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Retiring Abroad and Leaving the Grey Skies of the UK
Retiring abroad needs careful planning. Not all countries have the same entitlement to benefits as the UK and your tax liability may be affected. UK nationals have the right to retire in any European Economic Area (EEA) country. If you intend to move to any other country, you should speak first to the British Consul in that country and its foreign consulate here in the UK. If you are planning to retire abroad, here are some things to consider: Calculate your retirement income. Contact the Retirement Pension Forecasting and Advice Unit (RPFA) for a state pension forecast. If you are living abroad then the Inland Revenue can help. Entitlements can vary according to the country of residence Ask the Inland Revenue for information about tax liability on any income over the UK personal allowance. The amount of UK tax you will have to pay from abroad can vary depending on where you decide to live. Seek independent tax advice about any benefits to you held in offshore banking, as this could reduce your tax liability depending on where you plan to live. Find out about welfare rights abroad. Some UK benefits are not payable outside the UK, others apply only in the EU or in countries which have agreements with the UK Inform your social security office or Jobcentre Plus, the Inland Revenue National Insurance Contributions Office (International Services) and the Department for Work and Pensions when you move and provide your contact details abroad. You should also tell them if you change address again or return to the UK Find out about health care costs in the country you want to retire to. The Department for Work and Pensions will be able to advice on your rights in EU countries. Taking care of your health, the most important aspect of preparing to live abroad Health Care Abroad: There is nothing more important than your health so it is essential that you plan for any eventualities that may occur whilst living abroad. The UK government strongly advises that you take out health insurance to cover private medical and dental treatment, as well as medical repatriation. Keeping your home in the UK If you are decide to keep your property in the UK and it is going to be empty or rented out, you will need to let your local council know, and you will also need to look at how the property can be kept secure while you are away. Contact your local council. The council tax department and the electoral registration unit will need to know when you are planning to move and a forwarding address The Bills Notify your utility companies that you are moving in order to get your final bills and provide a forwarding address for them to send you any outstanding payments or refunds tell your bank, building society or any financial institution that you have a policy or agreement with that you are moving abroad have your mail forwarded by asking for a redirection form from the Post Office. Nicholas Marr
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Solitary Confinement -- for Life Sixty-five year old Arthur Jones served a self-imposed life sentence - in his own home. Whos Gonna Take Care of You When Youre Old? I finally went to the doctor this morning for my bad cold. My appointment was for 9:30 am and yet I didn't get home until after 1:00 pm. New Hope for Alzheimers Treatment There is now widespread agreement among research scientists and medical professionals that Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a problem quickly growing to vast proportions. As the life expectancy of Americans continues to rise, increasing the percentage of the population over 65 years of age, so does the number of Alzheimer's cases. Board and Care Homes ? What Are They? Board and Care homes (also known as RCFE's - Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly) are residential private homes that have been licensed by the Department of Social Services to provide services to seniors. Most accept no more than six residents, but offer a cozy, home-like setting for frail seniors. At least one caregiver is on the premises at all times to assist residents. Skilled Nursing Homes - What Are They? A skilled nursing home is a medical facility providing services similar to a hospital. The homes are staffed with licensed nurses, shared rooms, hospital beds, regular scheduled doctor rounds, meals and housekeeping. Skilled nursing homes often provide a more pleasant setting with optimal nurse to patient ratios and relaxed atmospheres. Mom Wont Participate! Q: Six months ago we placed my mother in an assisted living facility. She gets along fairly well, but we thought she would get involved with all of the activities. Instead she complains that she is very lonely, and won't participate. Do you have any suggestions? Just Give Them a Lot of Love and You?ll be Fine It was right about this time, 19 years ago. My wife and I were sitting in the very last Lamaze birthing class, soon to be brand new parents. I felt a wave of anxiety come over me. I had to ask the question. I raised my hand. The Nurse, her name was Dorinda, pointed at me and said, "Yes, you have a question." Did I have a question? I just knew EVERY Dad was wondering the same thing? "You have given us some great information, almost too much. I am afraid I am going to forget all this stuff?then what?" I could feel the other Dad's nodding. She smiled; she was very wise and patient. She had taught thousands of new Dads. "That's a great question," pausing for effect, she continued, "That little baby doesn't know you don't know. Just give him a lot of love, you will be fine." It turned out to be the best parenting advice I ever received. 5 Myths You Should Know Before Choosing Elder Care Myths associated with selecting quality nursing home care suggest quick and easy ways to identify quality care. In fact, relying on these myths can lead to disastrous results. I have identified a few of the most common myths in hopes of helping you avoid some of the problems commonly found in many nursing homes. What Most Long Term Care Professionals Don?t Know Medicare recognizes this need and, therefore reimburses your residents to receive advanced behavioral health services? making them free to your facility! Review of the Changing Protein Requirements for Seniors Youth, it is said, is wasted on the young. Too busy figuring life they hardly take the time to enjoy it. Fortunately, with medical research and scientific progress, lifespans have doubled over the last century. We can now start life at fifty and have another go at youth. Health consciousness, appropriate diet and exercise, can make the later years of life a pleasant experience. Dietary principles play as especially important role in this regard. Compensating for the physiological changes of aging, they can give us better odds at achieving our genetically determined lifespans. Prepare to Make Long-term Care Choices Several months ago, I was coming out of a gas station when a woman stopped me and asked me what I did for a living. On the back of our van is our web address. On the side wing windows is "Free Senior Home Placement." I explained to her that I am a Long Term Care Consultant. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Great I need you!" Angels Are Reaching Out to the Elderly I am reminded time after time of the profound effect Angels have on people. Recently, I have been receiving many emails containing examples of how the Angels are reaching through the veils to assist the elderly. The elderly respond to Angel Paintings with a knowingness of love and illumination that comes from within them. Sometimes the reactions have been as though they are recognizing an old friend. Respiratory Help Is Available For Seniors With COPD As HMOs Continue to Drop Coverage for Seniors - Now Over 500,000 Victims - Those Needing Expensive Respiratory Medication, Support and Homecare Services are the Hardest Hit Short Trips Can Stimulate Alzheimers Patients Severe degradation of short-term memory means that my father, an Alzheimer's elder, is seldom interested in movies or books. And, although music used to be a source of enjoyment, he no longer listens with pleasure. Left to his own devices, he sits. . .and sits. . .and sits unless he's sleeping. What to do? Second Hand Stair Lifts Buying second hand stair lifts is a viable and cost effective alternative to purchasing a brand new stair lift. Most stair lifts can be purchased new or second hand. Alzheimers Care Giving While Maintaining Your Own Health Just for a moment I want you to imagine that you are coming out of a very deep sleep. If you have ever had surgery try to remember the way you felt as you were trying to make sense of things as you awoke. As you imagine or remember this sensation do you find yourself wondering if it is morning or night? Are you trying to remember where you are? Do you have a startle reaction and think for a moment that you are late for work or forgot to pick up your children at school? I have had that upsetting feeling if I wake up in the middle of the night or even after a nap. Now imagine that same fog every moment of your life....... Senior Living: 5 Ways to Help Reduce the Risk of Falling Every year we hear stories of seniors falling, ending up in hospitals and never fully recovering. Unfortunately, these falls often result in death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury related deaths for seniors age 65 and older. Every year, approximately 35% to 40% of seniors over 65 years of age fall at least one time. The following are five ways to help reduce the risk of you or a loved one from falling: 10 Tips to Keep a Family Caregiver from Losing Their Mind Caring full time for a loved one can be a challenging task, and it takes a special person to get the job done right. Patience and compassion are the two top qualities a caregiver must possess in order to be successful. Caring for someone who suffers from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia can be an uphill battle at times. This requires planning on behalf of the caregiver in order to keep from burning out. The following are useful tips on how to remain a hardworking caregiver while maintaining your sanity: Caring for Aging Relatives It happens somewhat slowly in the beginning, maybe with a small cough that gets worse as time goes on. It might simply begin with absent mindedness which is totally out of character, followed by total memory lapses. What do we do when our parents eventually need taking care of after they have spent so much of their adult lives taking care of us? What precisely is a child's responsibility to them? Is it self-centered to relocate them into an assisted home? And which siblings should shoulder the responsibility? These are questions which plague families whenever a parent happens to become sick. Honey, Where Are The Car Keys? Q: My mother is always losing, hiding and hoarding things, I am losing my mind! What can I do to get her to stop? ![]() |
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