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Dont Be Viewed as Rude!
All too often otherwise nice folks come off as terse or plain old rude when it comes to their e-mail habits. They don't intentionally set out to be viewed as rude, well I guess some do, but for the most part I prefer to believe the majority do not. Are you being viewed as rude? Do your e-mail habits smack of a lack of consideration for the person on other side? Below are the most common faux pas I see onliners make on a regular basis that end up leaving a negative perception. If you answer "Yes" to any of the following questions you are most likely being viewed as rude. => Do you forward e-mails without comment? If you cannot take the time to write a comment about why you are forwarding that particular e-mail to that particular person don't bother forwarding at all or you'll be viewed as rude! => Do you send overly large unexpected attachments? If you cannot take the time to determine file size and ask first when would be the best time to send them, you're being viewed as rude! => Do you send business attachments after business hours? If you do, you will definitely be viewed as rude when you cause your associate's inbox to fill and all subsequent e-mail to bounce! => Do you start every e-mail with a "Hi" or "Hello" with the recipient's name and close with a "Sincerely," "Take Care," or "TTYS," and your name? If you cannot take the time to personally address an e-mail and sign off with courtesy, which will cause you to be perceived as demanding or curt, you'll be viewed as rude! => Do you e-mail Web sites for information without searching to see if the information you're seeking has already been provided for your convenience? If you cannot take a few moments to search a site and read the information provided, you'll be viewed as rude! => Do you use multiple !!! or ??? in your e-mails? If you do, you will come off as pushy and/or condescending and you'll be viewed as rude! => Do you include everyone's e-mail address in the To: field even if they don't know each other? If you do, that is a serious breach of privacy when you expose your contact's e-mail addresses to strangers and, you will be viewed as rude! => Do you add the e-mail address of new contacts, newsletters you've subscribed to or Web sites you receive e-mail from to your approved or white list? If not, your spam blocking or your ISP's filtering program may return e-mails or ask for confirmation. If you initiated the request, courtesy dictates that you add their e-mail address to your approved list to make communicating with you easy or, you'll be viewed as rude! Avoid being viewed as rude by taking the time to show courtesy to the people you are communicating with. All too often folks think only of themselves and what they want to do at any given moment regardless of how it will be perceived or affect the person on the other side. Good manners never go out of style and that applies to e-mail activities as well. "To be always thinking about your manners is not the way to make them good; the very perfection of manners is not to think about yourself." - Richard Whately About the Author: Judith Kallos is an authoritative and good-humored Technology Muse who has played @ http://www.TheIStudio.com for over a decade. Check out her popular E-mail Etiquette Web site and Book @: http://www.NetManners.com
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The Gold Is In Your Mailing List Let me ask you a question, "What is the most valuable asset to any Internet Business?" Email Marketing Kung Fu Have you ever heard email described as, "the killer Internet Application?" Do you understand why email is the killer app for your business on the Internet, or how to make it that way if it isn't now? To Get Your Email To Stand Out From All The Junk We know that email marketing is a cheap method to reach our customers, prospects and subscribers. However, the increasing amount of unsolicited commercial email is clogging up the inboxes of everyone. unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses! 5 unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses! (c) Copyright S. Kumar 2004 http://www.learnhomebusiness.com Summary of Adestras Presentation on Best Practice EZines at the July NEPA Conference At the recent Online Marketing Show, Adestra ran an email clinic. Attendees spent time with an Adestra expert who provided feedback and useful advice about how they could improve their campaigns. Three Steps To Building A 50K Email List In Less Than 90 Days One major asset that every internet or affiliate marketer needs is a big email list. There is a saying in the marketing world that states that "the money is in the list". This is very true because the bigger the list, the greater the potential income. But a common concern amongst many people marketing online is: Internet Marketing Strategies: 20 Secrets To Using Free Autoresponder Courses To Magnify Your Sales Among internet marketing strategies that most marketers are not using effectively is autoresponder marketing. Email Marketing - How Best To Manage and Distribute Your Messages This holiday season 15 percent of consumers in the US plan to buy online, spending an average of $585. That's 9 percent more revenue for online merchants in comparison to last year's results. Email Marketing 2005?Do?s & Don?ts Email Marketing 2005?Do's & Don'ts Personalizing Your Emails? An Amazing Technique That Doubles Your Click Throughs And Profits Are you publishing an ezine or offering an email course? Are you talking with your subscriber through your ezine or email course? If so what are you calling them? 10 Ways To Quadruple Your Sales with 232% 1. When you make your first sale, you need to follow-up with the customer. You could follow-up with a nice "thank you" email and include an advertisement for any other products you sell. I advise to follow-up every few months or weeks even! Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing Given the inherent problems with traditional marketing techniques, it`s important to master the BASIC STRATEGIES FOR INTEGRATING EMAIL into your overall campaign. Use Autoresponders, to Build Relationships In Your Affiliate Marketing It's true that "content is king," but equally important to success in online marketing of any kind is contact. Not just the one time "flash in the pan" type either. You need to form relationships with your potential customers, and maintain it on a day to day basis. Remember, just as with content, good solid contact will get you good solid sales. What is Gmail? Like most other prime search engines, the ability to freely giveaway an email account is a positive tool that signals to the user community that this search engine is here to stay! Google is no different in this approach. Recently, Google has been beta testing Gmail. Google's very own email services repository. Best of all, it's free! Well, it's going to be free, its currently available only in Beta mode, if you are lucky enough to have received an invitation to sign up for a complimentary account you currently enjoy the benefits of ubiquitous Gmail. What?s the Value of an E-mail Address? Although it may not be practical to put a dollar-sign value on an e-mail address there are many financially-savvy reasons to start collecting e-mail addresses if you haven't already begun. If you have, keep reading for a few more tips on e-mail address collection at the end of this article. Email Marketing Best Practices Now that we've explored the importance of sending permission-based email, let's take a closer look at some of the techniques and practices that the most experienced email marketers use. These best practices can make the difference between rapidly growing your list through word of mouth, increasing your sales, and building strong relationships and losing subscribers to list attrition, aggravating customers, and getting your messages blocked before they even reach your recipients. Building Relationships Takes Time: Overcoming the Overnight Surge Urge Whenever we talk to a new or a "we hope to land soon" client, we are careful to stress the relational aspect of newsletter marketing. In fact, we go lengths to tell people that it takes time to build a list, time to develop trust, and time for people to feel comfortable enough to make the contact to initiate a purchase. Free Email Accounts ? Pros and Cons Free email accounts are great if you want to hide your identity. They are great to sign up for free stuff. They are also very popular for SPAM emails and due to this they also filter too many non-spam emails as well. Ever wondered why you haven't heard from a friend lately. All a sudden no more emails, not even the forwarded jokes. Your friend just disappeared and you scratching your head what you have done to tick him/her off. Spam Check Your Newsletter for FREE Spam is a bigger and bigger problem nowadays. Recently Ralph Wilson, Paul Myers, and other Internet marketing gurus have written about the problems that spam is causing honest, hard working Internet marketers. Email Etiquette IV Further to my previous issues this subject continues - part IV. This month I'll share on Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) field and the use of backgrounds for your emails. The use of Bad language in emails will also be mentioned. ![]() |
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