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Taking Care of Busines... E-mail
In this digital day and age, communicating through email is getting more and more important. This is of course also true for customer service and help desks. Looking at the incoming stream of calls I see a growing trend of email communication. Most companies have a protocol for handling telephone calls, but taking care of business email is clearly underestimated. I have assembled 12 valuable tips you can use directly to improve how you or your company is handling email. 1. Keep your customer in mind: As with everything you do, keep your customer firmly in mind: Is this info appreciated? Is the tone of voice appropriate for this customer? Could the customer be offended? It is best to place yourself in front of the customer, as if you are face-to-face, talking to each other. Choose your words wisely. Format your email professionally. 2. Canalize your business email streams: Customers are emailing you for many different reasons; they may have a sales question, or just wants some info, or have a complaint. By creating different mailboxes for the different streams customers can help you by selecting the most appropriate mailbox for their request. And they will do it, if you tell them that it will speed up the process (for them). 3. React quickly (within 8 hours): Email is a fast medium. Customers expect a quick reaction when they use email. Same day response is the ABSOLUTE minimum, but to make a good impression you should make every effort to react within 8 hours. All the time. No exceptions. 4. Use auto responders: Don't make customers guess whether the email they sent has arrived at your company. Make use of auto responder technology to send a confirmation immediately. 5. Choose your subject wisely: Customers are getting lots of email every day. They scan the subject field and from field to see what's of interest. So make sure your subject line attracts the customer, and doesn't look like a load of SPAM. So, do not use ALL CAPS or overuse exclamation points!!!! 6. Proper salutation: Think of your customer: would he rather be greeted with "Hi Erwin!" or "Dear Mr. Steneker"? Don't fall in the trap of the fact that email feels informal. Choose a salutation that fits your customer. 7. Spell the customer's name correctly: OK, I know this is an open door, but so many folks don't take the time and effort to properly spell the name of the customer. And a misspelling puts down customers FAST. Think how you feel when your name is spelled incorrectly. 8. Introduce yourself: Remember tip #1? You have to put yourself in front of the customer. So what is the first thing you do when you meet a customer? You introduce yourself! Don't let your customer guess who he is "talking" to. 9. Format your email: Email is mostly read on screen, so format your email accordingly. Use short sentences and plenty of white space. Also make sure that your text lines are a maximum of 60 characters wide, otherwise they may strangely be truncated, with one or two words flowing over to the next line. 10. Emails and Emotions: Emails are notoriously bad for conveying emotions. If you feel it is appropriate for your customer, you can make use of so-called emoticons. Emoticons are combinations of letters and punctuations that are designed to show emotions. Here are some examples (Note that you have to tilt your head left to see it): :-) Smile :-P Extending tongue :-( Sad :'-( Crying :-D Big smile ;-) Wink 8-) Cool * |
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Follow Up Letter for Past Customers - Why and How to Write It Following up with your past customers is a proven way to make a lot of extra sales. You can simply write a promotional offer about one of your other products in the form of a follow up letter, and then send it to your customers email list. How Opt-in Email Marketing Helps You In Your Online Business The consumer of today is increasingly bombarded by marketing messages from various media channels. For those that tire of the constant onslaught of ads, they have the option to "opt-out". They may choose not to open up your email ads or simply "mute" their remote control so that they don't listen to your audio message. Website Promotion Through Newsletters Website promotion is certainly a main focus of all business owners and their respective Web sites; however it is not something that happens overnight. This is because once you have a new Web site it takes a bit of time before search engines upload your URL and it becomes part of search results. Also, while your Web page might be returned in the results of free search engines, it will still not relate to the amount of traffic you want. As a result, there is one particular way to increase traffic to your Web site that is inexpensive, and that is web site promotion through newsletters. Viral Marketing - Your Key to Gaining New Clients Email newsletters are an excellent means of promoting the products and services offered on your Website. Adding two simple tools to your newsletter can dramatically increase your readership. Learn The Five Key Steps To Getting Free Publicity For Your Internet Site and Products 1) Website Focus Proven Techniques For Building A Responsive List We've all heard those who have Internet business-success stories proclaim, "Nothing will make you as much money as building a responsive list!" The trouble is, most people won't let you in on their secrets for building these goldmines. In reality, it isn't all that hard to do. Make Your E-mail Signature File WORK for You You're probably familiar with e-mail signature (or "sig") files -- they're the few lines of contact information that many of us put at the bottom of every e-mail we send. Most e-mail software programs allow you to create and use sig files -- even AOL. An Aspirin or an Autoresponder! Tired of silly old email enquiries? Say hello to autoresponders! How To Use Email Autoresponders to Boost Customer Loyalty Your e-commerce website relies on its customers to become returning customers in order to develop a successful business. The question you might be wondering, however, is how to make your customers become loyal to you and return. There are plenty of ways you can increase customer loyalty, and the use of email autoresponders is but one. Paradigm Shift for the New World In the business world, the primary focus is on selling products and generating sustainable and profitable income. In any organization, the results are dependent on the activity of the organization sales, the quality of the product and service as well as the approach to advertising and marketing. The competition is fierce and every avenue to promote and sell must be maximized. Autoresponders, Which Autoresponder Is Right For Your Business? An autoresponder is a software program that automatically sends a prewritten reply to anyone who uses your autoresponder address. It works 24/7 everyday of the year. The Key (Board) to Success: Effective Emailing Email is THE medium of communication for business transactions. Unfortunately, people don't treat email with the same care as face to face interactions. It's almost as if we're so complacent with the speed of email that our ability to use it in an effective manner diminishes with every message. Ten Tips to Building Your Opt-in List. To build and maintain your opt-in list requires constant attention. To Personalize Or Not To...That is the Question If you are really interested in conducting a successful, effective email campaign, you need to personalize your messages. Youve Got Mail It seems that Google is revolutionizing the Net in more than one way. Recently they announced that they will be offering a free email service called Gmail. It will offer its users 1GB of memory space. Now that is a lot of space for anybody to have. Email Marketing - The End Is Nigh! Consider if you will the resources, the time and the financial investment given to attracting new web traffic. Banner advertising, link exchanges, search engine ratings, affiliate schemes and the list goes on. Yet when it comes to retaining a customer's future business or even a return visit, we simply hope that they will opt-in to a newsletter mailing list and everything will be okay. Converting More Free Downloads to Paid Customers Do you give web site visitors the opportunity to download a free trial of your product or service with the intention that they will come back and purchase? How are you following up with these visitors? Asking them to fill out a form and immediately giving them the download on the next page is not the best way to generate a quality opt-in list. Collecting accurate opt-in information from these visitors is essential to follow up education and making the sale. The Magic Of Email These days email is taken for granted and used perhaps without fully appreciating its power. Could This Be The End of Sp^am? The war on sp^am has so far been waged on two fronts: legislation to make sp^am illegal and filters that prevent sp^am reaching its destination. How To Build Your Greatest Opt-In List I get e-mails all the time from people on my list asking about how to build their lists. This is the most important part of your business. The more subscribers you have, the more joint venture offers you'll get, the more money you'll make, and the more people you'll connect with. The best tip I have on this is at: http://www.nmmastery.com/freereports/fastestlist.shtml ![]() |
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