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How To Create Gold With Email Promotions - Part 1
First make sure that the people you are sending your offer to are actually interested in what you are offering. Often people contact me and ask me to promote their product to my list. If it isn't congruent with the products I have then I never cross the line and promote them to my list. People give you their details trusting you to let them know when something good becomes available. Don't blow it by talking about something they're clearly not interested in. Personalize every email you send out, especially in the Subject Heading. If there is something we are attracted to its ourselves. When we hear or see our own name we always give it a higher priority. In this time of rampant spamming and internet jokes doing the rounds we are now conscious of how much time is wasted with this amazing so called time saving technology. You want to maximize the chances of your email being read so keep it personal. Everything you do in marketing has to showcase the benefits to the reader. Too many times people send out an offer without having the benefits to the customer emphasized in the headline. People only ever care about how something is going to help them either make their life less painful or make it more pleasurable. Having a benefit to the customer in the headline can do this for you. Think about your product or service from your customer's perspective. What are the benefits that are going to interest them? Is your product or service going to save them time and or money? How is it going to improve their lives? Write headlines that showcase emphasize these benefits. Try to use power words in the headline! One of the most powerful words you can have in the headline is You. Don't forget people are so busy now they will only give your email a limited amount of their concentration. Therefore you should summarize your offer in the first paragraph. If it's compelling enough it should grab the reader's attention and make them want to read further. To Be Continued! Scott Wilson - Internet Business Opportunity Creator and Internet Business Coach. Owner of http://www.InternetSalesMentors.com and http://www.TheGoldsInHere.com
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Autoresponders = Automatic Internet Marketing Success What if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email or answering a phone? While this may seem impossible, it is becoming more and more popular among the most successful Internet marketing gurus. This is all due to what is called an autoresponder. An autoresponder is an automatic method of responding to emails sent by existing or potential customers and is an must for any Internet business. Time is money and answering emails personally take a lot of valuable time for both you and the customer. Not only do autorespnders allow you to spend the time elsewhere in your business, but it gives the customer access to the information almost immediately. Converting More Free Downloads to Paid Customers Do you give web site visitors the opportunity to download a free trial of your product or service with the intention that they will come back and purchase? How are you following up with these visitors? Asking them to fill out a form and immediately giving them the download on the next page is not the best way to generate a quality opt-in list. Collecting accurate opt-in information from these visitors is essential to follow up education and making the sale. E-Marketing Deliverability Issues Does it seem to you that when you view "openings" within your statistics, that fewer recipients seem to be opening your campaigns?... Writing Newsletters Online: How to Get it Right A strange thing has been happening to newsletters online. DoubleClicks Q3 2004 Report Shows Bulk Email Marketing Eficiency Increase Internet marketing company DoubleClick published its final report over the bulk email marketing evolution this year. The figures show year-over-year increase in delivery rates (cleaner emailing lists), and a decrease in open rates and click-through rates. The variations are light, proving a steady and maturing environment. DoubleClick's metrics Persistence, Patience, Dedication - The Nick Martin Interview Name: Nicholas John Martin aka Nick Martin Should You Publish a PAID E-zine? Many of my clients ask me whether they should publish a paid e-zine instead of a free one. My answer is the classic consultant's answer: "It depends." 10 Ways to SCREW-UP Your LIST Just in case you don't know, your 'LIST' ? is you list of optin subscribers who have taken the time and effort to personally subscribe to your newsletter or ezine???.. Build or Buy--Should You Build Your Own Opt-in Email List? The easiest way to acquire an email list for your ezine or email marketing is just to buy one. They're not too expensive, and they provide you with a long list of names and email addresses. What is Email Marketing? There are many avenues available for marketing online products. Radios, TV advertisements, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and that big sign on the highway are examples of the traditional marketing approach. Yes, these approaches can work, but then after spending a lot of money it's tough to calculate return on marketing investment. Now these days, there are two effective and low-cost approaches, search engine marketing and Email Marketing. E-mail Whitelist Etiquette A big-time dilemma is brewing online. In an understandable attempt to bypass all that annoying spam, e-mails that onliners want to receive are getting lost in the shuffle. Newsletter subscription requests are not being completed and important e-mails are not getting to their intended parties. 10 Ways To Quadruple Your Sales with 232% 1. When you make your first sale, you need to follow-up with the customer. You could follow-up with a nice "thank you" email and include an advertisement for any other products you sell. I advise to follow-up every few months or weeks even! Automatic Responder - The Secret of Super Affiliates Success Congratulations, you just made a sale! Successful Email Marketing No doubt email is still the best way to get a quick response from your prospect. Big companies on the web have realized this that they have implemented free email address service on their web site. This free email awareness has even reached Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, and InfoSeek. They knew that being a search engine is not enough that they've even turned into a hotmail web site. We'll recruit your people under you. How to Structure an Email Follow Up Series Marketers the world over use follow up autoresponders to Taking Care of Busines... E-mail In this digital day and age, communicating through email is getting more and more important. This is of course also true for customer service and help desks. Follow Up Letter for Past Customers - Why and How to Write It Following up with your past customers is a proven way to make a lot of extra sales. You can simply write a promotional offer about one of your other products in the form of a follow up letter, and then send it to your customers email list. Why Autoresponders Are An Essential Tool For Your Business Did you know that one of the major purposes of a website is to capture visitor information and create an effective prospect list? Using Internet Direct Mail To Increase Your Company?s Profits "I want to sell my company's products on the Web, but how do I get potential clients to visit my site," a client asked recently. The answer is a strategy that has proven extremely effective for many different businesses?Internet Direct Mail. Web Advertising: How To Increase Traffic By Offering A Free Course One web advertising strategy that can help you become popular and improve your credibility is to offer a free course in any appealing subject of your choice. ![]() |
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