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E-mail 101: The Dos and Donts
Even though many people have been writing e-mails for a few years now, you would be amazed at some of the pure gibberish that arrives in my e-mailbox on a regular basis. Many people seem to think that because they aren't dealing directly with another person (or as directly as they would be face-to-face or by telephone), all forms of civility and basic respect for the other person (i.e. the recipient), and the English language, can go out the proverbial window. Not true! Writing e-mails is still communicating. Both the recipient and the language still deserve your respect. The following Dos and Don'ts of writing e-mails have been adapted from my eBook entitled "Instant Home Writing Kit". The first version of these appeared in another one of my books "Internet Basics without fear!" (2000). E-MAIL DOS AND DON'TS DO... Use A Descriptive Subject Line There is nothing more annoying than receiving e-mails in your e-Inbox with no heading, or a heading that does not explain what the contents of the message is all about. When one receives multiple messages every day, the subject-line is important when reviewing and prioritizing e-mail that is in one's mailbox. Also, if you include a descriptive title, your message is almost guaranteed to be read before the ones with blank or meaningless titles. Tip: I even revise the Subject Line when I am sending a Reply, to reflect the essence of my response. This is especially useful if it's one of those e-mails that travels back and forth 3 or 4 times. Often, there is little relationship between the point of the first message and the later ones. So, try revising the Subject Line slightly each time to reflect the content of the current reply. DO... Use Opening And Closing Salutations Some people have forgotten that e-mail is interpersonal communication between human beings. Basic civility still applies. There is nothing much more impersonal than receiving an e-mail that doesn't at least say "Hello..." or "Hi..." for the opening; and "Regards..." or "Thanks..." or "Take care..." or "All the best...", or something similar as the closing. We can't personally sign the note by hand anymore, but we can surely personalize it a little bit by at least typing in the recipient's name and then wishing them the best. DO... Use Capital Letters Sparingly The use of all-caps is shunned on the Internet. It's called SHOUTING. Every once in a while a word or two in capitals for particular emphasis is ok, but avoid overdoing it. Tip: Cutesy little smiles and similar symbols, known as emoticons, should also be used sparingly. :-) I advise you not to use these symbols at all in business e-mails, unless the recipient is a friend or well-known to you. Just as with business letters, the principle underlying business e-mails is: clear and concise businesslike communication with a minimum of clutter. '-) DO... Check Spelling, Grammar, and Format Make a point to ensure that your e-mail is relatively readable. It doesn't have to be a work of art, but at least respect the basic rules of spelling and grammar. Most e-mail programs have a spell-checker option. Use it. Tip: For better readability, break your e-mail into short 1,2, or 3 sentence paragraphs with a blank line between paragraphs. (i.e. double hard-return). DO... Watch Out For "E-mail Rage" Many an e-mail has been composed and sent when a person was in an angry or upset state (referred to as "flaming"). Many people have lived to regret these indiscretions in the cold sober light of the next hour, or the next day. Remember, whenever the Send button has been clicked, your e-mail is gone. Tip: When you compose an e-mail while in an "upset state", it is always a good idea to save it as a draft for an hour or two and then read it over carefully at least once before sending it, just to make sure you are communicating what you really want to, in a clear and respectful way. DON'T... Forward Junk Mail To Others From time to time, people to whom we have given our e-mail address will have momentary lapses in judgment (yes, even friends and family) and will forward "junk mail" to you. These are often long rambling stories, urban myths, scraps of wisdom, chain letters, collections of jokes, or such, that are prevalent around the Net. This is the equivalent of opening your regular mail box at home and finding it loaded with unsolicited and unwanted promotional letters and advertising flyers. Would you forward those to your friends or family? Do you? I didn't think so. When you receive one of these in your e-Inbox, DO NOT forward it on to someone else. Kill it then and there. This kind of unsolicited junk mail is known as "spam", and is definitely not acceptable on the Net. If a friend or acquaintance sends one to you, politely e-mail them back asking if they would please be kind enough to remove your name from their distribution list for that type of item. Explain that you are already inundated with this "type" of unsolicited e-mail. Usually, they will take the hint and accommodate you. DON'T... Think That E-Mail Is Instantaneous Believe it or not, e-mail is not as reliable as a telephone call when it comes to timely communication! The Internet is a loosely connected network of computers and telecommunications equipment owned, operated, and managed by many independent companies, institutions, and government organizations. Your e-mail must often travel a complex and circuitous route to get to its destination. For example, if someone schedules maintenance on a computer or a piece of equipment on the network that your e-mail must pass through, your message may be delayed and you won't even know it. Also, who is to guarantee that the intended recipient even checks their e-mail regularly? Many people only check their e-mail every few days. So, if your communication is urgent, use the standard telephone. It is still the only way to be absolutely sure that a message has been received at a particular point in time. DON'T... Forget To Check Your E-mail Regularly There is nothing more frustrating than sending an e-mail to someone and then having them tell you on the telephone a week later that they haven't seen your message because the last time they checked their e-mail was a week ago! If you want people to take your e-mails seriously, make sure that you take theirs seriously too. So, check your e-mail regularly; at least every two or three days. The bottom line to all of this is simple. Remember that e-mail is just another form of interpersonal communication. People deserve the same amount of respect and civility as you would give them in a telephone call or a regular letter. © 2005 by Shaun Fawcett Shaun Fawcett, is webmaster of the popular writing help site WritingHelp-Central.com. He is also the author of several best selling "writing toolkit" eBooks. All of his eBooks and his internationally acclaimed f-r-e-e course, "Tips and Tricks For Writing Success" are available at his writing tools site: http://www.writinghelptools.com
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What A Newsletter Can Do For Your Business Newsletters are often thought of as easy, do-it-yourself communications projects. The reality is different?and that can be discouraging. A Guide To Using an Automatic Responder It's unbelievable....that many people do not know, that an automatic responder in your first few months of promoting your service, product or opportunity, is the most important tool in your box! Ways to Use Autoreponders To Increase Your Profits When I was first introduced to an autoresponder I thought "wow cool program, I don't see how it can help me". Then one day my girlfriend received an email from a clothing shop she recently purchased a pair of jeans from informing her of an upcoming sale in their store for "valued customers only". At that moment I realized the awesome power of the autoresponder. How to Develop the Email Marketing Mindset and Earn Thousands Every Month with Your Lists Any business today, be it online or off needs a solid foundation, without one a business will topple. Ten Tips to Building Your Opt-in List. To build and maintain your opt-in list requires constant attention. Free Email Accounts ? Pros and Cons Free email accounts are great if you want to hide your identity. They are great to sign up for free stuff. They are also very popular for SPAM emails and due to this they also filter too many non-spam emails as well. Ever wondered why you haven't heard from a friend lately. All a sudden no more emails, not even the forwarded jokes. Your friend just disappeared and you scratching your head what you have done to tick him/her off. Autoresponders for Beginners Hi you may or may not know that your Autoresponder in your first few months promoting your service, product or opportunity, is the most important tool in your box! Five Profitable Ways To Use Your Follow Up Autoresponder What? You are not using a Follow up Autoresponder? Then better be. If you are SERIOUS about increasing your subscriber database, you need Follow up autoresponders. Is Your Autoresponder Hungry? Do you know how to feed it, so that it helps you to earn the money you deserve! Building your own profit pulling list is EASY when you know how! How To Create Gold With Email Promotions - Part 2 Don't forget people are so busy now they will only give your email a limited amount of their concentration. Therefore you should summarize your offer in the first paragraph. Are Your Subscribers Receiving Your Newsletter? In my e-mail one day, I received the following message: "Hello, I am a subscriber to your ezine and received the attached e-mail. Please advise if this is actually from your website. Thank you." How to Laser Your Email Messages If you're in business and use email, you've likely learned to KISS (keep it short & simple). However many people still think that writing an email should be like writing a letter to Aunt Sally. Letters are traditionally long and detailed. With email, however, you need to be laser-like, or risk losing your reader half-way through the first paragraph. 10 Terrific Ways To Enlarge Your Subscriber Base 1. Create a unique selling proposition (USP). 7 Wise Ways to Collect Email Addresses and Build Your Mailing List => Wise Way #1 - OFFER A FREEBIE 3 Important Tips to Write Money-Making Autoresponder Messages Sending autoresponder messages is one of the most powerful email marketing strategy. The most important benefit of this technique, is that you can automate 95% of the process. Here are some autoresponder message sample ideas to help you write money-making email messages. An Unexploited Market: Striking Gold Without Searching for El Dorado Companies have been focused on using the Internet to market goods and services to the consumer. Many see this as the major revenue stream on the net. But there is an undiscovered El Dorado, a goldmine of opportunity that very few have begun to mine. Three Phases to Email Sensitivity The neurophysiological dynamics of understanding each email message are very complex. From that complexity, three basic phases float to the top that you will want to become familiar with. I like to label these: (1) the association phase, (2) the connection phase, and (3) the reaction phase. Let us look at each of these, and how the writer and reader can assume a more active role. Plain Jane Email Equals Flat Results Years ago, when email was just emerging as the incredible marketing tool it is today, everything was done in plain text. Since not everyone uses the same email program, and not all of them are compatible with the others, messages often ended up looking like nothing but jumbled pieces of nonsense. Besides that, they were boring. Guarantee Recipients Opening Your Emails With These Secrets To Successful Subject Lines! You've done the hardest part; you've captured your prospect's email address. Now it is time to send your email to them. Most webmasters are thinking about what they are going to put in the email; how they are going to persuade the recipient to empty their wallet. This is all very well, but no matter how persuasive your sales letter is, if the email never gets opened, then it is useless. This is why the power of the subject line should never be underestimated. After the 'from' line in an email, the subject line is the next one that gets read. The subject line plays a huge part in whether an email gets read. Everyone is busy, especially more important people and so an email with a poor subject line is likely to be deleted. Here are a few ways to make your subject line extremely effective: Autoresponders, Which Autoresponder Is Right For Your Business? An autoresponder is a software program that automatically sends a prewritten reply to anyone who uses your autoresponder address. It works 24/7 everyday of the year. ![]() |
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