Proven Techniques For Building A Responsive List

We've all heard those who have Internet business-success stories proclaim, "Nothing will make you as much money as building a responsive list!" The trouble is, most people won't let you in on their secrets for building these goldmines. In reality, it isn't all that hard to do.

I'll be the first to break the silence. Below you'll find the proven techniques you need for building a responsive list. In step-by-step format, you'll see exactly what actions to take - and in which order - to develop a subscriber base you can generate revenue from for years to come!

STEP ONE - Find Out What Your Subscribers Want

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when trying to build a list is to not understand their subscribers. Once you've decided what topic your newsletter will revolve around, take time to interact with your prospective subscribers.

Ask them what they want to read about. Find out where they are struggling. Research their needs diligently. This is the only way you'll be sure to provide what your subscribers really want.

One great idea is to use to conduct a survey. Ask several questions in order to find out as much as you can about your subscribers (or future subscribers). These questions might include:

1) Are you male or female?

2) What is your occupation?

3) How long have you [been in business, owned a pet, designed stained glass windows, or whatever relates to the topic of your ezine]?

4) What are the three areas you struggle most with in regard to [the topic of your ezine]?

5) What information have you been searching for, but been unable to find?

6) What article topics would you like to see in [name of your ezine]?

And any others you can think of.

STEP TWO - Have Something Of Value To Offer

Once you've gotten the information you need from your subscribers, don't waste it! Use the information to offer something of value.

Did you find from your survey that most of your subscribers are professional women with children who are interested in timesaving tips? Then give them tips! Not worn out, everyday, ordinary tips. Take the time to create or research innovative tips designed specifically to help professional women with children live more productive and stress-free lives.

If you deliver a newsletter that's disappointing in the eyes of your readers, you'll soon find your subscriber base will dwindle down to nothing, so go all out!

STEP THREE - Promote, Promote, Promote!

Yes, you'll want to put subscription boxes throughout your own website to drive subscribers to your list. But don't stop there. There are virtually TONS of ezine directories and ezine announcement lists online that can dramatically increase your number of subscribers.

Here's a short list. You can quickly search any search engine to find more ezine directories.

STEP FOUR - Be A Dependable Resource

Word of mouth spreads quickly about newsletters and ezines that actually offer solid, dependable content and resources. Make sure you are one of them!

With each issue, take time to do your best work yet. Offer original articles or new reprints (not articles that are months old) plus resources that you have checked out yourself and approve of. Your subscribers will soon develop a sense of trust and loyalty and will repay you for your time by buying from you.

A FINAL WORD OF CAUTION: DON'T endorse every new ebook, software product, or affiliate program that comes down the pike. Be selective. Remember, once your subscribers realize what an honest and true publisher you are, they'll gladly trust your opinions, purchase those products you selectively recommend, and refer your ezine to others they know.

Copyright 2005 Diane Hughe

Diane C. Hughes *

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