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Save Time By Creating Email Signature Templates
If you're like me, there are certain types of email that you send out regularly that follow a set form (client follow up notes, meeting notes, email article submission, etc). These can be irritating to have to recreate from scratch every time, but the tried and true method of creating a seperate document-file template, then sending that out as an attachment, may not always be appropriate. For example, email-based article submissions generally accept only plain text in-message formatting and require rigorous adherence to detailed submission guidelines involving the placement of bylines, the structure and length of the article body and the arrangement and length of bio-boxes and other inclusions - any deviation from which will result in a refusal of submission. Aggravatingly enough, these submission requirements are often so completely different from one submission site to another that it is difficult if not impossible to keep them straight without an entire set of templates. To get around these and other problems, consider using the signature option in your emailer program to create individual email "signatures templates" for these commonly sent and repetitive emails. Using the above example of an email article submission email, I might create a "signature template" that looks something like this: Title Body (single spaced, 60-65 characters per line, no html) Bio-box (no more that 3 sentences, no more than 2 links)
Client (or team member) Name Summary of Meeting Comments Action Steps Next Meeting Agenda
I'm sure that if you think creatively and look at the emails you send out on a regular basis, you'll find many examples for which a simple "signature template" can save you time, trouble and annoyance. How many ways can you think of to use this time-saving trick? (c) Soni Pitts ABOUT THE AUTHOR Soni Pitts is the Chief Visionary Butt-Kicker of SoniPitts.Com. She specializes in helping others reclaim "soul proprietorship" in their lives and to begin living the life their Creator always intended for them. She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your Goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.
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The Ultimate Self-Promotion Tool Is Right at Your Fingertips: An E-mail Newsletter If you're looking for low-cost ways to promote your business (and aren't we all?), I hope you've considered publishing an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine." Here are six darn good reasons why you shouldn't wait any longer: An e-zine is the perfect way to STAY IN TOUCH with your clients and prospects on a regular basis. Unless you continually follow up with clients and prospects, they'll soon forget about you. But imagine calling or writing each and every one of your clients and prospects every week! That would be nearly impossible to pull off. Well, an e-zine achieves the same goal - keeping you on their "radar screens," but in an unobtrusive way. This constant contact makes these folks more likely to think of YOU - not someone they heard about yesterday - when they need to hire a coach. An e-zine allows you to effortlessly SPREAD THE WORD about you and your business. If you write a decent e-zine, your readers will be very likely to pass it on to friends and colleagues. Remember that old shampoo commercial that went, "And I told two friends, and she told two friends, and so on, and so on..."? That principle - clients passing on the word about your product or service - is called "viral marketing" these days. Most publishers begin with only a few dozen subscribers who are their clients and associates. But after several months, you can have thousands of readers on your list - thanks to viral marketing mixed with some promotional legwork. An e-zine is a CREDIBLE and SUBTLE way to promote your services or products. Instead of simply *saying* how great your business is, an e-zine lets you *show* how great you are by sharing your expertise through tips or client stories. (As my old journalism professor used to say, "Show me, don't just tell me!") You're avoiding simple bragging, and are instead offering useful information that demonstrates your knowledge. Bravo! Publishing an e-zine positions you as an EXPERT in your field. By showcasing your knowledge and skills, you're likely to attract more and better clients. And by sharing what you know well, you're saying, "Hey, I know my stuff! I'm an expert." If you make a living by providing a service, you're an expert in your own right. If you're still uncomfortable with that term, try on the word resource." (Okay, feel better?) An e-zine is the ideal way to CAPTURE the e-mail addresses of your WEB VISITORS. If I visit your site today but aren't ready to buy from you today, you've likely lost me forever when I click away. BUT if you invite me to sign up for your free newsletter that features helpful information on the topic at hand, I'll be happy to sign up. NOW you've got me to market to, over and over, as long as you continue to give me the practical content you promised. This is especially powerful because statistics show that consumers don't usually purchase a product or service until after they've seen multiple messages about it. An e-zine is CHEAP and EASY to publish - especially compared with a print newsletter. If you were to produce and mail a snazzy-looking *printed* newsletter, you could easily spend thousands of dollars each year. But an e-zine is essentially FREE to put together and publish - it just takes a bit of your time. And you can make it as long or short as you'd like. (Some of the best e-zines I get feature only one tip per issue and are less than one computer screen long.) For best results, keep it simple! Viral Marketing with Your Signature File Computer viruses are usually a bad thing. They can compromise your security, delete necessary files, and give your PC trouble. Viruses reak havoc quickly often because they are forwarded via email and eventually reach thousands of computers. Add Email To Your Marketing Mix If you are serious about adding email to your marketing mix, you should take email seriously enough to develop a plan for it. Too many organizations launch a half-baked email program and then are disappointed when it doesn't live up to expectations. A Guide To Using an Automatic Responder It's unbelievable....that many people do not know, that an automatic responder in your first few months of promoting your service, product or opportunity, is the most important tool in your box! Building Your Own Goldmine - The Golds In The List The best way to make money on the Internet is to build an opt-in email list and then promote one product after another to your list. Grab Those Emails! ? 11 Key Ways to Get Your Visitors to Hand Over Their Email Address If you are trying to get an opt-in email list going for you website, you might be wondering where to start. The most important rule to understand is that you must persuade your website visitors to let you have their, oftentimes guarded and protected, email addresses. Choose Your Email Marketing Software Wisely Successful online business can't be led without email marketing. Many people know that it is very important to have a web site but having a web site is only one step in creating successful online presence. You have to stay in touch with your clients and prospects. You need to have a two way communication with your clients and prospects and best way to do this is to have an email newsletter. To send emails to your customer you need the right email marketing software. Seven Ways to Dramatically Increase Your Email Marketing Profitability 1. The Power of Seven Having an Opt In List As an Affiliate Marketer Is Crucial What is an Opt-in List and what is its significance in Affiliate Marketing? This may be the question playing in your mind, especially for Affiliate Marketing neophytes; and it is a question worth asking. Successful Email Marketing No doubt email is still the best way to get a quick response from your prospect. Big companies on the web have realized this that they have implemented free email address service on their web site. This free email awareness has even reached Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, and InfoSeek. They knew that being a search engine is not enough that they've even turned into a hotmail web site. We'll recruit your people under you. 10 Reasons to Outsouce Your Next Email Marketing Campaign So, why would you want to send your campaigns out using an email service provider(ESP) rather than your standard email program (SEP)? Here are some points to consider?? The Most Simple Way to Mask Your Email-address We all know that spammers are looking for your email-address. You can mislead them easily in order to prevent receiving spamming emails. The most simple way to do this is by providing your email-address as a logo. Top 10 Business E-Mail Basics When it comes to your business e-mail communications, you need to make an impression that can lend to the determination that you are someone that will be a pleasure to do business with. Personalizing Your Emails? An Amazing Technique That Doubles Your Click Throughs And Profits Are you publishing an ezine or offering an email course? Are you talking with your subscriber through your ezine or email course? If so what are you calling them? E-mail 101: The Dos and Donts Even though many people have been writing e-mails for a few years now, you would be amazed at some of the pure gibberish that arrives in my e-mailbox on a regular basis. An Unexploited Market: Striking Gold Without Searching for El Dorado Companies have been focused on using the Internet to market goods and services to the consumer. Many see this as the major revenue stream on the net. But there is an undiscovered El Dorado, a goldmine of opportunity that very few have begun to mine. Reach Out and Slap Someone I was working for a large Chicago bank in the 1980s, when they introduced an electronic message service for internal communications. The only electronic mail that seemed to flow for the longest time were all those official HR notification of vacation time policies, etc., and of course, the ALL CAPS messages from the executive floor. Is Your Autoresponder Hungry? Do you know how to feed it, so that it helps you to earn the money you deserve! Building your own profit pulling list is EASY when you know how! The Power of a Referral Script The key to the success of e-commerce is in the combination of the power of viral marketing, permission marketing and one to one marketing. How to Start Your Own Mailing List I remember reading time and time again when I first begun my Internet Marketing adventure that a mailing list was one of "the" best ways to generate larger amounts of money online. So I wasted no time in implementing a mailing list for my businesses. Or business (to start with). ![]() |
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