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Plain Jane Email Equals Flat Results
Years ago, when email was just emerging as the incredible marketing tool it is today, everything was done in plain text. Since not everyone uses the same email program, and not all of them are compatible with the others, messages often ended up looking like nothing but jumbled pieces of nonsense. Besides that, they were boring. Thus, Internet marketers were forced to find a way to spiff up their email messages to make them grab attention. Luckily, HTML was there to provide a solution. Studies show that marketing emails sent in HTML format get much better response rates and far fewer unsubscribes than those sent in plain text. The reasons for this are many, but perhaps the biggest reason can be summed up this way: HTML messages look cooler! The great thing about HTML is that all your recipients will be able to see it. The problem is that you can't always predict just how it will look. Users with older or outdated email programs will likely see the message as text, and some will even see all that ugly HTML coding. Those using newer versions of Outlook or Outlook Express, Eudora, or Netscape Communicator will likely see the HTML as it was intended... at least partially. The only way to ensure that your HTML messages are seen the way you designed them is to format the text/plain and HTML materials separately from one another, and have the appropriate version of the message displayed for the recipient. This way, those who have HTML enabled email programs (which most people do these days) can see your message exactly how you planned. Similarly, even those whose email programs do not allow for HTML will be able to read your message loud and clear. As you know, email is one of the most effective marketing tools available today, but just like anything else, it must be done correctly. A jumbled, unreadable message will only turn would-be customers away, which not only hurts your bottom line, but can damage your credibility. In this day and age, you must ensure that your marketing message is accessible to everyone. You may be surprised to find out that of all the bulk email management programs available, very few allow you to format text and HTML separately, thus making your message universal. One program in particular, called Broadc@st, not only offers this cutting-edge capability, but also provides several list management and marketing tools. For more information on Broadc@st HTML, and how you can download a free, fully-functional 10-day trial, see link below. About The Author Karen Fegarty is a professional marketer working with both MailWorkZ and ezTrackZ. Check out the ezTrackZ ad tracker product at http://www.eztrackz.com. and MailWorkZ's flagship email marketing tool., Broadc@st at http://www.mailworkz.com
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Market Your Business through Newsletters Most business people on the web subscribe to at least one newsletter, if not more, that focus on different aspects and markets they are interested in. Because of this, it is important for your company to also have a newsletter that provides viable, relevant, and current information and that also markets your product or service. You might be a bit intimidated when it comes to writing a newsletter, but really all you need is a couple hours and a few good ideas. This should not be difficult if you are keeping up with the constant changes and improvements in your niche market. You will want to be always one step ahead of the rest of the newsletters in order to maintain and build a larger subscriber base quicker. The Importance of Building a List Out of all the possible approaches to affiliate marketing, lead capture and list building represents the smartest and most effective option. Why Do Marketers Lie in their Emails? Coming as I do from a direct response and direct mail background, I'm familiar with the various copy lines used to encourage people to open envelopes. Does Punctuation Really Matter in Email? So much depends on choosing the correct mark of punctuation at the correct time. Each little period, each hyphen, each dash conveys meaning to the reader. And when the conventions of punctuation are ignored, readers tend to become confused. As I teach every single one of my clients, the point of all business writing is clarity. If a document--whether email, letter, memo, or report--isn't clear, no business is going to get done. Period. Follow Up Letter for Past Customers - Why and How to Write It Following up with your past customers is a proven way to make a lot of extra sales. You can simply write a promotional offer about one of your other products in the form of a follow up letter, and then send it to your customers email list. Choose Your Email Marketing Software Wisely Successful online business can't be led without email marketing. Many people know that it is very important to have a web site but having a web site is only one step in creating successful online presence. You have to stay in touch with your clients and prospects. You need to have a two way communication with your clients and prospects and best way to do this is to have an email newsletter. To send emails to your customer you need the right email marketing software. Successful Email Marketing No doubt email is still the best way to get a quick response from your prospect. Big companies on the web have realized this that they have implemented free email address service on their web site. This free email awareness has even reached Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, and InfoSeek. They knew that being a search engine is not enough that they've even turned into a hotmail web site. We'll recruit your people under you. What is Email Marketing? There are many avenues available for marketing online products. Radios, TV advertisements, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and that big sign on the highway are examples of the traditional marketing approach. Yes, these approaches can work, but then after spending a lot of money it's tough to calculate return on marketing investment. Now these days, there are two effective and low-cost approaches, search engine marketing and Email Marketing. Achieve Success With Your Own Money - Making Newsletter To be successful with a newsletter, you have to specialize and make it your own. Your best bet will be with new information on a subject not already covered by an established newsletter, or at least your interpretation of existing subject matter. Why You Need Run Survey Do you have a list of e-mail addresses of your customers or prospects? Do you have a list of e-zine subscribers? If you have their permission, send them an e-mail survey to conduct market research. See if customers are satisfied with your products or services, or see if they enjoyed their visit at your web site. One of the Best Ways to Cultivate New Business and Save Hours of Time is to Use an Autoresponder An autoresponder gives you the ability to send messages effortlessly for months on end. So if you captured an email address six months ago, your autoresponder can repeatedly contact that person to offer your product or service. Spam! Whats the Real Problem Most people now know the official definition of spam- Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE for short). 3 Essential Tools for Email Marketers Marketing your business with email is an art. The 8 Biggest Newsletter Marketing Mistakes Newsletter publishing has always made a lot of sense. It makes sense for firms to target their advertising dollars to clients and prospects that have expressed interest in their products and services. Dont Use FFAs To Build Your Newsletter Subscriber For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, The initials FFA stand for "FREE For All" and my advice would be don't waste your time! FFA's DON'T WORK! Add Email To Your Marketing Mix If you are serious about adding email to your marketing mix, you should take email seriously enough to develop a plan for it. Too many organizations launch a half-baked email program and then are disappointed when it doesn't live up to expectations. Tips to Bounce-Proof Your Email List Keeping your email lists fresh is critical to the success of your online marketing and e-commerce efforts. In the early days of the Internet, the novelty of web sites and free e-newsletters made acquiring customers online all too easy. With customers signing up in droves to hear your latest offers, there was no need to worry about email address attrition rates or errors during registration. Whats on YOUR Subscriber Thank-You Page? The point of all this? By taking extra care with your new signups, you lay the foundation for a long and profitable relationship with your readers. To Lead or Not to Lead? Working with Leads or Opt-In Clients can be very confusing at times, Some people will tell you that Leads are not a good source of advertising while others will say that you can not get much better ways of Advertising.. Email Autoreponder ? How to Put your Business on Autopilot Answering emails can take up a significant portion of the time you have to do business. Many times the same set of questions are being asked over and over again. Haven't you ever wished that you could have a simple and easy way to respond to your customers automatically? Email autoresponders are the answer! ![]() |
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