you do this, you won't believe how quickly the ideas come. Format 2: Numbered Lists. If you haven't noticed already, this article is written as a Numbered List. Even though it's not part of an e-book, it could easily be incorporated into one. The numbered list will suit your e-book quite nicely. People are drawn to lists for several reasons: 1) The eye naturally wants to scan anything in list format from top to bottom. 2) Lists provide incentive, followed by accomplishment. If you're reading along and you come to number eight in a list of 11 items, you know you're 3/4 of the way home! That's surely a reason to keep on trucking. 3) Lists offer brief resting points that allow the brain to absorb what it just read before moving on. Lists are just as easy to write as they are to read. Let's say you're writing an e-book, How to Enhance Your Children's Lives. In the e-book is a sub-section, Fun Activities for a Rainy Day. The time comes to write it, but you're drawing a total blank. Then you remember the numbered list format! It's worth a shot. In one burst, you scribble: 1. Bake cookies Look at that! In less than a minute, you managed to come up with 5 intriguing topics that can be developed at great length. And what's this, you just thought of four more! Once you're in the groove, it will be difficult to stop. That's the great thing about list writing. Can you see how this could quickly add up to lots of e-book pages? Format 3: How-Tos. Your e-book reader is forever searching for new ideas, practical advice and solutions that work. She wants to be told, step by step, how to go about everything from home repairs to taxes, to raising her kids the right way. Give her helpful instructions, and make her day! Fill up your e-book with instructions of all kinds. Imagine you're writing an e-book about knitting. This subject begs for how-to copy! "How to Do a Basic Stitch." "How to Knit a Scarf." How-to sections can be written in numbered steps, but they don't have to be. It depends on the topic. Suppose you wanted to write a basic career guide. One major section of interest might be, How to Get Along Better With Your Boss. You can easily break this up into bits, like so: - Put yourself in your boss's shoes You won't believe how quick and easy it is to fill in the details for each of these major points. If you keep it up, you might eventually need your own instructions: "How to Stop Writing How-To Lists!" Format 4: Problem-Solution. The problem-solution format is a lot like Q & A. It's another perspective-switching technique that will sharpen your knowledge of the reader's needs and wants while establishing you as the person with the answers. Let's pretend you're writing an e-book for a life coach. She plans to include the e-book as part of her coaching kit to help clients achieve more in their lives. What are some problems a life coach's client might face? Stress. Boredom. Loneliness. Tackle these issues from the reader's point of view, as so: Things that Keep Me from Moving Forward With My Life - I have too much to do, and not enough hours to do it all. Each heading will require a response on your part; a paragraph or two where you can expound on ways to solve the issues at hand and help the reader realize that she's not locked into any situation. Problem-solution formats are inspiring to write to because they replace negative, self-defeating thoughts with positive, energizing ones. You may find yourself catching the fever even as you write them for your clients! And that will inspire you to accomplish even more in your own life. Format 5: Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing viewpoints is a fun way to play devil's advocate in your writing. Take the recent article I wrote on Copywriting: "11 Reasons Not to Hire a Freelance Copywriter (and Why They're All Poor Excuses!)." Throughout this piece, I set up points that the buyer might feel are valid reasons not to hire a writer- and then I "shot each one down" with solid evidence to the contrary. Some subheadings I used: Excuse 1. "Why pay someone else when I can do the writing myself?" This may seem like a sneaky format, in that you seem to be writing from one point of view when actually you favor the opposite; but it's a quick and effective way to hook the reader's interest and hold it. People love to argue; why not create an imaginary debate scenario that they can relate to! If your e-book is meant to persuade and convince people to try new things, the "opposing viewpoints" format is a classic way to develop a good argument and entice the reader to follow your lead. Still intimidated about writing your own e-book? You shouldn't be! Whether you're a wet-behind-the-ears writer or an old, seasoned pro, writing e-books is an easy, fun and lucrative way to develop your credibility on the web as well as broaden your knowledge on a wide variety of topics. Use these tried and true formats to fill page after page with interesting information written in a friendly, conversational tone. Master the art of great e-book writing! It will win you new readers and keep the old ones coming back for more. Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved. Dina Giolitto is a New-Jersey based Copywriting Consultant with nine years' industry experience. Her current focus is web content and web marketing for a multitude of products and services although the bulk of her experience lies in retail for big-name companies like Toys"R"Us. Visit http://www.wordfeeder.com for rates and samples.
Write Your eBook - 6 Great Ways to Find the Time Busy! Busy! Busy! Look How Easy It Is To Write Your Own eBook What happens when you stumble across a promising market, idea or topic for an ebook, but don't know how to quickly find out what content you should package to sell? How to Almost Guarantee Your eBook Market Success Conceptualizing a profitable idea and formulating a marketing plan to sell it is a relatively exhausting task. Not everyone is gifted with the creative juices to come up with a cutting edge concept. Reflection for Personal and Professional Development Whatever you can do, Or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Cashing In by Writing How-tos If you enjoy explaining how something is done step by step, you may just have an saleable article or book idea. How-to articles and books are favorites at many magazine and book publishers. And the range of topics is practically endless. Think about it for a minute. Almost anything that you have had some experience in doing has potential. For example, can you explain how to install a hardwood floor, make paper toys, choose good doctors, invest money, buy businesses, or start a relationship? Of course, a subject such as how to make those sit-ups more effective might be a great magazine article. On the other hand, a subject such as how to make wooden toys might be effective as a book. How to Price Your eBook You've written and compiled an ebook. Now you have to decide how much to charge for it. Finding the right price is essential to the success of your product. If you charge too little, people will think it's of little value, and they won't purchase it, or even it they do buy your book, you will have to sell thousands of copies to get to the point where you can begin to see a profit. If you price it too high when compared with your competition, you will find yourself steadily lowering the price, which will cause you all kinds of new problems in the future. For example, if you sell your ebook at first for $39.99, and later reduce it to $24.95, don't you think the people who bought it for $39.99 are going to be PISSED? 20 Ways To Profit With Free eBooks My habit of collecting every free eBook I could lay my hands proved very profitable Ask and Ye Shall Create How do you decide to create a new speech? A new report? A net product? Most of us have an idea, then start to work on it. It's only when we are well into the creation phase that we determine whether or not it will sell. 3 Powerful Types of eBooks That You Can Sell Online A big part of knowing how to write and sell ebooks is understanding exactly what will turn a prospect into a hungry buyer. Why The Future Will Always Be Digital Products Everywhere you go on the Internet, you will find some type of "digital product" on any website. What are "digital products?" Digital products are any products that you buy and then download to your computer or print to paper. 7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 6 Secret #6: Creating momentum and identity through Book Sellers! Writing an eBook is Risk-taking Behaviour ? Choose to do it! The choice to author a book isn't one that just suddenly comes to you. It's something that gradually happens. And it usually happens many times before you begin to take it seriously. My Rich Mums Ebook Secrets As usual, I walked into the Starbucks for my morning coffee. How One eBook Author Writes eBooks How does this eBook writing process actually work for an individual? It is truly a unique experience for all of us. I will share with you some personal thoughts about my process. 20 Questions To Ask Before Creating An eBook 1. What will be the title of your ebook and will it have a subtitle? E-book Security Anxiety You are not alone. Tons of people are nervous that their e-book will be stolen and put on the black market (hmm, or the cyber black market, I guess you'd call it). Now, stealing is never right or fair, but in this case theft means one good thing, at least they have heard of you! Cyber thieves or not, they know your name and think your knowledge is coveted enough to steal (again, I do not condone this, but there is always a bright side, right?) 7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 7 Secret #7: How to create a mountain of sales using multiple Royalty Publishers! Ebook Marketing: 20 Checklist For eBook Creation If you promote an ebook, please pay attention to these ebook marketing checklist: Internet Marketing Online: 15 Smart Quick Ways To Profit From Ebooks If you have an ebook, I can show you 15 internet marketing online secrets to profit from it: The Secrets to Writing Your Very Own Profit Pulling eBook! I can guarantee that anyone can write an ebook. Everyone has their own interests which they can talk confidently about in depth and detail. With the amount of people on the internet nowadays, you can guarantee that there will be thousands of others with the same interest as you. Information is a huge bestseller on the internet. Thousands of people are dying to get their hands on a manual or expert guide about your interest. Therefore, there is a huge opportunity for you to spend a little time compiling a guide on your interest and selling it to those who desperately need it. What's even better is the fact that you can write, compile, and publish your ebook with no cost at all. You get to keep all the profits. |
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