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How To Create Gold With Email Promotions - Part 2
Don't forget people are so busy now they will only give your email a limited amount of their concentration. Therefore you should summarize your offer in the first paragraph. If it's compelling enough it should grab the readers attention and make them want to read further. Put your reader in the picture! How do you do this? Explain how your product will help them to solve a problem. Don't focus too much on how it's helped you, they don't care about you. Use sentences like... Imagine yourself spending less time doing the boring paperwork, and see yourself outside playing with the family in the park. By using ....... you can make more money, while working less hours. Don't continue to do things the old fashioned way, try ....... and you could be down the beach while most other..........are still figuring out what you've done. There are hundreds of ways you can include the prospect in the picture, just get creative and always focus on what they want, not what you want. Use ownership words that allow the reader to feel comfortable when reading the copy. For Example don't say "When you buy this..." instead say "When you own a..." See how this takes the fear out of reading this? People don't want to be sold anything! They do however want to buy or own things! You can also say things like..."When you use the ..... it will help you to...." Instead of saying "By purchasing the.....it will help you to. See the subtle differences? Write things in a way that automatically imply that the reader already owns the product and you are merely pointing out what they have already experienced. What makes your product or service different? Make a list of why your product or service is better than the competitions. This will help you to identify what is actually different and from there you can put the best one into a USP. You're Unique Selling Proposition. It's the thing that sets you apart and makes people want to have what you are offering. Try to think of a great USP for your business! Scott Wilson - Internet Business Coach and Owner of http://www.InternetSalesMentors.com and http://www.TheGoldsInHere.com Download a free ebook at both website's now!
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How Can You Be Sure That Your Marketing Efforts Will Generate Profits? There are several ways to ensure that your adverts are responsive let me outline my top ten response boosting techniques: Its In The List! Thats Where It Is! Have you noticed the marketing frenzy? Have you felt the growing pains? Everyone who has an online business seems to be getting in the marketing fray, making it a busy and very competitive field. If you're one of them, you're probably on a whirlwind ride. Marketers are looking high and low for the most profitable ways to spend their hard earned money to keep their online business in the red. Lesson #3: Capitalize on Your Captures! One of the underlying benefits of smart autoresponders is that you can use your autoresponder for mailing list management. New Realities for E-Mail Marketing Spam e-mail is no longer the mild irritant it once was - it's clogging corporate networks and ISP mail servers and has become a real productivity drain, forcing corporate and consumer e-mail users to spend 20-30 minutes a day dealing with this deluge of junk! According to recent figures, unsolicited bulk e-mail now makes up to 36% of all e-mail, up from under 8% just over a year ago. And, what's worse, more and more legitimate e-mail is not getting through to recipients due to Spam filtering taking place via ISPs and/or corporate networks. How Autoresonders Can Put Your Business On Autopilot Owning your own online business is a lot of work. Don't let anyone tell you that it's not. Newsletter Template: Should You Use Them? There is currently a huge demand online for newsletter templates. In fact, if you are a graphic designer looking for some new work to do, you should really think about creating some newsletter template and selling them on your site! Email Marketing and Web Communication: Ten Key Tips to Get Your Messages Read There's an old saying 'Manners maketh the man (or woman)' and this still applies in the 21st Century, even though everything now seems to happen twice as fast. Ten Tips to Building Your Opt-in List. To build and maintain your opt-in list requires constant attention. Email Autoreponder ? How to Put your Business on Autopilot Answering emails can take up a significant portion of the time you have to do business. Many times the same set of questions are being asked over and over again. Haven't you ever wished that you could have a simple and easy way to respond to your customers automatically? Email autoresponders are the answer! Dont Be Viewed as Rude! All too often otherwise nice folks come off as terse or plain old rude when it comes to their e-mail habits. They don't intentionally set out to be viewed as rude, well I guess some do, but for the most part I prefer to believe the majority do not. Whats on YOUR Subscriber Thank-You Page? The point of all this? By taking extra care with your new signups, you lay the foundation for a long and profitable relationship with your readers. How to Develop the Email Marketing Mindset and Earn Thousands Every Month with Your Lists Any business today, be it online or off needs a solid foundation, without one a business will topple. The Flu and List building Go Hand In Hand! What does the flu have to do with building your list? Email Marketing - The End Is Nigh! Consider if you will the resources, the time and the financial investment given to attracting new web traffic. Banner advertising, link exchanges, search engine ratings, affiliate schemes and the list goes on. Yet when it comes to retaining a customer's future business or even a return visit, we simply hope that they will opt-in to a newsletter mailing list and everything will be okay. Email Marketing Kung Fu Have you ever heard email described as, "the killer Internet Application?" Do you understand why email is the killer app for your business on the Internet, or how to make it that way if it isn't now? Email Marketing 2005?Do?s & Don?ts Email Marketing 2005?Do's & Don'ts Say More Than Thank You Most Websites are gathering e-mail addresses. When you submit your e-mail address, you will be redirected to a thank you page. There is nothing wrong with it, but that page can do more than saying "thank you." Masterful E-mail Marketing There are more than 100 million e-mail users in the United States. Imagine how many of them might need YOUR services or products. Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? (Go ahead... dream big!) Email Communication Gartner estimates that half of the 5.5 trillion emails sent in 2001 was business related. Five of the Most Powerful Elements In Opt-in Marketing Lack of trust is the biggest problem marketers have on the internet, or better yet, the biggest opportunity. ![]() |
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