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Six Easy White-Listing Ways... Stop Losing Important Emails!
Are you dead sure about receiving of all the important emails that is sent to you? "The chances are that you are among the 42% of the people who ARE NOT receiving the genuine emails and newsletters that you requested for". Why this is so? Increasingly, ISPs are using filtering systems to try and keep S/p/a/m out of customers' inboxes. Being automated, these filters are not perfect. Many authentic emails get caught in these filters. Sometimes, they accidentally filter that "All-Important-Email" you were waiting for. And you have no way to know which of your emails is filtered. The end result is, you end up losing critical info that may prove to be vital to your business. Is there a way to solve the problem? Fortunately for all of us, there exist simple solutions. But the action has to come from you to make sure that these critical communications reaches your mailbox - Unblocked. Six of the most common and easy solutions are given below. It's simple to implement. #1. *The HOTMAIL User*: You can 'Safe List' an email ID in hotmail. Here's how: #2 *The AOL User*: Place an email ID in the 'Address Book' in AOL. Here's how: Important Note On AOL 9.0 : AOL 9.0 has become more complicated. The best way is to place an email ID to the "Person I know" buddy list. All mail you receive from this email ID will pass through the filters. So, make sure that when you join for a newsletter, it is ADDED to your buddy list. #3 *The YAHOO User*: Correct the 'Bulk' Folder in your Yahoo. Here's how: 1. Newsletters gets mistakenly filtered to your Yahoo 'Bulk' folder. Go to your 'Bulk' folder; locate the filtered newsletter and choose, "this is not S^pam", next to the "From" field. Also, to ensure that you do not miss on important emails to your Yahoo Inbox, do these steps: #4. *For OTHER Users*: Meant for email programs like Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora and Netscape Mail. Here's how: Inform your ISP or the person responsible for your email that you want to receive all communications from a particular domain. For e.g. a member of http://www.learnhomebusiness.com, asks them to white-list the eZine "HomeBiz Tips-EMag' so that he can continue to receive our Zero-cost products without a break. #5. *For Own Filter Software*: Many times the filter software installed in the computer is the culprit. Here's how to prevent it. Look for "Options" in the filter software that you have installed in your computer. Then give permissions for all emails from a particular email ID or domain. #6. *Two Additional Tips To Prevent Loosing Important Emails*: Tip #1 : You may be currently receiving all your email messages without a hitch. But, it's still advisable to white-list and prevent future problems. Tip #2 : No matter what the email system you are currently using, add the email ID of your opt-in Newsletters' to the 'Address Book' of your particular email system. Currently, white-listing is the ONLY way to ensure that you receive all your important emails. Do not ignore this important aspect of email communication. From a personal angle, the major chunk of what I learned so far is from small, nifty newsletters that arrives in my mail box with a welcome smile. I can never block these little capsules of vital info. If I do, I am blocking myself from the 'tit-bits' that adds to my knowledge. Ultimately, Integrating these 'tit-bits' into my website http://www.learnhomebusiness.com, keeps it live and current - Everyday. About The Author Copyright 2003: S. Kumar, http://www.learnhomebusiness.com Author of eBook:"Become A Global Homebusiness Pro..." Direct Download Here At Zero Cost - http://www.learnhomebusiness.com/HomeBiz.htm
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Why Autoresponders Are An Essential Tool For Your Business Did you know that one of the major purposes of a website is to capture visitor information and create an effective prospect list? Building Relationships Takes Time: Overcoming the Overnight Surge Urge Whenever we talk to a new or a "we hope to land soon" client, we are careful to stress the relational aspect of newsletter marketing. In fact, we go lengths to tell people that it takes time to build a list, time to develop trust, and time for people to feel comfortable enough to make the contact to initiate a purchase. What is Email Marketing? There are many avenues available for marketing online products. Radios, TV advertisements, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and that big sign on the highway are examples of the traditional marketing approach. Yes, these approaches can work, but then after spending a lot of money it's tough to calculate return on marketing investment. Now these days, there are two effective and low-cost approaches, search engine marketing and Email Marketing. Do You Ponder the Automatic Responder? * The Automatic Responder is generally referred to as an Autoresponder. 11 Creative Ways You Can Use Autoresponders 1. Pick 4 or more articles you've written that have a common theme and put them in an autoresponder series. Announce it on your site as an e-mail course on the go. Improve Newsletter Delivery with an Autoresponder Service Another powerful reason for making the switch from using the unlimited autoresponders that come free with your web hosting account to paying a monthly fee for an autoresponder service is improved deliverability of newsletters and other e-mails. Great Response by Auto Responder 1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who requests information from your autoresponder. Lesson #3: Capitalize on Your Captures! One of the underlying benefits of smart autoresponders is that you can use your autoresponder for mailing list management. Its In The List! Thats Where It Is! Have you noticed the marketing frenzy? Have you felt the growing pains? Everyone who has an online business seems to be getting in the marketing fray, making it a busy and very competitive field. If you're one of them, you're probably on a whirlwind ride. Marketers are looking high and low for the most profitable ways to spend their hard earned money to keep their online business in the red. Some Simple Sure-fire Strategies to Construct a Responsive Opt in List! A responsive opt in list is an unbelievably powerful money-maker on the internet. With responsive opt in list you can guarantee yourself a steady income. A responsive opt in list will make money through you advertising other people's products, through affiliate sales and of course through sales of your own. However, responsive opt in lists are not found commonly on the internet, primarily because owners of opt in lists do not put the time into building strong relationships with their list members. Strong relationships with your list members are essential because they will begin to trust you and will seriously consider what you have to say. Other webmasters will notice the great response rate of your list and will beg to be able to advertise with a solo mailing. Of course if your list is in high demand for advertising, you can push the price of ad space up, which will lead to additional profits. Here are some great ways to build great relationships with your list members without you spending hours of your time. FIVE ADVANCED and Essential features of Your Follow up Autoresponder If you are not using a follow up autoresponder until now, just buy it. Follow up autoresponders are very valuable tool for online business. Use the ?Reply All? Function in Email Judiciously Type "email etiquette" into the search bar of any popular search engine and you'll get over one million hits. Because email is used so broadly, it poses certain problems for the professional who is attempting to communicate well. Any of those over one million hits will tell you the benefits of using email to conduct your business because it is a fast and efficient form of communicating. However, email is often the least preferred method of communicating by many readers. The Power Of Email Marketing Have You Considered The Power Of Email Marketing Benchmark Study of Email Database Services -- Email Appending and ECOA Match Rates Revealed -- Why Are People Cheesed Off With the Internet? Having been connected to the "net" now for about eight years I can't help but notice the amount of deception that goes on. And it seems to be getting worse. It has got to the point where almost everything you read has to be viewed with a healthy degree of suspicion. Five of the Most Powerful Elements In Opt-in Marketing Lack of trust is the biggest problem marketers have on the internet, or better yet, the biggest opportunity. What A Newsletter Can Do For Your Business Newsletters are often thought of as easy, do-it-yourself communications projects. The reality is different?and that can be discouraging. An E-mail Promotion Internet Marketing Strategy Works E-mail promotion Internet marketing can help your home-based business expand and attract customers that are interested in goods and services like yours. Once you have determined who is your target market, drawing them into your circle of customers requires some effort. Using an e-mail promotion, Internet marketing can be very lucrative to your business. Introduction to Autoresponders If you've reached the point of exhaustion trying to keep up with answering the mountain of emails that threatens to bury you alive every single day, you're ready to learn about autoresponders. Email List Management How do you get the most out of your list? ![]() |
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