What is Email Marketing?

There are many avenues available for marketing online products. Radios, TV advertisements, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and that big sign on the highway are examples of the traditional marketing approach. Yes, these approaches can work, but then after spending a lot of money it's tough to calculate return on marketing investment. Now these days, there are two effective and low-cost approaches, search engine marketing and Email Marketing.

Email Marketing starts with the use of email accounts. 90% of the adult internet users have personal/ business email accounts in unites states. Millions of people across the country use email almost everyday. Business or personal use, people has just lost that old traditional mail approach.

Most of the business professionals and technocrats today check their email accounts more than voicemail on their phone.

Millions of people subscribes for information they are interested in everyday.

Although spammers are killing the charm of email marketing and everyone is effected.

The way I define Email marketing is as below:

"Email marketing is a technique to reach the maximum number of people or businesses through Email in a shortest amount of time with minimum spending."

Starting with small businesses, universities, non-profit organizations, associations, online publications and many giant corporations are using email marketing in one way or another. Small businesses uses email marketing as sales effort, associations uses it to send information to their members and information subscribers, and giant corporations are using it to increase brand awareness.

The fundamentals of Email marketing a regular or online product is no different from those that apply to conventional marketing. A compelling message must be developed to convey the product and achieve the core objectives of the email marketing campaign (Increased brand awareness, brand image, trial etc.) Unlike other marketing techniques, Email marketing gives you all the reports, statistics and results in real-time. I believe Email Marketing is the only technique that gives you perfect calculations of the Return on Marketing Investment.

Email marketing can be most useful tool in the following areas:

Brand development
Customer relationship management
Boost sales
Increase product awareness

Above of all, Email marketing success depends upon well executed creative development (message creation) and targeting. Reach to millions in a day, the only way is Email Marketing!

Mike Savaliya is an Editor with http://www.MailMailer.com a leading web-based Email Marketing service provider. Create, send, and track HTML email newsletters. Free to try!

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